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  1. I am not sure if you are aware but most of the prime ministers of Israel were born in the ex Soviet Union. And there are many Jews born in Russia that moved to Israel. I am sure the Israel is very happy to have all those Russian Jewish scientists, drug addicts, drunks or not.
  2. Is that thing a woman or some unknown meat? Highly suspicious...
  3. Well, what did you expect? He was found unconscious in the side of the road. Maybe he thought he would wake up surround by a few virgins giving him a massage.
  4. Flying from Perth...Maybe the son of a rabbi?
  5. Hmmm, he looks like a good man but maybe some BDSM fetish?
  6. That is true love. Defending her cash register.
  7. Yes. yes, yes. It is going to be a wild ride. Some monkeys might end up on top of you heads.
  8. Interesting. I think I will try to participate in this very noble activity. Obviously I will be the only man present.
  9. Blonde? No. Blondes that comes in a bottle. More like Kosher born in Britain.
  10. Maybe they want to impress the Thai women with their "rebel" behavior.
  11. Je suis choqué. What a way to celebrate little baby crispy Jesus birthday!
  12. Poor guy. I hope you made enough to pay for your funeral.

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