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Posts posted by Grossman

  1. 3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Making a martyr of an opposition leadership dedicated to change and giving youth a chance is a typically brainless strategy from yesterday's men.


    Considering The Lil' Dictator has tremendous issues dealing with the fact that someone else than him or his cronies might be more popular than them, I have this lingering thought of a certain lady who was kindly given the choice to either sit in jail for decades or conveniently slip out of the country "undetected". I actually wouldn't really be that surprised if they tried to pull the same s*** on Thanathorn; yet if this would happen, I really hope he has the backbone to go through it the "hard way" as that would truly make him a martyr. Though certainly there's the risk of a sudden unexpected fatal illness while behind bars.. lot of diseased vermin in the thai jails that (I hear) get particularly bitey if you happen to fancy red garments or don't consider green as your favourite color.


    Prayut vows this, Prayut vows that. Instead of this spraying water nonsense, he might just as well go and order the whole junta to go stand in line and start pissing the wind to get rid of the problem, that would be just as good as anything he has done for anything he has vowed to fix in the past 5 years (i.e. just making things worse). 


    The most they'll achieve is to push out this mumbo-jumbo about legal consequences and fines for people driving smoking piece-of-s*** rustbuckets around but in practise there are absolutely no real consequences due to brown envelopes flying around or convenient on-the-spot cash disbursements to people who are supposed to enforce this. If we're really lucky, we'll get an article about tens of poor low income nonames being busted for driving such vehicles (all for the sake of publicity) and after that the issue is deemed solved and government boasts itself as the hero of the day.


    "We are fixing the problem! What else do you want from me? Don't you want the problem to be fixed?"



  3. No mention of the third body that that mysteriously went missing soon after being discovered? Wonder who might have that been, considering the body was pretty much disposed in an identical manner...


    Now, I cannot say whether this was the junta's handiwork (Though I strongly believe this to be the case) or committed by some other shady people for whatever reason. What I can say with almost 100% certainty is that the real perpetrators behind this will never face justice and if this blows up enough, scapegoats a-coming (after a long dragging sham investigation of course). 


    Rest In Peace. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The government will hold a press conference on the evaluation progress, which has been implemented by different ministries, on November 22nd, 2018, at the Royal Thai Army Club on Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Bangkok. The meeting will explain how people benefited from this project.


    They will evaluate the performance and at the same time announce a press conference where they will explain how it has performed marvellously and benefited everyone? What a pile of BS again. This is nothing but junta self-evaluation again as they conveniently happen to be either directly or indirectly in charge of whoever is evaluating this fancy little let-the-people-pay-for-our-election-campaign -scheme (which is of course nothing political since it's not allowed). Sustainable Thainess indeed. 

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  5. I may have done this before.. but just can't get the mental image out of my head. Piglets running to the trough for leftovers conveniently left behind by the big swines. 


    (edit: Sincere apologies to the animals though, I've understood pigs are really rather smart animals.. something that cannot be said about certain people..).


  6. 3 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    I don't know, as my Thai is not too good.  But doesn't "Palang Pracharat party" mean something like  "We've got you by the balls"?


    Pretty much so; I believe it's more or less loosely translated as People's Power Party. For what I happen to know history and current affair of things in the world, the use of "People" in naming parties and other similar things tends not to mean what they obviously try to project (ie. that the existence of such would actually have something to do with the majority of people or that they would somehow work for the benefit of the people) but instead mean exactly what you said.. "We got the people by the balls". DPRK and PRC of course being the obvious examples.



  7. Prawit's bad poo-poo problems must be disabling to some degree, so the siphoning is well justified and no need to probe further. Just a misunderstanding; Case closed, move along.. but do remember to come back for questioning and detainment once we throw in the cybercrime charge for publicly implying there's some nasty siphoning foul play going on when in reality funds are, in fact, being properly allocated.


    In other words, as sad and disgraceful this is, nothing will happen as it would have a negative impact on the faces and wallets of the people whose faces and wallets are not to be meddled with..

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  8. 23 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Maybe, just maybe, he didn't give them back after all.


    Of course he did, he said so! Now, if he borrows some new ones from someone else, that has nothing to do with the fake accusations concerning the 25 watches, since the good man already returned them. Besides, they're already investigating the 25 watches despite the whole thing being an elaborate ruse made up by some bad people. What else do you want? Do you want to stop the investigation? Do you want the bad people to run the country? 


    Ok, I still need to practise my junta-speech, but anyway. Waiting for karma to slap this toad hard; his arrogance is rather vomit inducing. I guess he just cannot leave the house without his bling (oh sorry.. his friend's bling).



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