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Date Masamune

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Posts posted by Date Masamune

  1. I have enjoyed lurking in the background for a couple of months.  This forum has been a very informative place.
    I appreciate the many scenarios addressed here. 
    Well,  I have no idea what to expect but I have a Royal Caribbean cruise in December all paid for and I am hoping to bring a very nice woman from Beung kan with me.  
    She has no B2 Visa yet.... I am going to help her the best I can.  I will be living in Thailand when the application process starts.  I will be looking for a Retirement Visa myself.
    She is in her 40's, owns the home, car, motorcycle and is a hard working employee at a hospital.   She has made one trip to Europe on her own.
    I sure hope the embassy realizes it is just a vacation and nothing more.   I have no intentions of this vacation lasting more than 12  - 14 days.   
    I hope for success.... but geez,  so many stories of failure out there.    
    I have written the embassy for guidance and to see if that helps in anyway.   i was used to the bureaucracy with the US Govt job I retired from.  I know it can be frustrating.
    We shall see........

    The most important thing you must understand is the woman (unless fiancée or spouse) must qualify for a visa under her own standards of qualification alone.

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  2. On this video by Chonburi Immigration... at 3'30" to 3'55" the narrator says that long term residents don't have to do the TM30. 
    "So if we live in our homes we don't need to register again"... because the 90 day report registers the address.
    It is from April 2017 so may be out of date. I wonder if it is inaccurate too?


    Wrong. TM30 has nothing to do with 90 day reports.

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  3. Dear members, after some considerations I will make a request for a NON Imm O-A visa. 
    One of the required forms is a medical certificate. My family doctor can not do it, no facilities he says.
    Which organisation in The Netherlands can sign this medical certificate?

    No facilities?, to clear you of the third stage of syphillis, elephantiasis, leprosy, TB and drug addiction!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. To hell with fines!  IDIOTS have been warned for years!  Confiscate and impound the bike, with a TEN THOUSAND Baht recovery fee.  Maybe, just maybe, something good will happen. 

    That is good for a first offense. For the third offensce put the bike through one of those industrial grinders and return it FREE as metallic bits in a plastic bag they can make payments to the bank for

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  5. just wanted a few opinions, a friend wanted me to bring back about 30 generic  viagra, although I almost never get searched, I felt uncomfortable with it and he got upset.  I wonder if I made to big a deal over it

    So your friend wanted you to smuggle vigra for him because he is to cheap to buy it online from one of the many US sites that will hook you up with a prescription or embarrassed to ask his doctor for it?


    Ask Rush Limbaugh what happens when caught by US Customs, he has plenty of money and influence. How about you?. You are already suspect by authority figures as a sex trafficker and pedophile simply being a male who visited Thailand. They could ruin your life. You made the right choice. By the way sidentifil is an easily manufactured drug, nothing wrong with the generics from Thailand or India is available over the counter in the UK.



  6. From what I am told by well informed legal sources, there is no amount of money that can get you out when the girl is 15 or 16. At 17, you can buy your way out. 
    Since American laws apply to all citizens overseas, an assistant district attorney will be dispatched, he will collect the suspect, flown back to the US in handcuffs, and he will be tried in federal court in the US, on statutory rape charges. They are hungry for these kinds of prosecutions. They love these cases. Makes the American puritans feel holier than thou. The feds will throw up to $10,000,000 at his conviction. Unless he is very wealthy and can afford a great legal team, he is going to spend at least 10 years in a federal pen and be on every sex offender list for the rest of his life. Even with a great legal team, he will likely be convicted. Without one, his life is basically over. 
    What is the moral to this story? There is never an excuse for getting busy with any woman under 18. Even that is pushing it. But at least it is legal. Why go there? Why take those kinds of risks, and why do that to a young woman? It is beyond comprehension. 

    Not ALL laws, think about it. Yes unfortunate but US persons and Corporations go overseas and do all kinds of things that are illegal in the US, as normal business.

    There are specific laws covering terrorism, piracy, and in this case molesting children, etc.

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  7. Unfortunate but Thailand is becoming known for denying entry to people who even have valid visas. I know a guy who has an Elite card Korean Airlines in Inchon said was fake because it wa not “machine printed” and denied boarding initially. Finally he got a supervisor to admit him as his 15 or so Thai admissions stamps from day of visa were obvious proof he could enter Thailand. No apology. Korea also has the “face” culture rubbish.


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  8. 300 baht? In Chiang Mai I think it is 1000 baht via a bribe (through an agent) or free of you can wait 4-6 weeks. I would never do that as it falls under the OECD Foreign Corrupt Practices act of 1977,. I may make mistakes out of ignorance or omission but would never knowingly commit an overt crime.


    As a US citizen bribing a foreign official is illegul.


  9. You have made a very very bad decision to overstay two days. Have you ever wanted to go to India, or Japan? Them not stupid and don’t like overstayers.

    There is a remote possibility you could be caught out at a checkpoint. Looking at harsh conditions in immigration detention prior to deportation, it’s not the Sheraton. Have you considered the Elite

    Program? You say you have done a few times previously so now you are on thin Ice even if you can stump up the cash. Thailand and it’s lax

    Attitudes towards overstay previously are to blame but honestly you may have had some bad advice.


  10. 51 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    What Bangkok Bank in CM?

    Kad Suan Kaew has always been friendly to this foreigner and a couple staff fluent in English


    1 hour ago, Henryford said:

    It appears anyone with a condo can open an account by just showing their passport and chanote.

    Or a contract to buy a condo. Or work permit. You will ALSO need a COR from Immigration or your counsulate. This has been the posted rules at the desk there for years.

  11. I have lived here in Thailand for 9 years, and I have never heard that vaping is illegal.  I don't use a vape or even smoke, but now I am glad I don't!  I wonder if tourist receive any notice on entry that vaping is illegal?

    Warnings shown on customs video on TG arriving flights. Airlines are advising customers upon check in. It is well known. There is a difference between vaping, and the heated tobacco marketed by the big players like IQUOS, that could be taxed easily. Why not?

    • Thanks 1
  12. 25 years (or so) ago in Japan VERY SEVERE drunk driving penalties, I was offered to drink beer in a private car. At that time at least it was legal.

    As long as the driver is not drinking what is the problem? The alcohol does not give a contact high, you can also drink 24/7 there and buy from vending machines. No dry days. Do you have safety issues there? Sensible behavior is the keys not silly laws and cops jailing people for serving a tourist a beer at 3pm.

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