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Lenny Jones

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Posts posted by Lenny Jones

  1. 17 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    He's getting confused at his age. He reminds me of a bull defecating in a field.

    A man who needs 25 watches to tell the time.  Wouldn't know the difference between a bomb-detector and a garden spade.  Has really generous dead friends.  Doesn't trust Thai doctors or hospitals for his health problems.  Admits to being to old to be Defense Minister.


    It's a worry - - - - - -

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  2. This is not to clean up the Thai fishing industry.


    This is to keep Thailand from getting a red card from the international fishing community.


    If they get that there will be an embargo on exports and another country like Malaysia will have to supply an outlet path - at a price - and they don't want to share the profits.


    It also uses slave labor on the boats and we all know what happened to the last top cop that looked into that.  He is now living in asylum in Australia.....

    • Like 2
  3. 24 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    Some senior people - let's name names. It was our beloved PM Prayut when he was in charge of the army. His attempt at face-saving was to say that as long as it made the soldiers feel better, it was worthwhile.

    In the real world this man's career would have been shot to pieces - - - But - - - This is Thailand and this is also a fine example of how poor this country is run - - - - Fortunately I have been able to find a niche to live in here - with a form of immunity from this madness.


  4. 19 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

    Im not giving up on the old guy just yet. Why its interesting is people dont thing too much about mechanical force. Multiple gears spinning a final gear/shaft at extreme high rpm is still intriguing to me. Ultra lightweight materials? Smaller? Better lubricants, I dunno still interesting, if not by this old guy then by someone else. But...I'm no engineer.....thank God for that you all say!

    Google hand crank dynamo - A dime a dozen for sale everywhere

  5. 8 hours ago, bangrak said:

    Aah, Thailand, the land of magic... No a single doubt about the good man's positive intentions, but, but... Not a single doubt either about thousands of patents bought, and 'safely' buried by friendly(?) Arab people, and by petroleum majors only there to serve us(?!), deep, deep, into mega safety boxes, but this here...

    Allow me to go 'off-topic', but in a same 'line', here with a couple of figures about electric cars, to sober things up, even when it ruffles the feathers of the 'believers'(yes, like in religious abusive cults) following an Elon Musk and green consorts: the production and use of a Tesla car is, for what CO2 production is concerned, equivalent to that of a same car with modern gasoline engine, ...after 7 years!

    F.i. the production of batteries for Tesla cars, rejects 17 million tonnes of CO2 yearly in the atmosphere. And, not even thinking of what could possibly be used to produce electric power, in sufficient volumes (outside of nuclear power), ...anyway, there is not enough Lithium available on the planet for the batteries of an electrified car park (forgetting about other uses of Lithium in batteries, smartphones, anyone?).

    (In case of doubt, go f.i. ask Dr Jens Ludman leading McL engineering)

    Totally agree.  I read an article about electric cars - "good for the environment - use no fuel"

    What a load of bullsh*t - the electricity they use has to be generated - - Where? - - in POWER STATIONS ! - many of which are coal or gas burning - - - - .


    Do these clown really think that they can tell us electric cars are good for the planet?


    Not this little black duck - - -


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  6. 6 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    I haven't been a vegetarian for 47 years because I love animals.  It's because I hate plants.  At least that's what I tell people.  555

    Classic vegie opportunity rant.  "Seize the moment!"

    All you did was show your ignorance.  NOBODY kills fish for no reason.  Fish are either killed for food or returned to the water alive. - EXCEPT when they are removed as invasive pests.

  7. 48 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    But the Tsunami was 26th December 2004, so assume you came early in 2004, as you stated, to get prepared ? ????

    Sorry Mate - actually 5 days after in 2005 - memory gets a bit blurred after a while.  It is actually something I would like to forget but - What has been seen cannot be unseen - - -


    It was my visit later to see what was left and I was really surprised at how the Thais got up and moved forward.  That plus the absence of remorse made my mind up to consider retirement here.  So I did.It just gives me the sh1ts having to defend myself against narrow-minded Yanks who say I'm weird because I don't go to bars. - Hence the posts.

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  8. 11 hours ago, dcnx said:


    Unless you’re part of some silly religious group here who came to “save” the locals, I refuse to believe a foreign male living in Thailand has never stepped foot in a bar here.


    I don’t drink or smoke either. Been to plenty of bars.

    Think what you like mate - - I first came here to Thailand early 2004 as  part of a DVI team - Disaster victim identification - working at Kao Lak after a big tsunami.  Nothing to do with religion - part of my long career in a police force.  I've put up with more sh1t in my life than you could imagine.  I came back 5 years later and decided that Thailand would be a good place to retire.  My wife and I live in a quiet rural environment and don't need the garbage you seem to be attracted to.  Farming, gardening and fishing gives us everything we need.  I'm not the slightest bit religious  and I really think you need to reassess your opinions of others around you.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Yinn said:


    And they marry the “bargirl” and then complain about that.

    Your criticism is based on ignorance and is unbecoming.  I was not criticizing a Thai person.  I stated facts,.  I fired a salvo at the media that took it away from the truth for the sake of media sensationalism.


    And - By the way - I married a Thai lady who - like me - has NEVER been inside a Thai bar


    I think you need to find some Yang to balance your outlook on life.

  10. Amazing! - So many posts about the General's can being rattled!


    And WHERE in al this is his Number one supporter STEVEN?


    This whole thing is a shambles!.  The General's very existence is threatened.  Tic Toc say's he's had enough (or collected enough).  Thousands of generals are waiting in the wings for their turn at the trough.  Red Bull Brat is still floating around free.  A drunk killer in a Merc walks after throwing money. Tourists visiting via Phuket are being kicked out.


    Where are you STEVEN ?

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