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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 4 hours ago, Grouse said:

    And? Parliament can do as it wishes, when it wishes.

    You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!


    A few honest men are better than numbers

    The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions; if they be willing faithfully to serve it – that satisfies. I advised you formerly to bear with men of different minds from yourself:



  2. 4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    The 1975 referendum was held AFTER the negotiations when we knew exactly what the deal entailed.  A very long way off of the 2016 referendum when we all voted blind.  If the government had negotiated the withdrawal agreement first and people knew what they were getting then the result would have been very different!

    Likewise if the people that voted in the 1975 referendum had a crystal ball to look into the future as see all the things they were told would never happen because there was this safeguard or that safeguard I am sure the 1975 vote would be leave would have won by a landslide

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, bristolboy said:

    I didn't know that remainers have the collective responsibility to support every statement made by one individual remainer. Could you provide me chapter and verse of the official remainer handbook that stipulates this?

    Its okay we can assume as the individual remainer is unable to provide any evidence to support his posts it was just made up or Fake news 

    • Like 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Goodwin is a cynical contrarian.


    Just taking a contrary view to differentiate himself from the majority of academe


    He's a nasty young BNP punk 

     Can you provide any links to support your claims

    Thats strange has it writes for the Guardian 


    and some details here

    Matthew is an outward-facing researcher who shares the view that social science should be as much about contributing to wider society as to the social sciences. He frequently appears in broadcast and print media and has engaged with more than 200 non-academic organizations, from the European Parliament and U.S. State Department to the Prime Minister’s Office and Deutsche Bank.


    Maybe he doesn't like scotch whisky

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, damascase said:

    No, I have no crystal ball, but none of this is going to happen if a Member State does not want it. If you understand how the EU works, you should now that such major decisions require unanimity.

    And everyone knows about Mission Creep and how The EU has moved gradually from unanimity to qualified majority voting for EU Foreign Policy Tax is next on the list for qualified majority voting


    The end game for the EU is everything will be decided by qualified majority voting

    • Like 2
  6. 15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    His comment is indicative of the general ignorance amongst Brexiteers on how the EU operates.


    As you and I both know, damascase, for any of the things he lists to happen, or any other major decision, the unanimous agreement of all member governments via the Council of Ministers would be required. Therefore it would never happen if even one member, e.g. the UK should we remain in, were to say 'No.'


    Did they base their decision on the ignorance you've displayed above?


    All the more reason for a second referendum where people have all the true facts, both for Remain and Leave, presented to them so they can make an educated decision rather than one based on ignorance, myths and lies.

    You can called my decision whatever way you want I call it choice, I wasn't allowed to vote in the 1975 EU referendum, if I was I would have voted against joining the common market

    • Like 2
  7. Blair: a no vote means no

    Tony Blair today suggested that he would not seek another referendum on the EU constitution if it was rejected by the British people.
    Under repeated questioning from reporters on whether the poll would be rerun if the answer came back negative, Mr Blair responded: "If the British people vote no, they vote no. You can't then start bringing it back until they vote yes.

    Today he said if Britain voted no he would have to go back to the European council and discuss the way forward.

    The PM said: "This is an issue which it is time for the British people to decide and let them have their say."

    He stressed: "If the British people vote no in this referendum, that is their verdict. That is absolutely clear."


    "Tony Blair said yesterday that he would not call an immediate second referendum on Europe if the British people throw out the proposed EU constitution in the vote expected next year."


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