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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. 10 hours ago, wisperone said:

    And what about people with pre existing conditions? Insurance companies going to blanket cover everyone? Doubt it. Then they would have to increase the cost so much for everyone. Are you going to see people with pec flocking to Thailand to get in on the visa insurance so they can get coverage that they normally wouldn't be able to get? And if the limits are set low, well most of those hospital visits could be covered oop anyway. 


    3 minutes ago, taipan1949 said:

    Am I the only one who gets tired of these idiots that don't take care of themselves. Did they all hang on to mommy too long. Bullshit if you are stupid. Live, or die with it.

    Exactly........deal with it.

    The ones that come here and try living on 300 BHAT a day.......annoy me.


    jus sayin

  2. 15 hours ago, evadgib said:

    No it wont. They won't take a blind bit of notice and will continue to hold the ppt. The only option for the holder is to apply for a new one or (if tourist) an ETD.

    That is exactly as I saw.

    I was in the business office for Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, getting a quote to have my knee replaced.........there was a German guy there with an 800,000 bill for some heart surgery he had........he was telling the hospital to give him his passport so he could go to Germany and get the money.........it went on for 20-30 mins while I was there..........the German said to the guy with him, he talked to German embassy or consulate, whatever Germany has here and they said if he has outstanding bill with hospital, he must work it out with the hospital.........makes sense to me.

    From the back n forth I witnessed, I was confident if that a German got on a plane, the hospital wasn’t going to see even one BHAT.


    Then I had my issue resolved and left......no idea what the final outcome was......but in that case German embassy was not getting involved in an outstanding hospital bill.

  3. 54 and stealing petty items?  And in a foreign country.


    For those that have not been to prison here, trust me........its a place you never want to go..........unless you are just visiting inmates.

    My wife and I do charity work at Orphanages and for the Homeless here, plus we visit inmates in Chiang Mai Jail.

    45-50 in. 10M x 10M cell sleeping head to toe on concrete floor.......just 2 ceiling fans.


    Behave when you are out n about.

    • Like 1
  4. A real tough guy he is.

    They should give him a minimum of 5 years in jail here then deport his cowardly dumbass.


    He will enjoy being a 10 meter x 10 meter cell with 45-50 other guys sleeping head to foot on bare concrete with just 2 ceiling fans.

    Lived there for 9 yrs, happy to be in Chiang Mai for the last 5.


    Some will agree and some will not.........totally different culture between the 2 locations.

    • Like 1
  5. Once in a while, on a hot day........that FIRST Beer Lao Dark.........really tastes GOOD.

    But like someone said above.........beer and alcohol just doesn’t really have a good taste.........especially Spirits.


    If you are Honest........can you really say it has good taste?  I can not.


    We drink it cuz we are out with friends to have a good time , or you want to feel the “buzz” .........but it just doesn’t have what I would call......A GOOD TASTE

  6. I just don’t get, why people do things like this.........other than an alcohol or drug enfused acting out.

    Even in my worst days of late teens, 20’s, 30’s.........we drank, raised hell and carried on but never came close acts like this and many others I have read about over the years.


    They should KNOW not to do this foolishness here in Thailand........they do not tolerate it here.


    LQQking back.......I came the first time to Pattaya in 2005 and had a good friend that already lived here for 3 yrs at the time.........he gave me good advice on the Do’s and Dont’s.


    Enjoy the day~!!!

  7. I rode all my life, all over the world, had a few accidents in 70’s and not another one until Oct 26 in Chiang Mai.

    60 y o lady on motorbike pulled right in front of me when I was 4-5 meters away, no reaction time.

    / surgeries to put in a new shoulder 676,000 BHAT.

    fortunately I was able to cover it.

    Police told her, its her fault.

    Waiting for court date.

    I will be pregnant before I get a dime of it from her.

    Police tild her she better find some money, if she tells judge, no money..,,,she is going to jail.

    After my insurance and the 130,000 from her insurance, I am still out 500,000 iut of pocket with other expenses and follow ups with hospital.

    We shall see.

    I was extremely lucky I guess,rode in Thailand 13 yrs, never got a scratch but after this one, hung up my helmet.

    When PCX was repaired, gave it to my wifes GF.

    No more riding for me

    • Like 2
  8. If you are in Manila, dont go down to the Sea Wall at night........even during the day is very dangerous.

    One evening about 6 PM, the girl and I walked down to the sea wall around 6:30 after dinner.........I didnt notice at first........several boys n guys stumbling around with their hand in their shirt........they were all whacked out “whiffing”........inhaling spray paint fumes, fumes from glues, one hand tucked in the shirt........some looked like they were no more than 14 then looked closer and realized we unknowingly walked into bad area.........got out unmolested.

    you can keep Phils...........I am happy in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  9. I was coming to Chiang Mai 11 yrs ago, had never been here, no interest for gar girls.

     Went to site called WAYN, Where Are You Now.

    Clicked on Thailand, Female and an age range.

    Sent 5 or 6 messages to ladies that interested me, told them I was coming to Chiang Mai for 2 weeks and looking to meet them.

    A few wrote back, one in particular we talked for the next few months until I came here.

    She had a job in a builder supply for 20 yrs, we saw each other several times during my first visit.

    At the time I was stationed in Kuwait and got a 2 week ticket for every 8 weeks in country.

    On my next 4 or 5 R n R’s I came to visit her, I got reassigned to Egypt, we knew we liked each other by then, and both done with long term relation ship, I brought her to Egypt 10 yrs ago, finished there, took her to China, then to Australia, and back to China before retiring in 2014 and returning to Thailand..........and we have been happily married ever since.

    I am 66 and she is 60.


    You are doing the right thing.......bar girls are for short time play, 99% of relationships that start in a bar FAIL.


    You can go to the mall, maybe you see a girl working in Dept Store or one of the food places, anywhere actually and you can talk to them, see if they are interested to go out.


    Go to a dating site, not sure if WAYN even still exists, but any site.......give it a try, but not time if you are just here for 2 weeks but you can plan your next visit like I did.


    For now, for this trip, just take a freelancer that intrests you and enjoy your stay.

    Many are like GF, happy to stay with you for your visit, they dont ask for money every day.

    Let them take you on day trips here and there, enjoy the days n evenings, take her shopping to the outdoor markets, buy her a few outfits, maybe a new handbag, out to dinner..........it can be an enjoyable time for your unplanned visit..........and when you are ready to leave........just cash her out..........if you find the right one, a nice one and most of them ARE very nice, you will be happy to give her X number of BHAT and you both had a nice time.


    Did it many times before meeting my wife.

  10. I am happy to see any corruption dealth with.

    I have been here 13 yrs, always did all immigration myself, never used an agent or didanything under the table.

    One day in Pattaya I was complain8ng aboujt having to get there at 5 am to get a que number........an agent offered if I pay 28,000 it can all be done without meever going there.

    I was concerned that I would try to re enter and immigration realizes its false.


    I am no alter boy, rules are made to be broken.......in some cases.


    But for me......I dont mess with Thai Immigration, I would hate to be forced to leave for something stupid.

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