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Posts posted by john1000

  1. The fact you have asked this on an open, public forum suggests it's something you have serious doubts about. The only course of action when you have this feeling, is to not commit all the money.

    As suggested rent and monitor the situation. Nobody can say to you, is she this or is she that kind of lady...how would anyone know?

    We are all different. At the end of the day, your first duty is to take care of finances. Many Thais, (close family or not) are known to lose interest when the provider (who you are perceived as) falls on hard times.

    She well may be a different, but why find out the hard way.

  2. I am no expert on Thai ladies far from it. But the fact you have doubts, is a gut reaction. Follow it.

    Despite your commitment to the kids etc. you are not in the same pecking order in the eyes of your Thai family. Keep consistent with your present financial arrangements.

    No point in planting the seeds of potential resentment down the line.

  3. Because of the absence of tourist in your state the tourist season is less than 2007 .These girls may be craze but the they are not stupid, they pay you? :)

    Agree no money like anywhere in the world = no interest especially in Pattaya....

  4. mm... I am worried. I have spent a 3 month period over two visits with a girl who expressed her wish to have a family with me.

    She works for Toyota and AGEL, a marketing company and seems quite sharp but...

    I have had two bad marriages and really cannot put up with tantrums which after reading these posts, seems to be in the Thai character.

    I would just walk away but if children are involved maybe they are being used by the Thai ladies as they know the husband would not walk out on children.... Philipines any better LoL.

  5. I think like all generalizations the observation is clearly not always true.

    But then like many generalizations it is based is a truism.

    I also believe that this endless need guys seem to have to assert that their sweetheart is a 'goodgirl' is nothing other than an admission to the truism that the generalization is based on.

    I know of no other place where this constant need to assert the 'good-girl' credentials of one's partner exists - that surely tells us something about Thailand and foreigner/Thai relationships in Thailand.

    Yes this constant searching for the right one and " she is different" is based on fantasy. Good and bad everywhere except the Thai lady is very good at the art of deceit; as is driven by a honest need to help family and sick.

    Buyer beware....most are OK and looking for a nice guy.... just that guys are easily hooked and taken in and this is publicised much more tha the thousands who are happy.

  6. Without going too much into detail, I've found certain Thais quite fond of feet in intimate moments.

    I think Indian women are in to feet... also I think the head is a no go area in Thailand as well but not sure.

    I guess the only way is to try... whatever turns you on but remember repecting other cultures is important and you could even jeapordise the relationship if seen as an insult or sign of disrespect...

    Just my thoughts.

  7. i have only just joined thai visa as i was looking for farang women to be friends with.

    after reading some of the messages on this thread, i, as an educated thai woman, i have to question why so many of you are involved with women you do not trust.

    and if you are talking about security checks on them, how would you feel if she were to do the same to you?

    im not provoking an argument, just asking the question here.

    Who said it is a bad idea?

    Men are inheritly unfaithful and if that is something that bothers you, try your new man out.

    "Men are as faithful as their options."

    True so true

  8. It's no coincidence that the vast majority of people in " Relationships " here & believe they're happy are Social Misfits in their own Countries with little or no chance of having a successful Relationship there..

    I agree. So many men (that means not everyone) rent women here and try to make a relationship out of it by telling themselves excuses why their women are like they are, need this and that or are unable to have an intelligent conversation with them. They create their own dreamworld and try to only see the sides they want to see while neglecting reality.

    While I pity such people I can also understand their motivation to come here to end their loneliness. What would I do if I would be over 50, single or divorced, working a regular / low income job and without a chance of getting an attractive woman in my own country because I might be too fat, too poor, too ugly or whatever.

    I would try everything to change this situation.

    What makes dating in Thailand so difficult? Its the men who try to convince themselves that this young cute girl really loves them for what they are and not for their money / security they offer. So I would recommend keep on dating girls but stay realistic who you date.

    Yes I agree but most over 50 ( me ) with half a brain would maintain a realistic approach. I would not want a young girl except ( If I was that way inclined) to empty the tanks.

    I would like to meet someone after two failed marriages, but aware sufficiently to see things as they really are as I would imagine most guys are. ( not all brain dead)

    Secrity; weather emotionaly ( men ) or women ( financially ) is just a catalyst.

  9. Again thanks for good posts.

    Biggest problem, is that any decision made now will have huge impacts later on if I get it wrong. The element of actually living a quality life with a feel good factor is my main driving force.

    Its also gratifying that all of you who made the move, don't seem to have any regrets.

    Start the process in the Spring......

    Chaingmai, lthough a bit more mixed is my main option as seems cooler than Udon which I also liked. Anyone have thoughts on good places to live?

  10. Thanks to all.

    Proves there are too many variables in life to ever have a water tight plan. My job as I have said does not pay well, and after a good career with Fujitsu feel like I am on the scrap heap LOL.

    I like Thailand for the right reasons, but you cannot ignore the fact Thai ladies will show interest as opposed to the indifference shown in the UK, Europe and the states.

    This is not however, a factor in my decision as I think this may come later on for the right reasons; if that makes sense. Many Farangs are fooled too easily, and if vulnerable not a good driving force when life changing decisions are made.

    Financially I have a house and pension, but also a large mortgage thanks to my ex wife. Savings have fallen so I have limited long term options until the upturn we have been promised by G Brown...

    But life is short... so I think a couple of extended holidays until I can sell up. But will wait for six months.

  11. This sort of question / discussion is dictated by individual circumstances..but the decision must have been faced by most here. I guess one thing in my favour I am not hooked on a thai lady ( yet.). I have a friend who is fortunate to be able to come out every 3 months whilst living on a pension and rental income. Sadly I don't have his resources.

    Guess a retirement visa is best? or non immigrant O not sure if it makes any difference.....

    I will make a decision soon... before the grim reaper :o

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