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Posts posted by deon

  1. Well i am going to come clean on this thread, as some of the things said on this threadare mad .The person who was on about acid .I can safely say back in the days of rave here in the uk say 89 to to 96 there was not a weekend i did not have acid or somthing else .I will not say its the right thing to do but it was what i liked to do .And b4 anyone says no i dont takeor have anything anymore .

    I dont like hard drugs at all , as i had a friend die from brown ie smack .And those folks who say try weed first then go on to hard drugs that the biggist load of rubbish i have ever heard. I have not drunk since i was 18 years old i am 33 now soon to be 34 .If you was to ask me which was the worst drug i would say by far it is drink , I go to Holland not to feel like a crim as i am from the uk But i can tell you this the dutch have tghe right way of doing things .Now i know its not on about cocaine .

    But the article makes some very good points abou the war on drugs.

    Florida -- Our war on drugs literally makes me nauseous with disgust. On June 20th, 18-year-old Eli Strunk of Fort Pierce was arrested for having less than an ounce of marijuana in his car. He faces a felony conviction that will follow him for the rest of his life and a possibility of spending five years in prison.

    Each year, there are 700,000 marijuana arrests made in this country, mostly for possession or low level sales. As a result, hundreds of thousands of young people are sent to prison and their lives ruined. Our justice system and our police should hang their heads in shame for this injustice.

    I am not alone in my views. Walter Chronkite has declared that "The war on drugs is now causing more harm than the drug abuse itself." Other sources, including many newspapers, the mayor of Chicago, the former governor of New Mexico, federal judges, police officials and even Dear Abby have expressed dismay over our war on drugs.

    The Wall Street Journal's editorial on March 7 stated: "Its (the war on drugs) collateral damage is fostering anti-Americanism throughout the globe, particularly in South America, and at home, it has trashed the Fourth Amendment and is filling our jails with people whose only crime is to find pleasure in ways that other people don't like."

    The Arizona Republic Newspaper in Phoenix did extensive research on illegal drugs and reported that "Alcohol is the most widely used and most commonly abused drug in the United States. It's detrimental impact on society is far greater than that of illegal drugs."

    Canada and Mexico were close to making small quantities of drugs legal but changed their minds because of intense pressure from the United States. The Netherlands has virtually no drug problem even though it has legalized drugs. Alaska has legalized the use of marijuana. Rhode Island just became the 11th state to legalize medical marijuana. And last November, Denver citizens voted to make possession of small amounts of marijuana legal.

    John P. Walters, our current drug czar, has said that 16 million Americans regularly use marijuana. Thus, if the horrible effects claimed for this drug were true, we should be seeing our hospitals filled with desperately ill addicts. We should be seeing thousands of highway accidents due to crazed addicts driving under the influence. We should be seeing untold amounts of violence by the pot-heads.

    But this is not happening.

    The truth is that virtually all of the government's adverse claims about marijuana are false or greatly exaggerated. Of interest, one of Dr. Peter Gott's columns stated "Marijuana is now viewed by many authorities as being a relatively minor hazard to health."

    Yes, there is violence associated with illegal drugs but that is simply a result of their being illegal. Our $50 billion drug appetite fuels the criminal aspects of the drug trade resulting in clashes between rival drug cartels and the dealers and the police. From our experience with prohibition, we know this would end if drugs were legalized.

    A long-term review of the "police blotter" in the Port St. Lucie News shows that more arrests are made for simple non-violent "drug possession" than for theft, assault, rape, murder or other violent crime. No wonder there is overcrowding in our jails. No wonder we don't have the resources to protect abused wives. No wonder we don't have the resources to investigate child abuse. No wonder we don't have the resources to keep track of sexual predators.

    Now for a serious question for you to ponder: If the police suddenly were able to prove marijuana use by the 16 million people referred to by Mr. Walters, would you want all of them arrested and sent to jail?

    Would you want Bill Clinton sent to jail because he admitted smoking pot?

  2. After walking up ,and down and up and down .That road and then up and down that road again ,with my other half i can say i cant stand the place lol .Though for some strange reason i always seem to end up there when ever i come to Thailand even though i cant stand the place .

  3. Glen you are right about the wealth thing , as that is what most folks have told me to ie pale you work indoors in a office, or something like that , If you dark you work outdoors with rice or on building sites .I would not say any of the girl in any of the pics are ugly infact i would say far from it .I am glad the other half does not read tv other than when i show her a thread or something .

  4. Well my other half is from issan ,and i think she is very good looking .Though she does go on about her nose at times lol.Though i like the look of it , And she is tanned abit though she does not like to be tanned .And i just say you are mad using all the white powder stuff ,

    When most girls in the uk would die for a nice tan as she has .But she does not se it that way .Anyways this is just my view on things But i like the look of most issan woman ,Why they want to be pale looking i dont know , well i do i guess its just a thai thing .

  5. Being from Nottingham myself, Last time i checked it was 4 woman to every man here .But you have not seen most of them lol jk .Notts crime rate is not that bad and the gun crime is just in a few parts of Nottingham .And i can safely say i have walk in those parts of Nottingam ,where the gun crime was, and i have never even had any trouble or seen any trouble .And i am not a big lad i feel as safe walking the streets, in the meadows ,and st anns as i do the streets in bkk, or rayong late at night .There is a a fair amount of Polish here to . And most of them seem a nice hard working bunch of folks .
  6. Being from Nottingham myself, Last time i checked it was 4 woman to every man here .But you have not seen most of them lol jk .Notts crime rate is not that bad and the gun crime is just in a few parts of Nottingham .And i can safely say i have walk in those parts of Nottingam ,where the gun crime was, and i have never even had any trouble or seen any trouble .And i am not a big lad i feel as safe walking the streets, in the meadows ,and st anns as i do the streets in bkk, or rayong late at night .There is a have a fair amount of Polish here to . And most of them are seem nice hard working bunch .

  7. I will get my friend as call her , pok my friend as you say is my wife lol .though we have just had a small village wedding , ie its not on the books .But she did ask the other day if i had heard anything from you .What is the number of the place where she is at ,so then they can give the place a call.

  8. pokoal2000 what i would like to say is , It is really nice to see someone out there just tying there best just to help somone else out .And i do wish you all the best in helping this girl out .Have you thought of getting in contact with some schools in chag mai, if that is where she is from .As i have spoke to my other half, about this who is Thai .and she says if she did go to school then they would still have the records as they keep them.You maybe able to find somthing out there i know its grasping at straws abit .As the reason i posted was i was telling my other half this girl story the other day as i had read it and it kept poping up in my head .And my other half who can speak very good English and is at uni now , was telling em that she had been to the accident foundention today. And was saying how it had made her feel ,and i was telling her how in ways the girl is alot like her ie thinking alot obout others as you pointed out.So to cut a long story short i know this is my first post on this site .I have been a lurker for along .But it was your post, and everything you trying to do to help this girl made me post and join .Then the funny thing happend i foind out i was allready a member lol oh well .Anyway my other half has said she would like to help if she can and she asked do you know where she was born .My other half is in bkk as i amnot i am in the sunny uk .She says her and her friend who is also thai and can speak good English would both like to try and help if they can in anyway.So here is wishing you all the best in what you are trying to do. My other half also said try this tv station http://www.itv.co.th/ i do hope you can help her .As i know there is not that many folks out there who would do what you are doing .

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