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Posts posted by fraggleRock

  1. I've searched many a webpage and forum such as here and its still not clear what is needed!

    Completed forms

    400K in a Thai bank (I'm being told Bangkok Bank) - is this TRUE? as I don't bank with them since I arrived here 3 years ago on a work permit.

    IF so I have to leave for 3 months to get this in place.

    2 months before and three months after this must remain in the bank.... seems dodgy

    Wedding Certificate I can understand

    - Wedding pictures x25? are these required as we have a wedding certificate

    -House pictures required/ what type I have no idea - out the front / interior? What?

    -Baby birth certificate, again birth pictures (weird)

    -Family pictures x 25 again weird.

    Passports, fine..

    -some photo's 4.6 or something


    I need clarity if anyone can help who has just done this recently as its very unclear


    I moved from Singapore a few years back - the process was clear as rapid, not like this absolute bag of wild cats.


    Its getting very frustrating




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  2. I spent 8 days in Thai detention due to a passport problem (my passport was tampered with while I was asleep on a flight to Singapore who also detained me before deporting me back to Thailand) then I got deported to the UK, the experience was interesting for me - I had a fight (fisticuffs) with guards on the first night! --- funny as hell experience, something to tell the grand kids.. ???? -- Singapore ain't a great place to be in detention either.... 

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