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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Here are Songkran 2022 figures to show that despite police effort to control the outcomes

    of the holiday death the numbers keep climbing:


    More than 230 people died from traffic collisions over the Songkran holiday, authorities said.

    According to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), 237 people died and 1,696 were injured from 1,720 traffic collisions between April 11 and 16, a period dubbed as “Seven Dangerous Days” by Thai media.


    and Songkran 2021: The death toll was one less than last year’s 238 deaths and 2,116 injuries from more than 2,113 collisions.

    What police efforts were these? Did you see any cop cars patrolling the roads and pulling drivers over? Did you see and motorcycle cops doing the same? No they sat round at roadside having a chat (and drinks?) playing on their phones. Give me a break.

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  2. 11 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

    I know what you are talking about. There appears to be is a certain Westerner "demographic" that gravitates to Thailand, especially places like Pattaya etc.


    Some of my more "normal" expat friends refer to it as "The Pattaya Strange"


    I met one fellow who was trying to rent me his condo. He invited me over for a chat. The topic? Him. Every sentence started with "I" and I tolerated about 1 hour of endless stories of his talents, accomplishments and accolades before I politely excused myself.


    In Bangkok there seems to be quite a lot less of these kinds personalities you describe. I find there are many more well adjusted expats in BKK than the holiday spots.


    Spot on. Everyone was a footballing superstar, superstar or gangster before they came here......all remarkably successful of course and all got conned out of their millions by ruthless Thai women (that they cheated on).

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  3. No one questioning the math here.....

    Total 2.38 TRILLION

    Foreigners 1.5 TRILLION (from 30 million arrivals)

    Deficit to be made up by domestic tourism 0.88 TRILLION


    Domestic tourists 800 million i.e 1/1000 of the deficit.


    I know it's difficult when you have been edumacated here in Thai schools to detect the difference between Trillion and Billions. I mean it's only 10 to the power 3...not worth thinking about really.

  4. Remember that hit song "Gordon is a moron, Gordon is a moron etc etc". Well I sing it to myself with some modifications when I'm in the bathtub having a tubby....."Anutin is a moron, Anutin is a moron, Anutin is a moron,. Anutin is a moron".

    Here's a man with aspirations to be PM who scored about 2 or 3% in the most recent NIDA poll and he's telling you that cannabis is a vote winner. Time to end all the nonsense....nobody is buying it Anutin (is a moron....catchy isn't it?). This stupidity will end up costing thousands of jobs in tourist areas and all the weed shops will be shut down. Look.....Parliament didn't show top to even vote for your stupid bill...you tried to have it voted on twice and there was never a quorum. Like many others, you need hanging from a low tree and have people with baseball bats beat you like the piñata you are.

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  5. The ugly toad Prawit doesn't seem to be ringing any bells. Seriously 15 % of Thais think we should have more of Prayut. He's loafed around for about 10 years and has he brought happiness to the people? Personally I am less happy than when the lovely Yingluck was PM....although admittedly I am not Thai and 15% of Thais might be in ecstasy right now....I bet they are the rich ones though with Ferraris and stuff.

  6. Forgive me but haven't we tried the cute cop thing already? If it worked so well why did they stop? On the other hand if it didn't work, why are they doing it again? 

    Thailand encourages these multi day sessions of drinking and driving in December and April of each year....not to be cynical, but what's a few lives lost when there is all that money to be made????????????

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