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Posts posted by Injured

  1. 2 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    I agree with your conclusion that the OP was unlikely to be admitted to Thailand. However, you should be aware that the relationship between embassies and immigration, as well as immigration law, are not comparable between Canada and Thailand. For a start, the embassies/consulates are under the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (there are no representatives of immigration embedded there) and the Immigration Bureau is a branch of the Thai police under the Interior Ministry. Further, Thai immigration law, in theory, lists specific reasons why immigration should deny entry, with officials not given the discretion to deny entry for other reasons, nor admit those who should be denied entry. Only the Minister has the power to arbitrarily allow or deny entry.


    Under the circumstances, an immigration official could only have admitted the OP by breaking the law, and only a big bribe would ever have had a good chance of inducing the official to do that.


    Thai embassies do not have direct access to immigration's system (unless this has changed over the last year). The consul could, of course, email his counterparts in immigration to request the immigration status of a specific individual, but this is rarely done in practice, and certainly not during visa processing. If the OP informed the embassy about the blacklisting, and the embassy issued the visa anyway, this was incompetence on the part of the consular officials (who should know the OP would never be allowed into the country) but, sadly, incompetence by Thai consular officials is closer to the norm than the exception in anything other than routine cases.

    Spot on Tim - well done!!! Thanks.

  2. 4 minutes ago, pontious said:

    Answer the question - why are you banned from Thailand.?

    Overstay - no other offense. 

    I suffered a stroke in thailand with an overstayed a visa. I was disabled. No, i could not make a hospital. I could not walk for months to regain enough strength and voice to move.

    If I go to a hospital, I am arrested by law. Once well, deported. Once capable, I was checked by a Thai Hospital and left the country in a wheelchair.  Thai hospital can do nothing for strokes. You rest and rehab. 

    Because of my health I petitioned for entry to fulfill doctor direction to visit on return. I was not attempting to void the barring order. That could have been in conjunction with the police hospital. Thai Immigtation had every document and I was informed went to the top official.  Did it?

  3. 3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    "I lost health due to physical damage due to Thai Immigration". 

    No, you probably didn't, you put yourself at risk trying to enter a country from which you were knowingly banned (are you still banned?).


    "They try to be a medical center".

    If you're referring to Thailand as portraying itself a medical tourist destination, it is, and it has been very successful with that aim.  The thing that Thailand, or any other country including the US, does not do is provide medical treatment for people who are not in the country and who are banned from being there.  Sorry.

    Sorry, didnt check? Thailand has a National Council. Not UN. 'National'  look the difference.


    I didnt? You an esteem doctor? You perform to diagnose by tarot card or palm reading? Its nobodys fault unless you do not assist or check. Other countries have laws. Dont assist and see. The Thai Embassy took a stand in issuing the visa. Maybe they saw something others didnt see or lacking in smarts? I love a lost eye, paralyzed hand. That remark is showing educational value and integrity.


    Hospital Center. Yes, for transvestites as its widely known. If its just coming into hypertension, it may be a little behind? Bumrungard is widely known.


    Denied entry due to ban? Or forced back to home country. How many families, wives, kids were separated by this law to save national security? Well, i heard a new computer system was hacked, Security at the airport lacking. Whats the priority? Somebody dropped the ball. Families being separated or airport security?

    Letting banned people? Sorry again. Its not international or people under investigation would not gain entry. Thailand had no knowledge of who was in the country. It performed only thinkable. Get rid of everyone and start over with a 21st century system on accountability.  Im just a small speck. Thank you 

    • Confused 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

    Injured  I used to work with CDN immigration in a High commission/embassy.  The immigration people can issue you with a visa and in a lot of cases, they get caught up in the song an dance or sob story (not to belittle your issues).  However, almost every flight that went to England or had a chance to transfer the person to a CDN flt had an immigration officer at the gate checking again.  Even if you have a visa it does not mean that the country has to let you in or accept it if they feel that it not a good visa or reason.   I agree with other posters that you did not, unfortunately, do any due diligence..  The fact that you personally went to the embassy tells me that while you may have been ill you were not ambulatory.  Contacting a Thai hospital and having them establish that they were going to send an ambulance to get you would have helped your case walking through the border would make me wonder how bad you are. SOrry

    1. I had come out of Iraq from work. I was already on the barring order.

    2. Each embassy handles protocols differently.3 the embassy was aware. I coordinated with advice. .

    4. I was under a Doctors 'no-fly' order. No travel over 2 hours. Over that to be accompanied.

    5. If you are not being under transport you are not serious. However, some only deal with hospitals. There is no treatment for stroke in Asia. Its hospital stay.. I was already out of country.

    6. Due diligence is an opinion. I had a worthless lawyer fot advice and he bailed out.

    7. The embassy help as a last resort. Not all countries are the same. You were 1 admin. Any serious injury or illness can be assisted if not treatable in the present country.

    8. My condition was first diagnosed by Thai doctors. I was instructed to return to them.

    Sometimes other reasons can be used by authorities thinking it can solve other problems.



  5. 2 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    Sorry for your medical issues - - the odds are that we will all faces medical issues at some point in our life... 


    however, you obviously did something to get banned from Thailand so you really cannot blame them... 


    Another good reason not to break laws.. anywhere. 

    I was diagnosed with a stroke and overstayed a visa. (misdiagnosed)

    I should have talk to Immigration.

    I DID! There is nothing to handle such. Also, had a stroke to someone you know? Try to move or talk.

    • Confused 1
  6. 17 hours ago, pontious said:

    Seems to me it is all your fault. You knowingly got a visa when you knew you were blacklisted.  What were you blacklisted for.?

    Why did you not get treated in Cambodia - there  is 1 decent hospital there.

    You know Hun Sen goes to Singapore. Seems you should talk to local expats and a few embassies. One embassy even puts it in writing. 1 decent? Do they have a sign over the door?

    Yes. I got a visa by law. Where it say cannot in emergency? And, the Thai Embassy knew also.  Who is the one? 'Bangkok'. Most here long time can give a Bio on each hospital. 

    Yes, i got a visa by law. Do they medically treat jailed prisoners for murder? Its my fault thinking some officials knew medical conditions.

    Look 2019 and Thai are just started to talk hypertension. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Caldera said:

    As of now, Thai embassies cannot check whether you are banned from entering the country. It's ridiculous, granted, but it's also a well-known fact.


    You, on the other hand, knew that you are banned. So you deliberately took a gamble - and lost. Blaming the outcome on the Thai authorities is a bit rich. You would have saved yourself a lot of aggravation and, from your report, also harm to your health if you had taken your ban into account.

    Sorry to differ.

    Yes, Embassies do have knowledge of blacklisted. However, those done so with Interpol and Thai Immigration. Thai does not link directly for overstay. But are able to coordinate duties. They coordinate with the airlines directly and not the embassy on overstays. There are a couple that will not assist. 

    In this case, the embassy knew the full story. Plus, the barring order.

    Why Issue Visa? They took the stand of medical had priority over the barring order. I commend the Thai Embassy taking a stand.

    Seems TI had their own agenda. One department says yes, the other no. My health problems escalated due to travel. I could have just done nothing to be deported then compound the problems.

    • Confused 1
  8. 45 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    I find it bizarre that you would get a visa and try to enter Thailand while blacklisted (whatever the reason  you wanted to go there). Any reasonable person would have realised that the attempt to enter was doomed to failure, at least without the payment of large bribes. I am sorry that the attempt, and subsequent events arising from that, resulted in exacerbating your medical issues, and perhaps the fact that you were ill contributed to your lack of judgement. However, a reasonable person would have gone to Malaysia or Singapore, not somewhere they knew they were banned from entering.

    You have to play the game and go by the law. However bizarre, you do it. Im surprised you use 'reasonable' on Thailand. It also falls with common sense when none is done here.

    This is a long story as some know the entire route. You do it their way or forget it.  But, make it well documented. 

    Departments do not agree on law as they use multiple interpretations to whomevers benefit. Money? Tell me about it.

    Thanks Tim.

    • Confused 1
  9. 15 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    the best thing for you right now is to avoid all aggravation.

    i hope you have someone to help you.

    good luck.

    Feeling a little bad for having the loss and disability. Going solo until get back to the family. The other eye is ok for now. But diagnosed as could lose sight at any time. That means total blindness. Its a day at a time.

    Ex-Chief in the states, I hope he takes a tour while in the US. Enjoy the sights.

  10. 14 hours ago, orchis said:

    Is this a different stroke from the one you reported on July 23? Take care.

    Misdiagnosed in Thailand to begin. Their glaucoma turned actual brain disease in connectipn to eye nerve. Diagnosed by doctor in USA. Only hospital that may have caught it would have been Bumrungard. My US specialist taught there. Thanks

  11. 7 hours ago, Caldera said:

    That's a bizarre story. I think it's unreasonable to expect that having a medical emergency overrules being barred from entering a country (any country for that matter).

    Seemed Thai Embassy thought it was worth a visa.

    Maybe immigration only deals with runaways? But, I believe some people do not belong Council of Human Rights?

    • Confused 1
  12.  I was in cambodia awaiting my barring order petition. I fell ill and was granted a Medical Visa by the Thai Embassy Cambodia. Plus, I had a no fly order by the doctor. And other documents required for the visa in backup. My petition was based on medical. Thai Immigration refused the Med Visa to enter Thailand due to the barring order. The Thai Embassy had no blacklist to stop a person on a barring order. With help from US Embassy, I made it back to the US. In bad shape having to fly 22 hours. 4 days after arrival, I suffered a stroke. I lost 1 Eye, paralyzed hand, limited walking, and some other problems. Probable cause to bring on the stroke. Limited medical care, lack of proper medicine, exhaustion, hypertension, excessive travel. I lost health due to physical damage due to Thai Immigration. 

    They try to be a medical center.

    Maybe they rather cater to runaways in the airport lounge.


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  13. 3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Get a reality check, you and you only are to blame for your current situation. You are not a Thai citizen so Thailand has nothing to do with your medical issues. You also will never be a Thai citizen as you have utter disregards for its immigration laws. With this attitude they should ban you for life.

    LOL,  get a life.  I gave a choice,  you don't. 

    • Confused 1
  14. 5 hours ago, connda said:

    Thailand will not become a global medical hub if it can't get it's act together regarding smoothing the way for Visa extensions for individuals who have debilitating health conditions such as stroke.  Thai Immigration should be working directly with Thai hospitals which are caring for Medical Visa holder, or for that matter any visa holder who is medically incapacitated, to assure that they don't run afoul with Immigration. 

    Given the aging expat community, it's going to look really good on international media when incapacitated patients are dragged out of their hospital bed or homes and throw in jail for 'overstaying their visa' when they were physically unable to process the visa paperwork while debilitated. 


    4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    "Thailand will not become a global medical hub if it can't get it's act together regarding smoothing the way for Visa extensions for individuals who have debilitating health conditions..."

    Thailand has got it's act together regarding this as I know from personal experience and it has had it's act together for many years on this subject.  If you don't get a doctors letter confirming your inability that is no one's fault but your own.  If you can't get one then it's safe to assume that you're not incapacitated enough to not travel before the end of your permission to stay.


    1 hour ago, thedemon said:


    You forgot the money procedure.

    You can easily tell as a Thai or immigration person jumps on. 

    First they make assumptions,  then the you should have,  then the Thailand not wrong you wrong,  it's like Thai drivers,  aggressive and fast on the straight ways.  But,  a turn comes and it crawls. Thats how Thai politics work.

    Read from the top again.  ( Doctors diagnosis and a doctors request for return for re-examination  was submitted. ) written in Thai. 

    I sincerely hope you never have the experience of a stroke.  I also lost partial sight in left eye. You will. 

    • Confused 2
  15. 9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I would wager that 99.9% of any foreigner with an MT visa doesn't have a history of abusing the Thai Immigration system or a temporary entry bar.


    There's already a tried and tested procedure for old, bedridden and otherwise incapacitated foreigners already in the country to maintain a legal immigration status. 

    You better get your facts.  The country has no idea who is in the country. That's why these articles have impacted the entire country. How many MT visa?  How many bedridden?  You do not have the exact number. Immigration confirmed they have no accountability system in place Feb 2018. But you do? Another personal assumption. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    You have a temporary bar on entry to Thailand.


    Your cumulative medical conditions are unfortunate but purely coincidental and totally irrelevant as far as a temporary entry bar is concerned. A MT visa does't trump a temporary entry bar.

    Nan,  where in the law is this written?  There is none.  You are telling me medical condition of a person is no concern of Thai,?  Irrelevant?  Means,,,  of no concern.  Thank you.

    You have made an assumption of law which is not written. As I stated. The overstay penalty was not corrected in entirety only the penalty was changed.   But,  no immigration official will put that in written form with stamp to the petition. They hide!  Or think it will just go away. 

    • Haha 1
  17. 11 minutes ago, thedemon said:


    You forgot the money procedure.

    Spot on demon.  The lawyer wasn't worth a damn and immigration sat on it.  Wait and let it go.  Forget about it and it will go away.  Thai mentality. It's just a ploy.  They split the reasons.  Either medical or barring order.  The barring order take priority over medical. They can treat the patient as it still is a visa with a entry/exit period. Patient can be treated with same initial physician. When physican considers the patient well. He can apply as required or exit the country. 

    We have the same rights as a local if married to a Thai in obtaining work.  However. If injured,  we can not ask for medical assistance. 

    This is where the separation steps in.  You have a barring order.  It does not allow entry for medical. Now,  where in the law does it say this? There is none. Everyone in immigration check.... Are your shoes on the correct foot. 

    I look from this view,  if I am correct,  it will still take another year to correct and allow entry. I'm in no hurry.  I still wonder,  what is 3 years? 

    • Confused 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    "Thailand will not become a global medical hub if it can't get it's act together regarding smoothing the way for Visa extensions for individuals who have debilitating health conditions..."

    Thailand has got it's act together regarding this as I know from personal experience and it has had it's act together for many years on this subject.  If you don't get a doctors letter confirming your inability that is no one's fault but your own.  If you can't get one then it's safe to assume that you're not incapacitated enough to not travel before the end of your permission to stay.

    How much you actually assume?  Is it not better to learn facts.  Now you are a doctor?  I don't think your personal experience is much based on assumptions.  Or is it clearer after the first bottle? 

    • Confused 1
  19. 1 hour ago, pontious said:

    Many people come for medical treatment.. They have the correct visa but the difference is they are not banned from entering Thailand.

    You have the correct visa but ARE banned from Thailand till 2020.

    That is your fault not Thailand.


    You have no idea how many as medical have come in. Immigration has no idea who is in this country.  This has been voiced and confirmed. February 2018 , computer system not ready for maybe 6 months.  Need everyone out before in?  But,  all these backpackers coming in. They have required funds? Where they go?  They fill the T6 with address and walk the country. Are they not to show an address? Entry says,  where to stay?  Are they there? 

    A medical visa.  Denied entry, doctor says no long travel. You are denying treatment for medical reasons.  But,  you feed,  house,  medical treatment to murders,  rapists. Do you comprehend medical needs? So,  if a person is convulsing,  handcuffed,  and has a barring order,  you do nothing and let him die? 


    I would strongly suggest a stay at the Wat. No compassion, humanity, power,  you do for you self and not needs of others.  That's the current problem with Thailand. 

    What is 3 years?  Time to get the computer working? 

    • Haha 2
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