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Posts posted by deon

  1. Well being Muslim and from the uk , I can safely say you should not tar us all with the same brush as we are not all the same .Ie i am white But born Muslim dont have a beard ,as i said we are not all the same far from it

    The part of bkk i stay when i am there is manly the Muslim part .

    And i must admit i was shoked when i saw some so called Muslims hmmm .But one thing i can say alot of them was from down south , And even though they knew my other half was not Muslim ie she is a bhuidist. They still treated me and her the same .Just becouse a few of our faith do sad sick stupid things does not mean we are all like that .

    And for thouse who think that we are wel wake up and smell the coffie .I admit we class ourselfs as one family Ie every Muslim is a brother ad sister tro each other so we all feel each other pain .Be it in Thailand or palistain or chechnia or iraq or when it was Bosnia Srebrenica when 8000 Muslm young men and boys was killed in 3 days .Yes things like that make most of us sick sad and mad .

    But so does the beheading down south and in indonisea when those 3 little girls was beheaded bless them .The people who do that may call them self Muslims and pray and dress like them .

    Bu when they do things that go totally against Islam then they are not Muslim Like binladen is a lost fool totaly on the wrong path .And all the actions alqida do are totaly against Islam and that is why even in iraq now alot of sunni are starting to turn against them as they kn ow it is not islam to blow up woman and children if they be shia or sunni .

  2. Pumpuiman that is one top story lmao .I wish i could of saw your friends face when that happendlol, i bet it was not a pritty pic lol.Still would of been funny to see a hippy flip out lol.I know a few from SF and they are hippys forsure .

  3. Tom baker who played Doctor who use to pop around my grans house for his eggs lol when moved away he sent me a letter with a pic of him ,I thought he was the best doctor who.

  4. Mr Killjoy lmao i love it.I have not heard that said in along time .I have not laughed so much in along time good thing i was notdrinking my coffie when i was reading this thread, or the pc would of been coverd in it forsure.Anyway back to the burrning issue any more news .

    Edit why do i keep seeing sponser dating site post , b4 and after my post, i have a thai other half thanks why bug me .Is it just me and my pc getting this add or is everyone? as its doing my head in now.

  5. Even though i dont live there, the reason for my first visit was to meet my gf who i meet on the net , got to know each other after a year a chatting i went there for my first visit.That was 5 years ago now . We are still together and i have never been in a bar there yet as i dont drink .And i try to get over there as often as i can .

  6. Talk about tables lol , i went to one glub in bkk called Hollywood with my other half she said its a very good glub .It was my first time there As soon as i got in ,i said to her where do you dance .And she just looked at me with a strange look, and i said again where is the dance floor , and her reply was no dance floor lol well there was just the tables was on it talk about weird .Then we went to some other glub just of koh sang road and they was playing snap i got the power well enough said about that place .

  7. Waldwolf , i did a avg scan thye other day and it found some file ,which is strange.As when i usedavg b4 it did not find it anyways everythingis working fine now .So onceagain i would just like to thank you for your time and help ty very much .

  8. Waldwolf thanks for all the info ,and for all the help, we tried the fist thing you said and that did not workso everything is still the same but thanks for all the help anyway .

    .Also using windows explorer is fine to get to this site just like mozzila is , it just seem to be the internet explorer which is not .

  9. Hello i am wondering if anyone could maybe help me ,For the pasttwo day ihave not been ableto get on this site and some other thai sites .

    Then today i tried for the first time with mozzilla ,and i was able to search the sites .Though when i use my normal internet explorer .

    all i would get is an error message could not find this file. its a temp file and its a text file (appocompat) sorry i cant be muchmore help just i am not good with pc at all .

  10. Thaifelix you made me laugh with that coment,About being on the wrong furam .It is a sad state of afairs when it seem you are banging your head on a brick wall .As i said before i was a member of another site .And we was able to raise 15000 dollers for one 51 year old member ,and 8000 dollers for a female member who had cancer . And had been arrested by the police in maryland .Now if a bunch of P H ers can do that.

    Then surely we can do somthing .So hows about we put our heads together and try and come up with somthing .for the sake of this poor girl.

  11. Well as a Muslim , i for one find there actions sick sad and disgusting ,And everything that has been done down south in the name of Islam.It has nothing to do with islam, and goes totaly against everything a Muslim should belive in.

    I am not a pefect Muslim far from it ,But as i have said all the actions of a few so called Muslim, do not represent Islam ,or its teachings at all far from .And if those people really did know there Islam then they would know that the acts they are doing is totaly wrong and forbidden .InshAllah they will taste the fires of hel_l for what they have done to that poor girl.

  12. i was going to post this on the same post its what i found on erowid but the page crashed so i had to do another post this is what one person had to say abot it .Iwas doing research on this leaf and came across the vault. I live in Thailand where this stuff grows naturally, and eat it from time to time, mostly when my Thai friends offer it.

    I've read of other experiences with this leaf on the Internet and the dosages people are taking are way beyond what anyone here takes. Maybe the cultivated strains are weaker. Anyway I do quite well with just one half or one leaf. They split down the center vein quite easily, so it's easy to take it in half-leaf doses.

    I usually start getting a buzz in about 15 minutes, and am fully off in 30-45 minutes. Some folks compare it to opium, and I guess that's fair if you're talking about high-quality chandoo containing a minimum of opium and maximum of papaverine and other stimulating alkaloids in O. Anyway for me krathom is primarily stimulating in its effect. I often eat a half leaf or more when embarking on a long drive, to keep me alert and make the trip a lot more interesting.

    Basically it feels like a mild dose of E, with less jitters. In fact no jitters, just mild elation and alertness. It wears off in about two hours and there is virtually no crash (just a tad, less than for caffeine I'd say).

    It's a shame it's illegal in Thailand, as all the truck drivers and dock workers that used to eat krathom to make a day's work go better are now on ya ba - cheap amphetamines that are causing addiction and violent incidents, etc. Krathom doesn't seem addictive at all, I'm able to take it daily for a week then not at all for six months or more.

    Exp Year: 2003

  13. Stacey Also being a Muslim, i know what you are talking . Some folks from yeman and Somalia chew kat being as alcohol is forbiden for us .So i would not be suprised if what he is chewing is somthing very close or along the same lines as kat is .Just this plant is native to thailand .

    Kat is legal here in the uk, though it is not in alot of other places .Though as i have never used any i cant realy say what it is like though i know it is classed as a mild stimulant .

    girl x that link you put up was about Methamphetamine . this stuff is not the same as that , its far from it infact if anything its like Amphetamine. Not the suff you are on about ie ice .Please if you are going to gvie info make it correct.that was not a dig by the way .

  14. Well i for one hope we can get somthing ,sorted out for this girl. Some folks are saying if we can raise her some money, then she may get less compo .If noone knows she has got any money from a bunch of farangs.

    Then how will she get less compo ?.Once on a certain web site one i will not say what iti s called ,As some folks would not agree with those kinds of sites. Anyway a bunch of us members was able to raise 15000 dollers for another member who had got into some trouble bless him so if a bunch of old hippys and some not so old can do that .

    Let see what we can do ,now in noway i am saying we can do the same .

    But somthing is better than nothing , so lets not let this story collect dust and try and get somthing sorted out .For the sake of this girl.

  15. Why could we not just send the money to one of the mods on here. i dont not see why we should wait till the outcome of the case . Or wait to see how much money she gets in compo,The point is she could do with it now or asap.

    For the members overseas like me , ie back here in sunny warm England lol not .We could just send the money through weston union,If we have somwhere to send it .

    It cant be that hard to get the money to her ,Cant somone who speaks thai call a paper .Or see if there was a local paper maybe what has done a story on her. As they may have the contact details for her,and maybe they will even be willing to help .

    Anyways i have got a bit i am willing to send , so hows about we get the ball rolling if we can .I dont like the idea of paying money into her bank acount i must say though,I could send it even to my other half and she could give it to somone over there . i would rather it be given to her in person if that was at all possible .

  16. Well i for one think its a great idea, when i was reading the story i was thinking the same thing .One it would help her alot i am sure .I dont live in Thailand, my other half does .And even though the place has its faults like everywhere does ,i love the place and most of its folks and i cant wait to be bak there.so i for one will chip in if folks are willing to have a whip round .

    And as others have said it would be a positive step,In showing for one, not all farangs are like how some thais think.

    And it may just plant a little seed ,in the back of some thai minds .ie just becouse a person does a job others may not like.Still it does not make her any less of a person.

    But to me its not really about making farangs look good, or changing how some thais think.

    Its about just trying to help, this poor unfutunate girl .who happend to meetsome sicko in a brown uniform.

    Sorry if this offends anyone, but i think killers and pedo should just be got rid of .And i dont mean quickly sorry. they should both be put through as much pain as they did there victims i think .

    Sorry if this sounds harsh , but they are a waste of walkingspace, Both are the scum of the earth .And the man who did this to that poor girl ,though man is not the right word , Scum who did it he should have both his arms taken with a blunt blade, see how he likes it .Then he will know how this poor girl will feel for the rest of her life . sorry if my rant does offend anyone ,just its really has done it with.

  17. Poor girl, how anyone can do this i dont know .I hope that pig gets life inside ,or one good kicking ,from the rest of the cons inside.

    Its the least he should get for what he has done .Its sick and sad .After seeing that pic of that poor girl i am upset now .How anyman could do that i just dont know ,just like those two poor young russian girls in Pattaya .ps sorry if my rant offends anyone .

  18. I first thought that when i went to Thailand to does everyone here have acold lol , but then i soon found out the reason why. Its the smell of the city, in some parts of bkk it can get quite bad that bad infact i have even got myself one .

  19. RObski i have to tell you but you are wrong , when you say hydroponic weed was reclassed as a class 'a' drug in the UK, not true the only thing to do with hash or weed that is class a is oil . skunk ie weed and hash are all class c .The law

    In the UK, cannabis plants and resin are Class C drugs following declassification in January 2004.Also anyone interested in a report on driving while stoned may find ths uk tv report intresting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfcRyruo91Y and this is what the uk house of lords had to say about the medical issue..I find it sad when folks can get locked up for smoking weed ,yet pedo gets let of and does not go to jail.Now to me that just mad sick and sad .LORDS SAY, LEGALISE CANNABIS FOR MEDICAL USE

    The Government should allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medical use: this is the conclusion of a report by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, published today.

    Lord Perry of Walton, chairman of the inquiry said: "We have seen enough evidence to convince us that a doctor might legitimately want to prescribe cannabis to relieve pain, or the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), and that the criminal law ought not to stand in the way. Far from being a step towards general legalisation, our recommendation would make the ban on recreational use easier to enforce. Above all, it would show compassion to patients who currently risk prosecution to get help."


    Cannabis is a "Schedule 1" drug, and cannot be used at all in medicine, except for research under special Home Office licence. The Lords recommend that it should be moved to "Schedule 2". This would allow doctors to prescribe it, subject to certain special regulations, and it would allow doctors and pharmacists to supply it in accordance with a prescription.

    The report sets out evidence that cannabis can be effective in some patients to relieve the symptoms of MS, and against certain forms of pain. The Lords say, this evidence is enough to justify a change in the law. They are less convinced about its effectiveness in other conditions, including epilepsy, glaucoma and asthma.

    The Lords welcome the fact that clinical trials of cannabis are currently being launched, by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, and by Dr Geoffrey Guy of GW Pharmaceuticals, with a view to the eventual licensing of cannabis as a medicine. The Lords say, however, that cannabis should be rescheduled now, rather than waiting several years for the results of these trials.

    If cannabis ever becomes a licensed medicine, the Lords do not envisage it being licensed for smoking; they call for research into alternative delivery systems.

    At present, people who use cannabis for medical reasons risk prosecution; and juries sometimes refuse to convict such people, which brings the law into disrepute. If prescription were legalised, then someone using cannabis for medical reasons who was accused of recreational use could clear himself at once by producing the prescription. [More]


    The Lords find enough evidence of toxic effects of cannabis to justify maintaining the present ban on recreational use. Besides being intoxicating, they report that:

    - regular heavy use can lead to psychological dependence, and even in some cases to physical dependence, involving withdrawal symptoms;

    - cannabis can pose a risk to people with a heart condition;

    - cannabis can exacerbate pre-existing mental illness;

    - smoking cannabis is as bad for the lungs as smoking tobacco, and may cause cancer.


    1. The report follows an inquiry which began in April, and included 12 public hearings. A list of the Lords who took part in the study is attached :

    2. The report is published by The Stationery Office: Cannabis, HL Paper 151, ISBN 0 10 4151986, £9.50.

    3. The evidence taken by the Committee is published separately as HL Paper 151-I, ISBN 0 10 4792981, £22.60.

    4. The full text will be on the Internet on publication, accessible via the UK Parliament home page at www.parliament.u

  20. Marijuana's Only Problem

    Posted by CN Staff on December 31, 2006 at 06:31:10 PT

    By Chip Parkhurst

    Source: Orange County Register

    California -- It is time to re-evaluate our attitudes about alcohol and other drugs.

    In purely objective terms, beverage alcohol is a recreational hard drug: mind-numbing, easy to misuse and intimately connected with aggression, carelessness, and despair. When a drugged individual is involved in a violent crime or an accident, the drug is most often alcohol.

    In America, alcohol is responsible for 65 percent of murders, 55 percent of college rapes (that's 70,000 per year), 39 percent of traffic fatalities, 33 percent of all trauma injuries, 33 percent of drownings and other accidental deaths, and 25 percent of teen suicides. About 150,000 Americans die from chronic alcohol-related illnesses each year, and another 3,000 from accidental overdoses.

    Alcohol is not without merit. With moderate use (one or two drinks a day) alcohol acts like a soft drug, providing pleasant short-term effects (enhanced sociability and relaxation) and favorable long-term effects (lower blood pressure and cholesterol, lower risk of stroke and heart disease and longer life).

    A similar scenario exists among pharmaceutical drugs, with substantial risks accompanying their benefits. For pain, over-the-counter painkillers including aspirin and Tylenol are indispensable, yet they kill 15,000 people annually. The antidepressant Paxil raises the risk of suicide. Xanax (for anxiety) is highly addictive. Ambien (for insomnia) causes sleepwalking and sleep-driving. Humira (for arthritis) triples the risk of cancer. Advair (for asthma) may cause pneumonia. Ketek (for infections) is linked to liver damage. Thalidomide (newly approved for treating skin cancer) causes horrendous birth defects. Children are put on ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Strattera) even though each year thousands end up in the hospital from bad reactions, hundreds of children taking the drugs report having suicidal thoughts, and a few end up dead from complications. Oregon physicians can administer intentionally lethal "medicines" to terminal patients.

    A legal stimulant – caffeine – is so pervasive and accepted that most of the population (including children) consume it daily via coffee, soda or energy drinks, even though moderate consumption raises the risk of a heart attack, and five grams of caffeine (33 cups of coffee) will kill you.

    So, we clearly allow people to ingest hazardous drugs. We just have to give them enough information about the drugs so they can choose and use them safely and responsibly. Against that backdrop, we must evaluate another drug being used by tens of millions of Americans, albeit one that must be used covertly despite its remarkable safety: marijuana.

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