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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 9 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:


    Hepatitis has terrible symptoms, you'll certainly know that you're sick. My father had it and went completely yellow. Cancer, you'll know that you've got it because you'll have a lump, pain, or growth on your skin if it's a melanoma. Pancreatic cancer, you'll be doubled over in pain. HIV, you may or may not know that you've got it, but it does give flu-like symptoms when most people first get it. Covid on the other hand, gives no symptoms to many people who have it. It's entirely possible to have it and not have any symptoms at all, but yeah, it's so dangerous that even if you've got it, your chances of recovering are ONLY 99.5%, unlike the conditions you mentioned.


    But governments have not shut down economies and destroyed people's livelihoods because of those illnesses. That is the point I am trying to convey. Small business owners have been wiped out by these knee-jerk reactions, suicides are through the roof in many countries, and if you live in Thailand, you probably have at least a few friends who now have pawned everything waiting for this to blow over.


    I'm not sure this logic is correct. A simple way to think about this is this thus


    If we just let the virus run wild, it will continue to mutate even more and more. There would never be a heard immunity as a) people can be reinfected by the same strain and b) there will be new, worse strains.


    Considering that, would you just let it run wild? No lockdowns, ect.

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  2. On 4/26/2021 at 12:08 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Very dangerous assigning country names to variants of this virus, as we are not 100% sure where they originated, only where they were first discovered.


    Of course the original strain came from China, of that there is no question, however I believe the Chinese are now claiming the virus came from Europe originally. 

    They will say anything. Only people with an agenda will listen to anything China says. They will get their payback for this, in time. 


    Anyway, it's virtually guaranteed the oriental countries will not identify and report any new strains because they care most about face and not being stigmatized by variant names. 


    They'd rather half humanity perish. 


    Watch - no variants from oriental countries will ever be discovered. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. It's not really possible to fully assimilate because Thai culture doesn't permit it. To be fair, virtually every Asian culture is exclusive and closed. It took the Chinese thousands of years.. White westerners don't have the option.


    I find a happy place to be is knowing enough of the Thai language to communicate with them, being mindful of key customs particularly around important topics and the recognition of hierarchy.


    But as others said, we have our own western cultures. I'm quite proud of mine. Contrary to popular belief, even other Asians who largely assimilate bring a considerable part of their own culture. Take the Chinese for instance. 


    Have respect for Thai and expect them to have respect for you.


    The most ridiculous people are the ones westerners who think they will ever be fully accepted as one of the Thai by completely dropping their own western culture in favor of Thai. Nothing is more ridiculous

  4. 9 hours ago, Ventenio said:

    OMG.... i survived covid, tsunami, earthquake, thai friendly, full moon party, and a border crossing into Cambodia...


    Then I got the jab......................................


    there comes a time when you just have to say, "no."  I'm not sure this is the time........but it might be.  


    maybe i can buy another brand


    There's a gentleman on the forum who is following a Thai-designed vaccine he's planning to take as he doesn't trust the western ones. I think it's herbal but not sure. Maybe has Thai chillies in it. 


    @Natai Beach ????????

  5. 4 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Remind us, who had approved vaccine for sale a year ago?

    Look to the west for incompetence and ignorance, with infection so far out of control their only option was to take a punt on vaccine success.

    If you wish to make commitments without doing the homework up to you, not a policy most would adopt.


    Many countries placed bets and made investments at the very outset of vaccine research. Even countries that had virtually no reported infections. Many invested in multiple vaccine candidates.


    I can agree with your sentiment that many western countries did not handle the outbreaks as well as they could have. Well, not all the west. New Zealand and Australia have done very well. But, the virus exposes western individualistic tendencies which are not ideal in a pandemic. At the same time, all the best vaccines have also been developed by the west. So ... It's also worth noting that virtually nothing China says can be trusted, so we will never know how well or how poorly they handled the outbreak in China. The only information we get is obvious propaganda. Or, are we to believe that in the country with 1.3 Billion people, until recently they had only a few thousand infections? 


    Be well 


    By the way, @sandyf did you see the threads about the Thai Domestic tourism?

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