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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. I buy water from the vending machines, 3 baht for 2 litres. Then I boil it. I've been drinking that for ten years without a problem.

    To the OP - get a laboratory to test for Total Dissolved Solids, Suspended Solids and heavy metals.

    If the TDS is under 500 mg/L, it is fit for human consumption. Suspended Solids > 2 mg/L, you need a filter. Any detectible heavy metals - lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury - forget about it. Ditto any odor.

    Cheapest option is buy a kettle, and boil it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    OK Boss, well let me know when you can Catscan and genetically sequence the climate and then we could perhaps even think of giving credit to that analogy. At least with The Chinese Flu you can blame something else other than the air or the last hysterical fit you threw when you triple bogeyed a par 3 in front of an audience for keeping you off the links.

    Lose my rag on the golf course? Moi? Although one of my now deceased golfing friends did state I had the personality of a taipan when there.

    You're calling it the Chinese flu, bad boy. How do you know I didn't introduce it there at the behest of the CIA? After all, Trump is trying to win a trade war.

    If you don't think man is changing the climate, come up to Chiang Rai and breathe some air. Sorry, I forgot - we can't move due to coronavirus fallout - anywhere.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Cashless society has been planned for at least five years, RB Australia was doing information sessions and modelling on it at least 5 years ago, phasin out of cheque books being the first part, it will be phased in over time.




    I wrote my last cheque in 2014.

    The only use I have for cash in Australia now is bringing it back to Thailand to exchange for baht. A debit card is all I ever use there for day-to-day stuff.

  4. 3 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

    Ditto - over 60 and have had a great run.  Also doing the golf and regular activity - and taking vitamins and drinking lots of fluids.  Take precautions is my advice - but there is no need to panic.  They will slow it down and they will get a vaccine and they will deal wityh it. They went too hard too early IMO - but that is done - now is the time to wait and see - and relax a bit.   

    Over 60? You're just a young fella. 77 in May.

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    If that's the reasoning behind it,the logic is flawed. The higher your your wealth, the imore likely you are to save any additional sum. The real rationale behind this is purely electoral.

    I'm not arguing the logic is valid, just saying what I think it is.

    Not sure i can agree the rationale is electoral, there are more poor people than rich, and they have votes. Although I suppose in America voter turnout is another factor.

  6. 6 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    I like the obscenely bloated adjectives. Very nice. Hmmmmmmm Lets use it in a sentence!




    So Doc, hows my ticker?

    Well, Yezh, you are pretty healthy for a guy that is obscenely bloated. Do they put a trough in front of you?

    I continue to live in hope for the day when you will, in a moment of mental aberration, answer a question of mine.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, ukrules said:

    I'd give it another couple of months before making a judgement on that.

    According to the latest news from there ( yes, I know false data is possible, if not probable ) they have had their first day where no new cases have been recorded/diagnosed.

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