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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. On 5/10/2020 at 11:28 AM, ubonjoe said:

    You did not mention your wife needing a visa or extension. Your wife will have get her non-o visa from an embassy or consulate. Immigration does not issue them for family members of a person on a retirement extension.

    So does this mean both husband and wife will need 800K each in the bank? (Total 1.6M baht!)


    I thought the foreign wife was allowed to piggyback the husband's retirement visa?

  2. What do you expect? The poor girl gets paid 300 baht / day and has to repeatedly perform the same mind numbing job, standing there for hours till her legs ache. Nobody cares enough to suggest they rotate the girls every half hour. Meanwhile, Dhanin, owner of CP Group and 7/11, is the country's richest man and getting richer off slave labour. Sad.


    Having said that, Roadrunner was attacked by an automated spray booth the other day, with no warning sign informing what was about to happen. Yikes!

  3. 6 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    I'm not keen on this invasion of privacy and micro monitoring from the state to control a "virus". If Thailand goes down the route of doing tracking bracelets and app on phone, then it's over for me!



    People will rebel. I can be naughty by nature. The imagination runs riot at what I would do with their bracelet.


    I have enough trouble having some extra curricular nookie without Lady Roadrunner finding out. I swear the female of the species have Radar.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    i think during a state of emergency they can do whatever they want. 


    at home pro today i was first asked for my phone number. i am in their system because i am a member. the membership application has my full name, address and passport number. the people next to me were not members and had to supply their names and i am not sure what else. maybe PP or drivers license. Maybe just their phone number so they can be called. 


    if for some reason they really needed to find me, CCTV at the mall would track me back to the Bat scooter and record my license plate number on exiting.   


    of course because i am super cool i now have a "1 Card" and a "M Card" that gets swiped even if I pay cash. 


    There is no way for me to return home without being watched by dozens of cameras.   

    Such is the price for being a Hollywood star eh.


    But yeah, with the Thai being paranoid about security we can look forward to more of this. Thank God George Orwell’s book has not been translated into Thai.


    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Ranshoko said:

    Yet another piece of verbal diarrhea which can be taken with pinch of salt.  They're in the deep and smelly. It's time for them to finally realise Farang Expats contribute a significant amount of income to many Thai's. However, they'll soon forget when Covid blows over. 

    Yep, right now we filthy Farang that live here are all they've got left. Enjoy the love, .... it won't last.


    Will they demonstrate their new found love for us by doing away with needless paperwork and wasted time, such as 90 day reports? .... Unicorn moment indeed.

    • Like 1
  6. Spray painting requires skill and is a lot of work to do. Paint does not forgive amateur mistakes. It is easy to end up with Orange peel or runs. Preparation of surface and masking up are important if you expect to get a good finish.


    Small areas like a bike gas tank can be done with an aerosol, but why bother when your local spray shop can do it for you cheaply. Problem is, Thais are often good at spraying but useless on preparation, which often results in the paint lifting or cracking later. They have a habit of wet sanding filler and spraying over it before it has dried out, resulting in later shrinkage. Basically your Thai is in a hurry and paint requires time and endless patience!


    Another Thai habit is covering entire panels with body filler, (commonly known in the trade as pudding). Once the whole panel is covered you have lost sight of your panel line, result is a panel that looks like a wave in the ocean.


    It should be done in a purpose built spray booth with air extraction so you don't inhale the fumes which are bad for your lungs. Booth must be clean to avoid dust getting on paint. Small stuff, like a gas tank, can be done outdoors, you just polish the dust and bugs out later!


    It is immensely pleasing when you get it right, drives you insane when it goes wrong.


    Roadrunner's own car in spray booth. About the only use I have ever had for Thai newspapers!




    • Like 2
  7. It’s hard to find an Indian restaurant in the suburbs of Bangkok, so I was surprised to find there is one in the same building as CW Immigration. At last, something good in a place I loathe going to. Roadrunner was determined to check it out.


    It’s called Savor, a tiny booth inside Food World, near the 7/11 on the floor below Immigration. You would hardly know it was there. Tasty and very cheap.


    However, I was not prepared for what I had to go through to get into the Govt Complex! On arrival at the front door, a security guard directed me to a small white tent like tunnel, which looked like something Wile E Coyote might have ordered from ACME. And so it proved to be, a trap! Once inside, without warning, Roadrunner was assaulted by jets of disinfectant from all angles. Yikes! I had not even recovered from that when, emerging through the other side, I found three Thai girls screaming at me in panic and pointing to a TV monitor.  “ Mister, your body so hot! ”…. Yeah, well, I do get these compliments….  Then I caught sight of my thermal image on TV, all red and hot like.


    The security guard came running in like the building was on fire, thinking he had a Covid 19 case on his hands, and ushered me back outside to a row of seats, where I was left to cool off. I had been out in the sun and it was steaming hot that day. Why did he not have me wait inside where I would be cooled by the air con? Duh, no common sense.


    After a few minutes a very wary Roadrunner was allowed back in through the tunnel, no disinfectant this time. The girls took my photo for security, wearing a mask, you could not identify anyone from it! Duh, TiT.


    Finally, I was inside! Hot and covered in sticky wet disinfectant. You have to be hungry and intrepid to get your Indian food here.




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  8. 5 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Perhaps it's wasted time, but time is an illusion so here it goes.

    Can you imagine all the men and women who have lived on this planet since millions of years, and the animals and the plants and the minerals ?

    Can you imagine countless planets in the universe, some of whose may be inhabited by beings more or less intelligent than us ?

    Ok, now take all that, and multiply by the infinite.

    Once you understand the concept of infinite and eternal, come back and let's have a chat about God.

    If time were an illusion there would be no space and no infinite as these are linked. You also have not expanded on "it's not a man" when referring to the creator. Or are you implying that God is not like us, but an energy, as in Quantum Physics?

    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Except it's not a "man" we're talking about :smile:

    If God is female it would explain some of the suffering we endure.


    Perhaps you would like to expand on "it's not a man" (er, and it does say in the Bible that God created man in his own image).

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