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Posts posted by Asianrider

  1. they have changed their evening flight from Bangkok to Clark without warning, now arrives 3-55am in the morning !! Very disappointing having already booked my flights months ago - effectively lose a night of my holiday. The flight had originally been scheduled to arrive at 19-40pm

    At that time it you should get a pretty good discount. :)

    This was a promotional offer to start with, less than a 1000 baht each way. Terrific value, but the quality of the airline sucks !

  2. they have changed their evening flight from Bangkok to Clark without warning, now arrives 3-55am in the morning !! Very disappointing having already booked my flights months ago - effectively lose a night of my holiday. The flight had originally been scheduled to arrive at 19-40pm

  3. It's up to them, they are totally unregulated and usually unqualified.

    An acquaintance in Pattaya was one of these wide boys, he used to ask the vendor what they would accept and make an agreement for that price. He would then market the property himself at an inflated figure and pocket the difference. Sometimes he'd get lucky and make upwards of 20%, sometimes he'd make nothing. Very dodgy geezer.

    In Pattaya agents seem to charge between 3-5 %

    The practice of them marketing at any price above what the vendor would agree to sell for i find unethical & distasteful. It is their job to get the the vendor the best possible price, not line their greedy pockets.....

  4. I think London Black-Cab drivers are the best in the world and the most honest.

    Find hiring the Baht Bus privately they are more reasonable on price than the meter taxi's, but obviously not such a comfortable ride. Have done this a few times when raining and need to get somewhere. Actaully find the meter taxi's and their drivers lounging outside places like the Avenue make the place look untidy :)-

    Second the comment about Black Cab drivers being the best ! in the world.

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