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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 9 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Do you mean the foreign AZ workers are training the Thai staff if SB? 

    What is wrong with that? 



    What could be wrong with it is if the SB people, as is the norm in Thailand, made false claims as to their expertise and readiness, the required upskilling may have been unexpected thus creating unforeseen delays - for a project that is incredibly sensitive to delays. 


    Does that make sense? 

  2. 19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:


    Is she for real, Stress and mental illness do not just peak and then go away.  Sensory overload, and the issue of the virus spreading, has made people more than ever now jumpy and very concerned.  Folks do not believe this government can contain this spread, and they point to the numbers of cases being reported, and the now daily increase in deaths as being very worrying for them.


    An example of the horrid education in the Thailand. And the horrid lack of meritocracy. 


    These people regularly make the most idiotic statements that even a young adolescent in a reasonably developed country would not make. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/16/2021 at 6:03 PM, Surelynot said:

    5555......no but are they allowed out any time ? Are they allowed to have a one hour exercise walk.......will it be the same staff going onto an infected floor as go onto a quarantine floor........there are plenty of people going into quarantine hotels healthy and coming out with covid already.......and that's before you put covid patients in there.......


    Sorry, I don't trust them. We all know how lax Thailand is. If be seriously fearful that they would be following no strict guidelines. It's a disaster waiting to happen. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

    Sounds like you are blaming someone else for the highly contagious UK mutant strain that developed after millions in the UK were infected 

    That is what the OP is about. You have gone off topic a bit.


    Not sure where you are getting the “tens of millions” of deaths. I have told you a thousand times before not to exaggerate.


    At least 5 million have died in China. Learn to scrutinize information, as I have ordered you before. Now goto your room. You're grounded until further notice. 

  5. 10 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

    Koh Samui  never gets a mention on the covid situation . Many come here for Songkran .Now reports of over 17 cases of infection. no one knows if its true but is much talked about by the locals.

    Problem is not much thy happens here is reported if any one else has heard anything would like to know . 

    The girlfriend has had 5 days work massage at a 5 star resort with t least 4 customers a day now i have to distance from her for a month as most of the clients come from infected areas . 

    Well done Samui i hope you made a load of money over the short holiday


    Wow. No offense, but it would be nice to let your GF avoid working in such a high risk job... I realise on GF and not wife, but still... I would be happy to sponsor my GF so that I wouldn't put myself at risk of contracting covid. 

  6. On 4/9/2021 at 12:30 PM, webfact said:

    British variant


    Wow. You guys are allowing this label? Odd 


    Would the South Africa variant then be the Black South African variant or something else? 


    China and other Asian countries are loving this. Pretty soon they'll have us calling them the Caucasian Variant, Black African Variant, etc. Very clever those Chinese. 


    • Sad 1
  7. On 4/9/2021 at 12:39 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    Wait, there are infections in Cambodia.  I was told there were minimal cases there, and even one member here on TV who lives there indicated it was under control and there had never been a true outbreak.  Maybe I am being facetious, but why lay the blame on anyone country.  The fact is it is here and needs to be dealt with.  They worry to much about where something came from instead of getting ahead of the issue and stopping mass travel which will just assist in the spread of the virus.  I wish everyone a safe Songkran, drive carefully, and keep social distancing and sanitizing.


    Today there are being reported 559 new cases of Covid.  Just watching the news now.

    All the Asian countries are required to blame someone else. They care about face more than almost everything else. That's how this likely started, after all. China couldn't admit it'd made a mistake and rather kills tens of millions of people. 


    You will not see any Asian countries reporting on new variants that develop in their countries for this reason as well. Only non Asian countries will report on variants. 


    There could very well be more deadly or more contagious variants in Asian countries. And, in fact it's likely. 

  8. 8 hours ago, ParkerN said:

    Next week.


    It would be nice - and a welcome change if just once, a news release announced that a plan had been completed on schedule.. Otherwise, it's just another 'gunner' announcement. We're 'gunner' do this, and we're 'gunner' do that. etc etc.


    The road to hell is paved with good Intentions, most of which are unaccomplished.




    55 ????


    Must be upwards of 50% of articles are in the form 


    Thailand to

    Some Puyai to


    We almost NEVER hear of what they actually did. It sums up the Thai culture. Always planning but rarely delivering. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, internationalism said:

    soon bangkokians will be escaping the city to neighbouring provinces to hide from the virus or do hotel quarantine (away from their overcrowded homes), that would be part of a forced domestic tourism.

    they would support airbnb and small hotels, staying for weeks and months, working distantly from their computers. That was happening during the first wave in the other countries.


    Realised the other day I lashed out. I was having a miserable day and had downed half a bottle of gin. My apologies. 

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