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Mike Teavee

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Posts posted by Mike Teavee

  1. On 7/22/2024 at 2:42 PM, retarius said:

    You can go to Liverpool and get it the same day, actually within 4 hours of submitting it. Cost a few years ago was 110 pounds/ 

    I'm not sure you can do that anymore, I believe you can do all of the processing same day but cannot pick it up the same day & they mail it out to you.


    I've just done mine via Thai Visa Express in Pattaya & it took less than 3 weeks to get a new Passport with the visa/re-entry stamps transferred, cost was 12,000B for a "Jumbo" passport + 1,000B for the transfers.

  2. 1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:

    I dont arrive until late aug. 

    I anticipate what happens is that I carry that piece of paper around every time I come and go, and I get a 180 day permission of stay inked in.. Thats sort of the same process for multiple entry tourist visas issued via evisa 

    TBH I'm not familiar with eVisas but with the Elite (& LTR I believe) you let them know when you're arriving & they arrange to have a 5 year (or up to the date your passport expires) Visa sticker affixed to your passport.


    If they haven't mentioned anything to you about needing to do that then I'd guess you are correct & you just need to carry that piece of paper with you for the next 5 years but it would be interesting to see what happens when you turn up & your Passport doesn't match the number on the eVisa... Feels like you would also need to carry your old passport with you until the Visa expires. 

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  3. 26 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    Yes DTV and I was the poster who uploaded the DTV to the forum in another thread.


    Found it 



    So you have an eVisa but haven't used it to enter Thailand yet.


    What happens when you do use it to enter Thailand?  Do you carry on using that piece of paper or will they put a Visa Sticker/Stamp in your Passport?  If it's the latter then I would expect this to be valid until the end of your passport, but when you get a new passport they'll put a new Visa Stamp into your passport valid until the end of the 5 year DTV as happens with the Elite Visas.


  4. 8 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    No my passport expires in 26 and my visa runs to 29

    I take it you're on a DTV as I'm sure I've read with Elite you only get a Visa up until your passport expiry date.. Can you post a redacted pick of it. 


    I'll be honest that doesn't make sense to me as Visas are tied to Passport numbers, do you have an actual visa sticker in your passport or an eVisa piece of paper?


  5. 36 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    You are missing quite a lot in allowances

    Even if not a pensioner 

    a better site is https://www.uobam.co.th/en/tax-calculation

    but even then it can’t account for the Thai OAP allowance nor received pension allowance or foreign tax paid

    Thanks, I note that the UOB site comes back with 84,600 on 84K (1,008,000 THB pa) as it gives everybody a 100K "Expenses" Allowance but I'm not sure what the criteria is for being able to claim this is. I know it's available for employment & pension income but I don't know if you could claim it if you were living on Rental/Dividend income. 


    However, in my mind I was thinking of somebody with the bare minimum allowances remitting pension already taxed in the UK so I should have also included this 100K allowance alongside the 60K personal allowance. 



  6. 51 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

    Really?  Paying THB 1K a year is going to have people going elsewhere?




    TBH I'm unsure of my maths now as I used this site https://ata-outsourcing.com/calculate-your-personal-income-tax/ which says that if you have an income of 84,000 pm you'll pay 6,900 THB tax which comes out at 82,800 


    But if I do it myself using the published tax bands then I come up with 

    • 60K @ 0% = 0 (Personal Allowance)
    • 150K @ 0% = 0
    • 150K @5% = 7,500
    • 200K @ 10% = 20,000 
    • 250K @ 15% =  37,500
    • 190K @ 20% = 38,000

    ... Total of 103,000 THB  - So it might be you owe 21K pa if you've already paid UK Tax on the 1Million remitted. 


    Obviously if you have additional allowances (e.g. Wife, Kids, >65, Health Insurance etc...) then the number comes down. 

    • Like 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, JDMCanuck said:

    Assuming is never good but I assume they will likely handle expired passports with the DTV still having a couple years left in them, the same as other visas? Can someone enlighten me on that procedure? Im only hesitant to apply for the DTV as my passport expires in 2 years. Thank you so much.

    Using the Elite visa as an example, you need at least 12 months left on your passport to apply & they will grant you the visa up to the expiry date of your passport.


    With the Elite Visa you then go back with your new passport & get the remaining 3 years so I would imagine it would be the same with DTVs.


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  8. 2 hours ago, retarius said:

    They should be happy enough with the hundred plus thousand dollars I spend here every year.

    If you've got the income coming in to match that spend (a min of $80,000 pa or $40,000 pa if you're willing to invest £250,000) then you should look into the LTR Visa which will exempt you from tax on any money you remit to Thailand. 


    Should have no problems keeping your Thai Bank Account & Driving License if you do decide to be resident for <180 days pa. 


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  9. 15 minutes ago, anrcaccount said:

    You're right. They're not. But the source has misinformed, by saying that they are. 


    The source is being deceptive, using people's lack of knowledge to create fear to help them sell accounting services. 


    For anybody who fancies a nice light read (!!!) I've just stumbled across TRD's CRS document... 




  10. 1 hour ago, anrcaccount said:


    This is another problem with the source cited by Mike, that source Expat Tax states explicitly that these transactions ARE reported via CRS to the revenue department.


    The source is not correct, do you agree?

    I had a look through the CRS XML Schema (https://web-archive.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-reporting-standard/schema-and-user-guide/index.htm) and as far as I could see it only reports closing balances (might be end of day, week, month but at least once per year) so I don't believe ATM or Credit Card transactions are reported (at least that way).


    Edit: I don't seem to be able to download the CRS XML Schema at the moment & not sure if I still have it on my old Laptop but the overview seems to be saying it's an annual exchange of information... 

    The Common Reporting Standard (CRS)

    The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) was developed in response to the G20 request and approved by the OECD Council on 15 July 2014. Based on a comprehensive review of the CRS, a number of amendments were adopted in 2023.


    The CRS calls on jurisdictions to obtain information from their financial institutions and automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis. It sets out the financial account information to be exchanged, the financial institutions required to report, the different types of accounts and taxpayers covered, as well as common due diligence procedures to be followed by financial institutions.


    The CRS was designed with a broad scope in terms of the financial information to be reported, the Account Holders subject to reporting and the Financial Institutions required to report, in order to limit the opportunities for taxpayers to circumvent reporting. It also requires that jurisdictions, as part of their effective implementation of the CRS, put in place anti-abuse rules to prevent any practices intended to circumvent the reporting and due diligence procedures.


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  11. 4 hours ago, JohnnyBD said:

    I agree, a CC is totally different than drawing money directly out of your bank account with a debit card. Technically, it's drawing on an established line of credit, and can be paid back over time. In my opinion, it's a loan, not income. What if I borrowed $100k against my home or my stocks, and remitted, would it be income or a loan? Assessable or not? I would guess not, but what do I know. Lots of unknowns right now.

    We had a debate on this in the main tax thread and there are 2 schools of thought, 1 is that Credit Card spends are short term "Loans" & the other is that it's essentially you getting  the bank to pay for something on your behalf so it's still remitted income. 


    The UK (only country I'm familiar with that taxes on a remittance basis) treats credit card usage as remitted income if you use an overseas credit card & use money in an overseas bank account to pay it off.


    Credit card issued by an overseas bank or other financial institution

    Where an overseas credit card is used in the UK, the cardholder is effectively authorising the credit card company to pay the bill for the goods or service in just the same way as if they had instructed the bank to make a payment directly to the person supplying the goods or services.


    The terms of credit card agreements may differ as to the moment of ‘indebtedness’ between the cardholder and the credit card company. However the use of the credit card to pay for goods used or received in the UK, or services provided in the UK by, to or for the benefit of a relevant person will create a ‘relevant debt’.


    The use of the individual’s untaxed foreign income or gains to pay the credit card company in respect of the relevant debt will be a taxable remittance (refer to RDRM33040 Relevant debt).

    Any part of the payment that relates to non-UK goods or services provided outside the UK will not be chargeable.



    So if I were to use my Singapore Citibank visa card to buy a new TV in the UK & then pay it off using money from my Singapore bank account, the UK would consider that as remitted income. 



    Again, practically they have no way of tracking CC spends. 

  12. Just now, newbee2022 said:

    If you don't extend your stay then it's quite obvious that you don't need to pay taxes


    It has nothing to do with the type of Visa or Extensions it's simply how many days you spend in Thailand in any 1 Calendar Year..

    1. Enter on a DTV, spend 90 days, have a weekend away in Cambodia, come back for another 90 days - Tax Resident
    2. Enter on a 60 day Visa Exempt, extend it, do a border run & repeat -  Tax Resident
    3. Enter on a Non-IMM O, spend 90 days, go travelling for 7 months, come back for 2 months - Not Tax Resident.


    #3 is exactly what I'm planning on doing when I take my PCLS (Pension Commencement Lump Sum) as it's Tax Free in the UK & I don't want to be paying >3Million THB in tax to Thailand when I bring it over.

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  13. Just now, newbee2022 said:

    Here’s a list of the important Thailand DTV visa facts:

    • Visa Duration: 5-years
    • Visa Type: Multiple entry
    • Length of Stay per Entry: 180 days
    • Extendable: Yes, once per year
    • Obtainable From: A Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate or online through Thailand’s official e-visa website
    • Minimum Age for Primary Visa Holder: 20 years old
    • Option to Include Family: Yes

    Where does it say DTV Holders are exempt from paying tax on their remitted income? 


    • Like 2
  14. On 7/15/2024 at 10:54 AM, degodasilva said:

    The reason I'm asking is because I'm not all that familiar with anywhere outside of central Pattaya. For example, I've never been to the Darkside, only visit Jomtien very occasionally, etc  


    Interesting about the comment above regarding Naklua being German orientated because I got the impression it was more Russian than anything else, but maybe not. 

    Pre the war in Ukraine, I'd say that the largest group of Expats were from Germany, but since then a lot of Russians moved into the area (Wongamat), though a lot seem to have left over the past 3 months. 


    I'm the only Brit that I'm aware of living around here.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Just now, Mike Lister said:

    Can I listen in when you try to explain the HBD option to TRD......I'll pay good money.

    Only if your Psychic Mike as I'd be Dead that year... Hotblack Desiato is a humanoid and front man for the band Disaster Area. He was incredibly rich, occasionally buying star systems, and once spent a year dead for tax reasons.  😄



  16. 5 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The liability is actually 82,999.2 on 1 million baht remitted

    less the U.K. tax paid (if any) on the £ sent

    but only if they are not married (+60,000 allowance +30,000 per parent-in-law 

    and none of the 1 million was pension (+100,000 allowance)

    they are under 65 (over 65 +190,000 allowance)

    have no Thai health insurance 

    have no Thai life insurance 


    the expense allowance is universal and already calculated in the 83k


    so for younger people not getting any pension income with few ties to Thailand 83k tax to pay

    I think we're in agreement here, only I'm a lot slopier with my numbers 🙂 [Which is actually <82,800 on 84K pm or 1,008,000) 😛 ) Assuming no other allowances



    Point being that even without additional allowances, 83K pm is not really worth spending 6 months outside of Thailand unless you want to spend time out of Thailand.


    Personally I'd lose more than that in 3 months rent I'd be paying on my condo while I'm not there so makes no sense to me, but if you're bringing in a large amount of untaxed income (e.g. the 12.5 Million in my example) then it makes absolute sense to do a Hotblack Desiato


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