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Posts posted by androokery

  1. A friend of mine didn’t believe that eggs would explode in the microwave. So he put it to the test.  In an extreme way. The egg was wrapped in scotch tape and put in a plastic container, which was also wrapped in tape. The container was put into a microwave at his place of work and nuked for 10 minutes on full effect. Nothing happened so he set the machine for another 15 minutes and returned to his computer to work. After a few minutes a loud bang was heard from the kitchen. The door of the microwave had been blown off its hinges and slammed against the wall opposite, leaving deep marks. The inside of the microwave was covered in black goo. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    No, it's actually completely different to to arguing not to wear a seatbelt, because there are MASSIVE, AMPLE and CLEAR studies which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that wearing a seatbelt dramatically reduces the risk of injury in case of a crash.


    However, with masks, you see, the evidence says there is no benefit at all. 


    Do you see the difference here?

    And I don’t really believe this is your stance on the issue. If you were trapped in an elevator/lift with people diagnosed with COVID-19, would you really prefer them not to wear face masks? I doubt it.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    No, it's actually completely different to to arguing not to wear a seatbelt, because there are MASSIVE, AMPLE and CLEAR studies which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that wearing a seatbelt dramatically reduces the risk of injury in case of a crash.


    However, with masks, you see, the evidence says there is no benefit at all. 


    Do you see the difference here?

    I’m still not any wiser about your goal. 

  4. It’s no longer a question of whether the country should open for tourism or not. It’s already open. You “just” need to spend THB 500K on an Elite Card, enjoy 15 nights in quarantine and get USD 100K COVID-19 specific insurance. And prepay for everything you book without any guarantees of being able to fly or getting a visa. 

    The bigger question now is how to ramp up slowly. Limiting the areas available for tourism to Samui, Phuket and Phi Phi is one way - although only one of those destinations allows direct international flights afaik. 

    They could ramp up by shortening the quarantine period. Less safe than the current two weeks, but better than nothing and would probably attract at least a few more tourists. Not the flood-gates-opening-numbers, but a welcome trickle. 

    And I wish there was a booth or a kiosk at the airport where I could buy local COVID-19 insurance (even better if I could do it online before travelling). If you insist on me having it, why don’t you sell it?

  5. 15 hours ago, n00dle said:

    I understan anti vax, now why do you add the "free ride"?

    I think it's because of the different types of anti-vaxers. 

    Type 1 say vaccines are dangerous for you and no one should be vaccinated.
    Type 2 say they will not personally be vaccinated but they want everyone around them to be vaccinated so they'll be protected by the herd's immunity.

    The free-riders would be of type 2.  

  6. My impression is that the majority of the businesses in Nana gogo bars, as well as the establishments in soi Cowboy and on Bangla road, rely more on tourists wanting to visit the supposedly sexy dirty night scene than they actually rely on prostitution.  These places are an obvious draw for tourism and generate a lot of income. Letting them all die would probably be a mistake, even in the bigger scheme of things. And I haven’t even touched on the financial consequences of the greatest moneymakers In these bars being without an income. They’re like mini-factories for their families and home villages.

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  7. 40 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Yes you are right

    when the reopening to tourists happens in the end of the year it should be only for few selected countries with 0 or very fews cases and under control, at the moment

    most of the western countries are not on the list of the famous ''bubbles''



    I can see the need for this kind of message from the people in charge, it carries a sense of responsibility, a semblance of care. But I’m struggling with the logic of it. 

    This sort of follows the logic of fidelity in relationships. How do you make sure that your partner does not cheat on you? Your partner would have to be locked up, deprived of any other human contact. 

    The same applies for the idea behind travel bubbles.

    If Norway was a travel bubble partner for some country, they may be looked upon favourably for their continued closed borders with Sweden, which has a high number of COVID-19 infections. But Norway just introduced a tiny exception, where they’re saying Norwegians CAN visit the Swedish island of Gotland, where there are very few infected individuals. But Gotland isn’t closed off to the rest of Sweden, there’s every chance a Norwegian can meet someone from Stockholm there. I don’t mean to say that Norway is a likely travel bubble opposite for Thailand, but the same thing that is true for Norway is probably true for most other countries too. It’s easy to imagine Thailand having some similar deal with a neighbouring country, or with China. 

    There is also talk about travel bubbles just between cities. How would that be enforced? There are very few cities where you can guarantee people haven’t travelled from outside the city to get on a flight. And when we add the complexity of flights into this bubble idea it gets even more obvious that it’s not a realistic idea. 

    The reality is probably that most countries need to open up before there is a vaccine. We don’t KNOW there will be a working vaccine. The obvious country that can remain closed is probably North Korea. Most other countries need to weigh the risk of another wave of infections against the cost of having closed borders. And you won’t get the numbers of tourists you need to bolster the economy if you limit the ability of the airlines to fill their flights. 

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  8. On 5/30/2020 at 2:05 PM, ChouDoufu said:

    you might check out this one i done found on the googles:


    i plugged in citizen of china, travel to thailand, age 50, $100k coverage, $1k deductible.  july 01-14.  cost  $36-42 depending on plan.  it looks like covid19 is treated like any other illness, subject to pre-existing conditions and who/cdc travel warnings.  would have to contact an agent to confirm that.


    Safe Travels International is for Non US Citizens and Non US Residents while traveling outside their Home Country, but not visiting the United States. It can provide coverage for you, your spouse/domestic partner/traveling companion and dependent children/grandchildren. This plan does not cover USA.





    i'm thinking the problem we're having is folks are looking at travel insurance and being told about covid19 exclusions, but those limitations may be on trip cancellation benefits rather than health coverage.

    I read the limitations and it says:

    We will not pay for any Accidental Death, Dismemberment or Paralysis loss or Injury that is caused by, or results from: /.../
    5. disease or bacterial infection except for any bacterial infection resulting from an accidental external cut or wound or accidental ingestion of contaminated food."

    Are you sure this insurance would cover the costs of a hospital stay caused by contracting Covid19 "the normal way"? Maybe it's the usual story: tourists and expats must have an insurance policy, but it will never pay out. 


  9. 37 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    received this when i contacted an agent.  thai girlfriend wants to go home this summer....


    The plans that cover covid-19 are the safe travels plans.  Note that you must pre-certify in the case of covid-19 coverage (that is, you call the insurance company first before seeking testing or treatment).

    Safe Travels Outbound Cost Saver will cost $101 and Safe Travels Outbound will cost $118 for three months coverage with same $500,000 maximum and $250 deductible.

    To purchase the Safe Travels Outbound Cost Saver plan, use the link below:

    To purchase the Safe Travels Outbound plan, use the link below:



    there were a few other carriers with travel health insurance for shorter terms that would cover covid19.  two to four weeks cover (with other coverages for tourism included) was around $50. 

    I take it this is only available for US citizens?

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