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Dr. Zorg

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  1. Lots of fish farms too.
  2. Just an update on the fees to be paid.
  3. Please update us on the renewal phase.
  4. You think I'm English? Teaching English in Thailand? 🙄🫣😂 I honestly don't give a damn. Why is the YouTube on your thread then?
  5. That's you, right? On the thread?
  6. Only 6 people indicated they are on their way to Thailand, in spite of the fact that 20,000 + DTVs were issued since July.
  7. Why then does he link it to his YouTube channel? YouTube is click bait. The OP is not about " A discussion about the pros and cons of living in Thailand" No. It has a sinister title - Many foreigners are leaving Thailand So, immediately you think - Now what? Tax? Poor education? Immigration whims? The heat? Corruption? Bangkok traffic? As I said:- We've been discussing this since ThaiVisa heydays.
  8. Honestly, this is old hat. I've been here for over 23 years. Every 6 months or so the topic comes up. Really? Who gives a f.f. whether you're coming or going. Click bait comes to mind.
  9. What is the point of the OP? It's been like this forever at Makro.
  10. Money talks, b/s walks.
  11. Petrol will do the trick.
  12. On the Laos side you are still stuck 17 km from the Vienteane railway station where you can catch the high speed train to Kunming.
  13. Somewhere between 20-30 million baht..and what's happening about the Swiss lady beater, that's all gone quite Go figure

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