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Posts posted by Grossman

  1. 3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    The dubious results will get rammed through with the connivance of the Constitutional Court if needs be.

    Exactly, wouldn't be surprised if everything just gets shrugged off again with a BS excuse and rammed through CC, with maybe a little help of a silently passed amendment to the constitution concerning the importance of popular vote. An amendment which was probably available for public viewing and scrutiny in the basement level 3 of the army base 43B (not that 43, the other one!) as announced during one of Prayut's TV interruptions. After all, it's not their fault if you hate Thailand and didn't pay attention to it. Or then just dissolve the competition as an alternative, a decision swiftly passed through rubber stamping, backed up by even more manure.


    Same old same old. One can only hope that the people have let the junta's obnoxious abuse of everything during the past 5 years pass with not much more than criticism in the hopes of finally getting their voice heard (without attitude adjustment) through a vote at the eventual elections. But now that they completely screwed up the elections too, hopefully there would be a line drawn here and that they simply cannot ram through their sh*t anymore as before. 


    Sadly.. Seems to have been a bit silent day in the media so far regarding this mess.. I do hope I'm wrong and this is not again some knee jerk ease of pressure just because Prayut told not to cause stress with political reporting or because the recent Good people-Bad People announcement by the army, which was obviously to cause fear through implications that Bad persons don't respect the "higher institution", and everyone knows what might happen in such cases (hint: there's this 2 letter cigarette brand I used to smoke before I quit..).


  2. 4 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    And these should be carefully scrutinised by independent third parties. However independent third parties are hard to find under the current administration.


    "To have others observing means the country is having a problem" --Don Pramudwinai. Enough said.

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  3. 15 hours ago, Jadam said:

    I've been in Thailand during two coups and I maintain that the country is the most stable when under military rule.

    I might be a stupid old SOB, but this is something I've never understood. How can a forced silence stemming from self-preservation under all this oppression, all encompassing censorship, guns-pointing-at-you, attitude adjustment looming, biased justice, human rights abuse be considered "stability"? 


    I have a rather different view of stability. But you're of course allowed your opinion and I respect that, even though I just don't get it.


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  4. 24 minutes ago, boonrawdcnx said:

    FFP candidate is in the lead with 35k votes - 2 hours later he has suddenly only 7k votes !?

    In Thailand -as the counting progresses - they seem to deduct votes instead of adding them on.


    Don't be silly. It's just a misunderstanding; the turnout numbers for the constituency started looking a bit skewed after adjusting the numbers of the good candidates, so of course you have to deduct it from somewhere so that you don't end up with a 100%+ turnout, which might need to be explained. This was not supposed to be shown in the realtime counting, apologies for this technical glitch causing confusion. Move along.


    Now, if you have to do a deduction in order to get the totals balanced, why would you deduct anything from the good votes when there are plenty of bad votes available? Do you want the bad candidates to win? 

  5. 21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    The 194 senators to be handpicked by the Thailand’s military junta, which is officially known as the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), are expected to be dominated by active and retired generals with close links to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan and Interior Minister General Anupong Paochinda.


    The amount of fecal matter coming out of the Junta mouths is nothing short of disgusting. Didn't Prawit just recently say that the senators will not include active duty men in green and even following up with one of the Junta trademark meaningless questions.. "How can military officers be senators?". And now suddenly the roster has them buddy generals all over the place.


    They don't even have the decency to wait a bit before proving their own BS wrong.


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  6. Of course it's important for him. More more more generals to swear the watchman's creed.


    This is my Rolex. There are many more like it but this one is my dead friend's.

    My Rolex is my friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master the trough.

    Without me, my Rolex is useless. Without my Rolex, I'm left with Patek Philippe. I must wind my Rolex true. I must have more bling than my enemy who is trying to out-trough me. I must shoot him before he does. I will.


    Before ****, I swear this creed. My Rolex and myself are the defenders of the trough. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviours of the 1%.


    So be it, until there is no enemy, but only us at the trough. Mai Pen Rai.


    • Thanks 1
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  7. 7 hours ago, bobbymack said:

    I wonder what the actual criticism was that the FFP said on facebook? What did they actually say that was apparently false according to the Junta? Dear God, does the Junta not actually get that politics is all about criticism in democratic societies? :) That was a rhetorical question. Of course they don't get it or refuse to accept it.  


    One may correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there are two accusations against him in the works right now, both of which are pure bred BS. The first one was regarding a video that was essentially a parody of Mr. Dictators on-air happiness to the people propaganda shows, which didn't really even say anything. 


    The second one is so utterly absurd that it blows my mind (in a negative sense). I heard that in addition to the first charge, they slapped him a cybercrime charge because his biography on the party's website had an off-by-one (seriously) regarding the years he served in the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI). Based on that, he's now then an alleged criminal spreading false information and should go to jail. 


    I suppose we'll get umpteen cases against Prayut next, right? He does nothing but spread false information and break his own laws. I've lost count along the years, but I'm not sure if he'll be able to work as a PM anymore since he'll be spending all of his time in a court room and jail. And after all there are no double standards, right?

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