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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. 11 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    I just spit my beer onto the keyboard.  Thanks. ????

    Every week another guy that didnt get the Memo or read the brochure on the plane.

    NEVER....go to HER village under any reason........ESPECIALLY to get married.  It u do, you become the sacrificial BUFF-A-RO

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  2. They know........most use this for a scam to get a Visa when you are not old enough for a Retirement Visa or some other reason.

    No one really comes to Thailand solely to learn Thai.

    You said you have Ed Visa since 2017..........if that’s the case and you had 2 yrs of Thai..........your Thai should be fluent by now..........is it?


    If I was him I would talk to you in Thai...........your responses would determine the next move.

    • Like 1
  3. They say......65 a day die in road accidents here and 85% of that number are on motorcycles.


    I consider myself very lucky to have ridden here 14 yrs without a scratch........well until Oct 26 2018 when that 59 y o lady pulled out of the Soi right in front of me when I was only 7 meters away.........no time to react.

    Needed complete shoulder replacement after that.

    Once bike was fixed, I gave it to my wife’s friend and hung up my helmet........forever.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I have BBB and was paying for 100 Mbps service.

    When 200 Mbps became available, I went to upgrade, they said they upgraded all the existing 100 Mbps services to 200 Mbps for the same price.

    When I do a speed check, I will be anywhere from 100-240 Mbps.

    For example.....if you pay for 100, you are lucky to get 80 at your house many things effect the speed.......length of cable from the source to your house, the condition of the cable, how many splices are in it, how many amplifiers are on the line..........so if you have 80% or more of the speed you are paying for......you are good.

    The highest I ever saw was 247.


    BUT.........I swear they play with the speed.

    Sometimes I have been at 50-60.......I have my wife call them and they send techs out and it will then be 200 Mbps +.

    Do they adjust the speed up......in the office before techs get to the house?  I have no idea.

    I think........they adjust the bandwith to meet peak times.

    Many people are not aware of speed test or how to do it or what the results mean and as long as it is working, no one is going to know or complain if they have the 100 they are paying for or they have 40-50.

    As long as the Youtube they are watching plays thru without starting and stopping.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 hours ago, Dellboy218 said:

    Not so great if you just spend one night in another province and then have to do a 50km plus round trip to immigration even if you are lucky enough to be seen  quickly.  Hopefully the authorities will find that it is not always necessary!

    My wife asked that question about just going to another Province.........the IO said yes, that is the rule but we are not serious about enforcing that..........we are more concerned with keeping your address updated.............her exact words.


    We already do that with the new TM 6............you didnt put your address on the older version.

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