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Posts posted by usacb500biker

  1. Stop the war in the South in one year step #1  50% War Tax !!!, on all muslims Wages and their Bank accounts .War Tax in the three Southern provinces,There"s 10,000 bad Guys, and 50,000, family,parents,brothers,sisters,uncles,aunts,cousins,friends,school ,mosk mates and neighbors. !!!  The War  Tax  F u n d !!  It would pay 100% costs of the war FREE FREE..   Fund would pay for soldiers,and all persons killed and injured...#15 step program) # 2nd If bad Guy is I D his Extended family would loose their land,houses,homes,shops,business,cars, and motorcycles In 24 Hours !!! .. Everyone on their street fined extra 30,000--50,000B and would lose a car or 2 motorcycles. If  he turns himself in (max 15 days) maybe no charges, If shot, wounded, or captured his family will suffer and be evicted, to live on streets as homeless. Most would Quit and Few or Less would Join-up.  P E A C E  with a WAR TAX .  13 more steps ..  peace,, I have Seen no change in 15 years,  O K  what is ok !! 10-20 dead and 30 wounded per month ok ??,ok??...peace


  2. 28,000-30,000 mental cases on the streets of Thailand every year and______   95% of Thai men, Police, and women just don"t care if Thai"s are beating up their girlfriends or their better half,just walk on BY. Not farang"s, tourists or anyone Business (15 years to learn that Lesson)  It"s just a lovers Spat !!! Ha Ha Ha Sick sick sick sick

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