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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 45 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Can't speak for Pattaya but I can for Phuket. While I agree there has, for many years been a Russian community living here, since the war broke out and certainly within the last few months there's been an explosion of both Russian tourists and long term stayers. Many with young families, International schools are brimming with Russian students. Just a few hundred meters away from me a large villa has, in the last few weeks been converted into a kindergarden for Russian children, no website, no facebook page, just an instagram page. Its already got at least 30 kids enrolled.


    For those with kids visa's are easy, the students get an ed visa and the parents get a guardianship visa. Good for many years as long as the kids stay enrolled. Those without kids, well the normal ed visa's, elite visa, multiple entry etc. Most I've met are well off enough and aside from buying real estate here they are also then sub letting to other Russians.

    and when they return home to Russia?  you are making it up - Russia will put them on a wanted list, black list the passports etc. I agree Russians are coming on holiday and some might stay illegally but they have a ton of problems ahead. What you dont understand is most support the war within Russia - whether they are right or wrong that's a fact. The war will end one day, thank goodness, but if they ever go home they have a big problem.

    • Confused 6
  2. 12 hours ago, keysersoze276 said:

    I guess I am a Cheap Charlie. I almost never buy “lady drinks”. If I do, it has to be a beer. Not some super cheap watered down tequila for double or triple price. And if you do, you will get pestered for another and another, a round for her and a few “friends”, the mamasan expects one. There goes your bankroll!  I’d rather be a Cheap Charlie than having the entire vibe ruined with everyone tapping on my shoulder like beggars holding out a tin cup. 


    It's not all about you. If a girl is having hard times it's nice to buy her a drink or give her 100 tip - you know that odd word 'compassion'?  aside from that I normally only buy drinks for girls that I want to keep me company - think of it as renting their time on the bar stool - they are there working for their family.

    Certainly if I want to bar fine she gets a few drinks.

  3. On 3/11/2023 at 9:56 PM, RickR said:

    Good post and reassures that wais can be given in a group setting at certain situations.

    Nope - either you get it or you don't. Most Wais, to you, deserve a smile back - especially in restaurants etc. You give a Wai to an older person or to someone of equal circumstances. I cringe when I se farang Wai-ing waiters etc.

  4. 1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

    Actually I disagree. I find Lineker a bit smarmy (and not because of what I know about his views and his private life). I find Wright to be almost childish in his analysis and Shearer is a failed manager, very repetitive and full of the usual football cliches.


    Personally I am not surprised the viewing figures went up when they threw their toys out of the pram. It seems I'm not the only one who finds their spiel irritating. 

    I heard viewing figures up 500,000 - Brits always find a way of making our voices heard amid the woke noise. If I was back in Uk I'd have done the same - put on MOTD to show support without overpaid Lineker.

    • Thanks 1
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