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Posts posted by fraggleRock

  1. Superb ! I'm speechless - Thailand is not a place to holiday with anymore.... what a pathetic sign ... how stupid is stupid -- well it appears next lvl of stupid has been achieved.... the beach is poor anyways, full of plastics, turds and tampons with jetski scams etc thrown in... please Thai folks in this forum - sell me Thailand against Vietnam .... social distancing also is a buzz word.... non windy or windy day... ? whats the correct distance? SCAM..

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    Perhaps it is suicide. The BiB will have it correctly sorted shortly. 

    Yeah, similar to the guy who shot himself on the right side of the head 3 times, but as unusual here in Thailand it turned out the guy was left handed - the weapons muzzle and trajectory being a human impossibility --- was ruled as suicide as will this also - seems like a relationshipr ift of sorts existed and the only noise about in the village is the crickets at night - case closed... RTP do'nt want to waste time on an 'alien death'

  3. Guess this soldier boy player has never heard of 'Al Capone' etc.. or the 'Prohibition' and the proven results, what did he expect? Even the half wits and village idiots within a sensible parrallel universe to our own could see what carnage would bestow upon 'isle 12! The instore booze cruise aisle of dreams'   - Got to many fancy army uniforms to adorn with magpie shiny medals for achieving? --- winning?  --- saving? --- well they look pretty on the dance floor I guess ...  Dont we have a medicl condtion for this kind of behaviour?-- Narcissistic personality disorder....  I don't drink but was amusing to see people going crazy... Social distancing etc - out the window it pops..... well what do you expect, folks here wear flimsy fake face masks thinking its a barrier (NOt) and seen many a local whizz by on a motor bike adorning such atire minus a helmet.... So if the Chinese Plague does't kill ya, that truck behind you with break failure will, or the drunk doing a sharp left on to his Soi after a major daily day on the lash! -- ???? Thailand.... love it - expect the unexpected, no one cares - everyone for themselves...  -- so many drunks like nowhere I know on Earth....

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    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Spellforce said:

    The more interesting part is the 100% date per country.

    Because of course Thailand will start to open its international flights around june.

    I see forthcoming countries classified as RED (<97%), ORANGE (<99%) and GREEN (100%), and only people coming from GREEN countries will be allowed to land in Thailand + one covid-19 test.

    Why bother with all the hassle and cost, probably stay in home Country... as if all paperwork is in order tourists will still get messed around by the daft lunitics who call themselves immigration officers....

  5. I bought 15,000 eggs and donated to 3 temples who are preparing meals together with rice, meat and sauces, chillies etc in eco friendly recycled donated meal boxes and eating utensils .... this was in Bangkok City - we opted not to try and manage it ourselves as we could see the Police and other authorities and government agencies getting upset as they surly 'loose face' as they are doing nothing to help those in need, and choosing to ignore the situation.


    What surprises me is the complete and utter silence of the government on this situation of there own people and are happy to let so Westerners to do alot of the leg work with the locals .... after its all over I'm pretty sure soon when things plateau out people like Anutin Charnvirakul will crawl from beneath the stone he hides to remeind the Kingdom of how dirty the Westerners are and the Government will return to equation number one, love the Chinese.


    On a side note not seen much effort anywhere in the press etc of what help the LARGE Chinese communites are actually doing to help, squat it seems.

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  6. I dont drink so this does not really bother me, but the economy of Thailand will be taking a substantial beating from this, people can buy beer I'd of thought and stay home with a few beers and a movie or something - the assumption is everyone who drinks hits bars and is always on the megapi**up - oh well talk about shooting yourself in the foot again... but yup probably lots of lives saved on the roads as a plus.  Hospitals full of Alki's having major withdrawls probably which can in most cases be fatal.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    What visa have you stayed here on for 10 years ?

    Was a Work Permit but currently trying to convert to a marriage VISA as I'm no longer with the company.... had to go Tourist VIsa until I get it then all this happened and its been put on hold, even 60 day extensions which would have been perfect to get the correct 90 renewal (Marriage/Family) VISA.  1000 Bhat is nothing to me what so ever - its a pitance, its the way they went about retrieval - they are in serious need of training - very poor and low skilled in everything apart from stamping things and demanding money... starzi 


  8. My VISA ran out on the 29th of March - I was in hospital the week before in ICU very unwell and took proof... I went to the alternative VISA extension site on Monday but like many were turned aways at 9am as they were already full! So I went Tuesday and got my 30 day extention (after 10 hours) - they also charged me 2 days over stay!!! NOt interested in my medical records.  How could I do the extention on a Sunday and then to be turned away Monday then still charged --- the immigration service showed no compasion and the snotty lady actually said "Pay NOW or go AWAY!" - And they wonder why people who have gone through this hell will never return and tourists in general wont return after the utter disgusting treatment of such a low trained starzi self important group of people....  I feel cheated and that immigration clearly were profiteering from Covid 19 for the Government - look now begging billionaires for money.  When I got through they only had 7 desks operational and told everyone to not take video ... but many did... never been treated so badly - anyways people have cottoned on that Vietnam is better now anyways .... I hope they choke on the 1000 Bhat because I'm pulling my cash out and leaving after 10 years based on 1000 Bhat fine, a principle is a principle ---- refund haha, more chance of finding a Unicorns turd!

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