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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1.  Chiang Mai Immigration is very organized now.

    No need to go at 5 amfor Retirenent Visa to get a Que.

    No need for a handful of copies anymore for 90 day.

    90 day process very fast and now you can do it online.


    Much less business for agents....I think.


    As for people leaving, the aberage man in the street will never notice.

    My group of friends been here 20????+ yrs and one guy 50 that was here for Vietnam and never left.

    They all have Social Security deposited in Bangkok Bank in N Y City as do I and that more than covers the requirement, so no one going anywhere.

  2. Sooooooo many are losing their minds over recent Immigration changes.

    Frankly......I dont see it as a big deal.

    Complain here until you are blue in the face, nothing is going to change by complaining here.....or anywhere else.


    We are Guests in this country and either comply with the rules and requirements or choose another location or go back to your native country.


    Sad but true.........those are your options.


    I am a licensed ship Captain, my first plan was to retire in the Carribean and run boats part time but my main career of Oil and Gas landed me on this side of the world in Australia, Africa, and China and I landed in Thailand.

    I am happy here (13 yrs now) would like to go to Carribean but wont move now.

    Very happy in our small village with nice house, nice neighbors, my pets, my hobbies.


    Enjoy where you are.......no matter where you land


    The Captain

  3. My take on Songkran IS....  its fun to see and do ONCE.

    It is my understanding that the true tradition is to gently dump water over your shoulder.......but we have all seen and been the target of nitwits with high power devices shooting ice water.

    Those squirting devices made from PVC pipe will take your eye out and they will shoot you in the face while driving motorbike.


    Me and my group of friends all plan vacations OUT of Thailand for that week.

    Some locations _______ (fill in the blank) are just plain crazy and dangerous during Songkran and especially the last day.

  4. Not compulsory.

    What type of insurance are you referring to.

    Private hospitals won’t treat you without some type of proof of payment.......insurance, then the hospital will get a Letter of Guarantee from your insurance company.

    If no insurance, they will require a 50% deposit based on the estimate of your forecasted total cost.


    Government hospitals are getting stricter after being burned for Billions of BHAT from expats running out on the bill.

    That govt just recently formed a new agency to chase down and try collecting from deadbeats.

  5. If it was a Thai guy......may be an issue.


    with that age difference, I would bet a paycheck she came out of the bar and she will be back in the bar and back to her life before he is wheels up at Swampy.


    He KNEW when he was hired what his end date is.

    Give him his Completion of Assignment, he can leave the country and come back as tourist Visa or get a Retirement like the rest of us did.


    believe me, I am not discounting your concern, but it is my experience with the same type from same country, all mouth, not a real threat.


    I did 47 yrs in Oil n Gas all over the world usually with 800-1200 employees but topped out at a Petro Chemical plant in Kuwait with 14,000 workers.

    Some countries, I see you are from there, your CV IMMEDIATELY in the trash without a look.


    I would complete him, immediately cancel his work permit, he has options as I stated above

    • Thanks 2
  6. I have my Social Security (which by itself exceeds 65,000) plus 2 other monthly deposits going into Bangkok Bank N Y City.


    So I printed it out and took it to Airport Immigration to show them and wait to renew time and then I find out they want something else and I have no time to address it.


    Thankfully they said that will be fine but still told me to have my branch here print the statement on bank letterhead, sign it, and bring that and the bank book.


    OK.....easy enough and glad I asked because I would have just brought the bank book and wold have had to make a second trip.

  7. NEVER EVER.......give them ATM, or Credit Card until they have earned their 10 yr Good Service Award.


    And even then, NO......cuz its been 10 yrs and she sure dont look at you like she did 10 yrs ago.


    Advise her.......she should build her own credit history, by getting a job, then get her own card and make all the payments.........after that she can talk to you about it......but answer is still no.


    see what happened at Tesco first time? Multiply that by 100

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. Bangkok Bank has good insurance and they pay for motorbike accidents.

    I took the 150,000 bhat policy and when I was hit, the hospital called the number on the card in about 20 mins, it was approved.

    it was small money for that policy.

    They also have a 300,000 and may have more.

    When this current one is due to renew, I will up to the300,000.

    My wife fell down, in hospital 2 days, same deal........hospital called them, quickly approved and paid........Good Customer Service.

  9. I am not being a cold hearted bastid or winding anyone up.


    Best thing to do when diagnosed with Cancer.


    Embrace it.......enjoy every day you have left.


    I will never elect Radiation or Chemo.......everyone I know who tried it, end up losing the battle anyway, especially Chemo.

    All chemo gets you is a significant medical cost, you are sick and throwing up every day after treatment and at best you get 2-3 months of a TERRIBLE quality of life.

    Why would anyone elect that sentence of suffering.

    Do whatever makes you the happiest and when it disables you, have them load you with Morphine........give the facility a DNR Do Not Rescesitate order and check out with dignity.


    Your thought?

  10. They will rent any bike to any rider, add alchol to someone who prob doesnt drink much and may have never ridden a bike, let alone a 650.


    You have to a special kind of drunk stupid to drive into the back of a stopped vehicle.


    zero sympathy here. Just deal with it he should be happy it wasnt a pedestrian he hit.

    I have seen the inside of Thai jails, he wouldnt like it.....even with 2 good legs

    • Like 1
  11. Pattaya can be a depressing overwhelming place to some people.

    The girl from  Issarn that is fed up with the lifestyle.

    The expat who came with no knowledge of reality and is in his late 60’s and thinks that 18 yo he fell in love with at the bar really loves him.....and now all his money is gone and then we read about him leaving a high floor in View Talay without using the elevator.

    It becomes the ruin of many that are mentally weak.


    I lived in Jomtien for 9 yrs and saw how the whole area changed every year.....,,,,then left and went to a much better place

    • Confused 1
  12. After 13 yrs here, I see it as.....many are angry old men, here with barely enough money to live day to day that sit in a lonely room most of the day and drink.

    You have the same guys basically from 2 countries that think they are better than everyone else and throw the verbal insults about people from other countries and if you respond to them they are quick to cry to admins.


    Happily I found the ignore feature.

    I am not a Keyboard Commando and will not engage them.,,,,,, they can go argue with soneone else, but it wont be me.



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