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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 1 minute ago, melvinmelvin said:

    your link didn't open for me

    but I doubt what that official is saying very much


    if a50 is revoked and foggy island remains,

    what would be the legal basis for fo9rcing uk to take on euro

    and to lose the rebate?



    Here the link 


    and here the reason why

    After Brexit, the EU wants to wind down in stages all the rebates, including those that the Netherlands or Denmark enjoy. The bloc’s executive European Commission has proposed to have none in the next common budget for 2021-2024.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


    Finland is number one in Europe for education, the UK is going backwards. But you are communicating with people who for forty years have been told by their own media that the EU is a terrible institution ... whilst enjoying the much higher growth rate that the UK has experienced since joining the EU. The day after the vote a Chinese daily newspaper described Britons as displaying a “loser’s mentality” ... lol.

    Oncec again no link in reference to your Chinese newspaper article Or maybe the article doesn't exist

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Make your mind up


    EU migrants are a net benefit to the economy. See Factcheck


    Why would successful Australians want to come to the U.K. Except for a gap year?


    We do need proper border controls but that is for our government to fix. Frankly (and except for seasonal workers) immigrants should have a job paying at least 30k to avoid being kicked out.


    • There is no single "correct" estimate of this impact. Results of existing studies all depend on the methodology and the assumptions researchers must make (for example, about whether to include the costs of educating UK-born children of immigrants).
    • There is no single "correct" answer to the question of how much immigrants contribute to public finances

    • https://fullfact.org/immigration/how-immigrants-affect-public-finances/
  4. 3 minutes ago, bomber said:

    if 24% of leavers want the deal why did they vote leave in the first place,answer is they didnt understand what the whole thing was all about,now they do hence the change in thinking,to many listened to their grandma's and granddads and the gob shites down the pub,if 24% want the deal then vast majority of that 24% will want to change to remain that in itself would over turn the 52/48 result,ya could make it up

    cherry picking again 

    When Survation faced their respondents with a choice between the draft deal or no deal, 44% of Remain voters indicated that they would prefer the deal, and only 18% no deal. The margin was even bigger when YouGov posed the same choice without allowing respondents to say Don’t Know; in this instance no less than 81% of Remainers said that they would prefer the deal.


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


    My position, like I think most remainers, is that I'll go along with this as long as responsible steps are taken to minimise the damage to the economy ... no one in the Leave camp was indicating that the UK would just crash out, all of them were promising a good exit deal. I did move on as we were all promised a damage limitation deal. I don't have a problem with others requesting another referendum, that is their right. Nigel Farage would not have gone away nor would the ERG group. 


    I just watched an interview with the polling expert Professor Curtice who stated that 50% of leavers do not want "no deal", this was from a recent UGOV poll. So the "will of the people" does not support "no deal". What you have now is a government that cannot seal a deal and a parliament in gridlock. The only fair and sensible option is to put the issue back into the hands of the people of the UK. If leavers believe that the result will be the same why are they so scared? We all know thew answer to that question, they would lose. You cannot undermine democracy by a democratic vote.

    I really don't understand the mindset of remainers where they quote from an article and then fail to provide a link to support their claim

    Leavers prefer No Deal to Deal

    Survation found that in those circumstances 54% of Leave voters would prefer to exit without a deal, while 24% would want the deal. Meanwhile, when YouGov forced all their respondents to say which they would prefer, without giving them the option of saying ‘Don’t Know’, 64% of Leave voters said they would prefer no deal, and just 36% the deal. Meanwhile, Opinium report that 48% of Leave voters agree that ‘leaving without a deal would be better than leaving with the current deal’


    Another Dose of Chequers? Voters’ Initial Reactions to the Draft Brexit Deal

    Posted on 19 November 2018 by John Curtice



    1 hour ago, AlexRich said:




    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    You are right most MPs from all parties are remainers and there may well be fallout at the next general election. Possibly why the Tories are so desperate to avoid one. I can tell you with some confidnce that Raab will not get re-elected in Esher.  He has even had to stop going in our local Deli for breakfast (usually has the full English) because of vitriol from other customers.  The vast majority of his constituents voted remain.


    As May sets off to Brussels again Amber Rudd has been the first to openly say that there will not be a no-deal as the house would block it.  Does make it harder for May to hold her ground in Belgium and not give in to any other concessions as she has always used the no-deal threat when negotiating.   If no-deal really is off the table then the options left would appear to be May's Chequers fiasco or no Brexit or back to the people.

    The issue when Amber Rudd speaks is 

    1) is she saying something that she believes in

    2) Is she saying something that her brother wants her to say

    ANDREW PIERCE: Meet the City spinmeister orchestrating the plot to reverse Brexit


    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    On the other hand there is this:

    Nigel Farage Refuses To Deny Claim He's Applying For German Citizenship

    The former UKIP leader prompted the speculation after he was spotted queuing at the Germany embassy so BuzzFeed News asked him about it. "None of your business," he said before hanging up.


    I  think most people would tell the media to get lost its none of your business 

    I am married to a German national. Can I apply for German citizenship? 

    Provided certain other conditions are met you have the right to naturalization after you have been legally resident in the Federal Republic of Germany for three years. However you have to have been married for at least two years.

    If he had a German Pasport I would expect a German MP/MEP to have published it by now since they haven't can only assume he hasn't got one


  8. 4 hours ago, tebee said:

    Yes but they will end up with the same sort of frustrations as the retired people here, paperwork, visas and always having to prove their income. Unless the can afford private health care they will have to return to the UK and be a burden on the NHS in case of major illness.

    The UK has a residency based healthcare system. This means provision of NHS treatment is based on being ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK, not on your nationality, payment of UK taxes or national insurance contributions, owning a property, being registered with a GP or having an NHS number. A British citizen who resumes settled residence in the UK is immediately entitled to free NHS care. If a British citizen resides only overseas and is visiting the UK, they may be charged for hospital treatment unless they have a registered S1, described below, in another EEA country

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, kwilco said:

    Expat always overvalued their worth to a country. In future retirees will need to show proof of income, property ownership will come into doubt and of course the big one I'd they'll need pay for their own health care.

    Any work will be taken.into account and they will need to register with the local authorities. They will be immigrants like people from anywhere outside the EU

    All Eu nationals are required to register with the local authorities. of the EU country they reside in if they intend to stay longer than 90 days

    for example The ‘Anmeldung’

    If you are going to work or study in Germany or if you will be living there for more than 3 months, you need to get registered as a resident. The registration (Anmeldung) process can be complicated, so it is best to prepare beforehand.





  10. 1 hour ago, nontabury said:

    For sure British students owe the largest amount, However I’m sure you know, that once their earning exceed a certain amount,they are required to

    pay back a certain amount each week. And if need be, the government can and does enforce this rule.

    In an ideal world we would not be expected to pay for the education of other countries children,certainly not at the expense of our own children.

     That is one of the reasons, that there are now thousands of British university graduates, who are starting off in life, saddled with huge debts.


    I think the Goverment should offer 3 year internship with the NHS/Social Care in return for free university courses

    so you leave school start your 3 year internship with the NHS/Social Care and then enter university without incurring huge debts

    for the people that don't what to that they can go on their gap 1/2 years and pay full whack up each year

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