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Posts posted by suiging

  1. preferably where there are more blues than reds :bah:

    Good man helicopter :o

    Although, as a blue myself, i am going to be watching it in a Red pub. In a sea of red shirts, i'll be there in sky blue. Hopefully we'll stuff them and hopefully i'll get out alive :D

    The Butchers Arms on Soi Boukhaow is a good place to watch footy. With good english beer as well. :D

    Well just by accident I stumbled across Terrace Bar on Siam Country Road, the owner is a man city fan (from Birmingham :D ) he has brainwashed his thai wife in being a blue and its only 5 minutes from where I live :o and guaranteed MCFC matches will get preference on his telly :bah:

    I think i just found my local


    Where's that by then ?

  2. And the hope that perhaps the question would not attract Maigoo 6 and co to descend on the thread and rubbish dear old Patters yet again

    Yes how could one attempt to rubbish dear old Pattaya, the very nerve of the posters that do.................

    Anyone would think that Pattaya was an overcrowded, dirty, polluted, crime ridden, sex tourist filled dump.

    Not the peaceful, crime free, uncrowded idyllic retirement community we all know it to be. :o

    I take it you are now the Chairman of the Pattaya Basher's league.

    Like those who have gone before you, you are a sad sorry individual who must have had some bad experience with a lady Boy or male prostitute in the seedy area of town. This failed knee trembler, has led you from where'ver you live, to trawl this site waiting for the chance to jump in and reap your self-righteous vengeance whenever possible.

    Let's all hope you get over it soon, as sadly there are many others waiting to take your place, usually found in dirty cinemas wearing oddly cut raincoats.

    Where do you like in LOS by the way ? Do tell so a few of the lads from here can visit your site and dump the same sort of <deleted> you dump on here.

  3. Any Hotel for which you have booked and paid for a double room and registered your guest on arrival............................same all over the world really.

    I'm sure "klikster" was not really gonna have the bird with him on arrival and check in :o

    Irony ? :D

    And the hope that perhaps the question would not attract Maigoo 6 and co to descend on the thread and rubbish dear old Patters yet again

  4. Thaksin was a product of a prevailing local culture which has not changed.

    A small little fellow who liked to dress up in uniforms and was thought by many to be quite mad led Germany to war. A few years latter along came a little Austrian who did the same. ( bet you thought the first one was Hitler......eh ).

    The prevailing German culture allowed for the two leaders ( one by birth one by mas hysteria ) to bring the Nation to it's knees.

    If you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it. Bye bye Thaksin 2006, helloooo Mr. Rumpabumpabaanchat 20-----.

  5. If things get really bad I'll dig a well. :o

    First thing I insisted on was a bloody deep well. I find water shortages after the promise of mighty river diversions hard to fathom. Perhaps funding has been errrrr mislaid for these public works projects of vital importance for the poor sods who pay their taxes

  6. Some poor Aussie on the Visa Forum has asked for help as his Consulate has refused to give him a supporting letter for his proof of income.

    Well the answer is obvious, but I thought I'd share it with our Antipodean pals on this thread first.....................................................

    All he needs is a letter of endorsement from his Probation Officer...................you've all got one after all :o ?

  7. Following up on the thread about East Pattaya - from

    living on the Sea Side of Sukumvit I hear the bulk of the home break ins occur in East Pattaya.

    There are some nice homes there , but theft really seems a major problem on that side.

    Not to mention crossing the great divide (Sukumvit)

    Sadly true to a degree.

    When a new housing project is completed if the " gang " can not find new work, a few of them have been known to help themselves to the odd item before they head North. Alarms and a good gate seem to do the trick as they are inherently lazy and will always go for the easy target.

  8. A lot of complaints seem to be from people who demand to have the same rights and privileges they enjoy at home from a country in which they are a guest.

    I would hazard a guess that these same complainers in their own country, are the first to demand that all immigrants should be kicked, out and that their countries way, is the only way and if new settlers don't like it, they should be deported.

    If LOS was the same as my country ( UK ) in every ( any ? ) way, I certainly wouldn't want to retire here. It's the difference that makes it special and I am not ( well hope not ) as arrogant as to believe that everything should change to suit my every whim. Those that feel that way will never be happy no matter where they are.

  9. Alexander the Great's first wife, Roxane, was the daughter of a Sogdian baron. Sogdiana was also the place where he lost the sympathy of his troops when he killed Clitus the Black.

    Imagine going through life being called Clitus before Deedpol ?

    At least that footballer from Sogdia, Dikov, managed to change his name from Mr. Lostpenis.

  10. For all the traffic reasons already highlighted, if you play golf, ride horses or have kids to place in expat schools, the East is the side to be on. If you want to play in the town on a regular basis.........don't bother crossing the big road.

  11. I bought a Television from Numchai in Pattaya. I have no idea how they did it, but by the time I got home ( I looked round their shop a bit but went straight back after paying ) the guys were waiting outside the gate to install it.


  12. Same old thread...same old <deleted>.

    Do you not realise that everyday new members join so what you consider old is new for many.

    It's so typical on every forum for older members to constantly complain about threads that seem to cover the same subjects. If you eliminated all the repeated topics over the last 4 years, you could probably delete 9/10 ths of all posts.

    I can't wait for your illuminated response, but I suspect you only post to increase your post count.

    You are quite right.

    However, when other topics are done to death our beloved mods step in with a link to the previous threads and close the repeated drivel. You may enjoy Pattaya bashing, but why not have a holiday and go and bash Phuket ? :o

  13. No matter what they are doing, hats off to them for getting off their collective <deleted> and trying under their own steam to improve their surroundings. Wish I could say the same for the " happy Slappers" in my own country who could not place Thailand on a map, never mind having the gumption to get there to try to move on in life.

  14. I am trying to figure out whats the best TV package option to use in Pattaya, i dont think ubc is for me tho, but have seen a sattelite system called sun channels with 300 free to air channels has anybody used this? is it better than sophon cable?

    This package is great if you are from Pakistan

    Or an Indian Tailor.........................................sorry couldn't help it.

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