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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 1 minute ago, hotchilli said:

    Yeah right, until you live here and see the persecution first hand!

    Land of smiles and tolerance but you'l hardly ever see a transgender in a normal work position or similar because when it's confirmed at the interview the application goes into the bin!

    That is simply not true. I am astounded at the amount of LB's in banks, 7/11s, shopping malls and the rest.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    That's not what they said.


    That is what I am asking to be proven.

    I agree, prove it but I doubt it will happen. To be honest I dont really agree with you on this one, unusually, and I am all for equality but that is hardly the case when you limit play to one gender. Same could be said for football, F1 and all the rest. I think separating gender is discriminatory and sexist. This is not about male superiority, we are all equal, but we are not the same and the two get confused.

  3. 21 minutes ago, lanista said:

    The only reason the Williams sisters dominate (womens)  tennis is because they only play against other women or teenage  girls.

    Women never play against men, if they did they would never get enough points to get into even a minor satellite tournament.

    The  ATP top ten women players  would be thrashed by men 700, 800th even 1000th on the tour.

    Women athletes are grossly overrated.

    The ancient Greeks would laugh their heads off.

    This is the truth of it. Equal pay?  no problem play the men, 5 sets.  This pc nonsense goes on and on in the US these days.  'Standing up for womens rights' by whining after losing?   do me a favour.

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  4. 6 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    I like to try cheese from local producers too but it's a bit unfair to call all supermarket cheese inferior and mass produced. They go through very similar production processes and maturation. Tesco finest Stilton is delicious and Lidl has some nice cheeses too. 


    I would bring back some Stinking Bishop but I don't want to stink out the plane. I don't think a day out of the fridge is going to do some shrink-wrapped cheddar any harm.


    It would be good to hear a review by someone who has actually tried some of those Lays crisps though. I tried the baked cheese and tomato ones and they were ok but way too salty. Tasted a bit like a very cheap microwave pizza.


    Dude... with respect, this is not rocket science. Try the different ones when you are here and choose!  as for cheese we have demonstrated that you can buy it here, at high quality in many places, at a little extra costs than UK.  If you want to save your 20 quid (900 THB) then bring it over with ice packs and all!  happy munching as I too am a cheesy addict  lol  

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