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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. 4 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    Mind explaining that to the almost 1 million death people so far? That number is probably quite a bit higher, actually, because not all covid related deaths are recorded as covid related deaths. The second wave is about to hit many countries in Europe (including the UK) and the USA, so the number of deaths is very probably going to increase again. So far, 200,000 in the USA, 42,000 in the UK, with numbers on the rise.

    Some very simple measures can drastically reduce the number of infections and deaths: social distance, wear a mask, wash your hands, it’s as simple as that. If someone can not see the need to practice those simple rules, then Yinn has every right to call those people covidiots. And please don’t play that ‘freedom’ card, because what some people see as freedom is just another way to say “I will do as I damned well please, and screw everyone else”. 


    No lockdown, no masks, no sanitizer! World is being brought to its knees buy a something that can be defeated by soap and not getting too close to people.

  2. 8 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    oh dear, let's not economic reality get in the way of uninformed  opinion eh? The whole tourist market only accounts for less than  18% of GDP, fancy that,  while the other 82% of the Thai economy has absolutely nothing to do with expats or tourism. That is the reality, not influenced by a few bar girls sending home their money. You can't build an economy on that. 

    That 18% also buys things, food, clothes, rent etc. Its a domino affect. 18% of the GDP. How many people is that? Any resort that goes under employs how many staff? Taxis, restaurants, bars, excursions etc all losing money. 

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  3. On 8/27/2020 at 11:28 AM, Kerryd said:

    Sterilize 1,000 dogs and the other 19,000 will continue doing what they do. I doubt anyone will notice the least difference in the population of the strays. 

    Some of those soi dogs are obviously diseased and suffering from malnutrition. I remember many, many years ago when this was a problem (back before Tony opened up his stray dog shelter) and they noted that the Thai's don't want to put down all these animals because of Buddhism. (Live and let live philosophy. At least until it becomes an overbearing problem and people start getting bit more often and maybe getting rabies as well.)

    Doesn't make sense to me to let so many dogs suffer or to let them continue to proliferate in such numbers. 
    If this sterilization program had of been continually in effect for the last 20 years, the problem would hardly be noticeable now. Sterilizing a couple hundred dogs once every few years ?
    Waste of time, effort and money.

    Exactly. Like everything in this country. Even if there are rules nobody enforces them so there is no ramifications of peoples actions.

    Drive the wrong way up a road or on a pavement. Throw trash everywhere. Dump animals. etc

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  4. 49 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

    Absolute rubbish.  China will never allow its citizens to travel and bring Covid back to China shutting down the #2 economy.

    This guy is about as smart as a dead cockroach.  

    Exactly. China has imposed 2wk quarantine on returning citizens and will do in the foreseeable future.

    Thailand would be better off allowing anybody who wants to or is allowed to come as the pickings will be slim for a while yet.

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