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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. 3 minutes ago, peterfranks said:

    Completely untrue.


    I transferred 300.000 Euro from my home country to a foreign currency account with Kasikorn, so not the same bank.


    Transfer took less than 24 hours to arrive, so not 2-5 days.


    Total cost was 25 Euro and 520 baht at Kasikorn, so not 3-5%.


    I couldn't have made this transaction for that cost using crypto.



    You might want to specify which parts were untrue. All of my comments were sourced from Google so you can take that up with them. Also you could of made that transaction for way less...Note my XRP example!

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  2. On 9/3/2022 at 10:37 AM, Emdog said:

    Source of the chart? Essentially meaningless: of course banking uses more energy etc as billions of people use the banking system.. I could make a chart (use one you posted): instead of mining, perhaps "total gas consumption by Ferraris and Lambos per year" and replace "banking system" with "total gas consumption by Toyotas".

    How can some imaginary product that intentionally sucks up vast amounts of computer power and electricity be considered "eco friendly".

    And don't need the future to "go digital money": what do you think online shopping, atms and all that are? Chopped liver?

    maybe check out this article, a bit here "The process of creating Bitcoin to spend or trade consumes around 91 terawatt-hours of electricity annually, more than is used by Finland, a nation of about 5.5 million." NY Times on energy used to make bitcoins

    Crypto is more than Bitcoin!!! Lets take the issue of Banking. The system being used (Swift) was made in the 70's. Its way behind all other technology and 6% of all Swift transactions fail! That coupled with the fact that it can take 2-5 days to finalize, 24 hours is possible if it is the same bank. Lets not forget the 3-5% exchange rate. For all this to take place trillions of dollars are held in Nostro/Vostro accounts.


    All of these issues could be solved by crypto. Lets use Ripples's XRP for a example as their plan is to try to topple Swift (more likely integrate).

    3-5 seconds finalization! No Nostro/Vostro accounts needed. No mistakes!! Can run offline! Transaction cost is less than a cent.

    The new iso20022 messaging system starts implementing in Banks from November this year and the whole World banking will be using this system by 2025.


    Nothing to see here????



  3. 6 hours ago, Emdog said:

    Help me out here, please. This seems to be about "transactions"... does that mean buying and selling bitcoins? "Watt hour per transaction". Okay

    What I think I was referring to was the so-called "creation" of bit coins: the amount of power and computers required to produce a "virtual coin" aka something that doesn't exist in the world we inhabit. You cannot show me a bit coin, can you? The computers and power consumed to make these nothing burgers is real. The pollution generated to make nothing is real.

    Makes sense doesn't take much power to transact nothing. Like the song goes

    "Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me
    Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
    You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me
    That's right, ha, yeah

    Gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me
    You gotta bring me somethin' girl
    If you wanna be with me"

    Again im talking about other cryptos that are eco friendly!  Yes bitcoin is a energy nightmare....and might get banned because of that!

    Many coins are pre mined like XRP and eco friendly or some coins like Ethereum are moving from pow to pos to become more eco friendly. Yes i cant show you a bitcoin, but i wont be able to show you a CBDC when they come into use but you will be able to spend it. The future is digital!

  4. 16 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    really? how can that be? hmmm use lots of energy to make essentially nothing... ah, that's it: nothing to go into landfills or cause ocean pollution; nothing to recycle; no hazardous waste in the product....

    Obviously you need to go do some reading. Here is a couple of pics incase reading isnt your strong point



    Bitcoin-Ethereum-XRP-electricity-consumption (1).webp

  5. 6 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    Nothing is better than bitcoins.... no wait... bitcoins are nothing, literally. They all depend on "the greater fool" theory, hoping someone is even dumber than you and will pay more for nothing.

    Or maybe they are less than nothing. The amount of energy it takes to "mine" coins is insane, comparable to small countries and for what? Let's promote climate change burning up electricity to make or do.... nothing.

    Indeed but alot of crypto is climate friendly!

  6. 9 hours ago, shackleton said:

    Never understood Bitcoin and the others when they started 

    Which was probably good news for me 

    Reading about the ups and downs people getting conned fleeced ect 

    Safer my money in the bank not making much but know its safe ???? 

    If you had bought Bitcoin when it started as you say you would be a considerably more richer than you are now.

    The issue is people buy high when its all over the news then it dumps and they panic and sell. If you are down on your investment then just hold to the market improves.

    FYI im not a Bitcoin fan and have never held it and wouldnt going forward. Crypto does go beyond Bitcoin!! 


    • Like 2
  7. Had Covid twice. Once in March 20. I was quite sick...not the worst illness ive ever had but the lingering cough was annoying.

    Vaxxed in March 21 with two Sinovac. June 22 i was sic again. Not as bad as the first time and the cough never came. Symptoms were bad headache slight chills and weakness.

    So either the vaccine although a reported poor one works or the virus was weaker!

    Either way i have known over 30 people this year of varying weights and health and nobody was seriously ill!

    • Like 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, jaywalker2 said:

    Here is a menu I just received from an online seller linked here:


    a bouquet of foreign varieties
     - OG Cushion 1 gram 150 / 10 grams 1250 / 100 grams 9000 / 1 kilogram 75,000 baht
    - Tealot 1 gram 99 /10 grams 825 / 100 grams 5900 / 1kg 49,500 baht
     - Suver 1 gram 75 / 10 grams 625 / 100 grams 4500 / 1 kilogram 37,500 baht
    - Cherry white 1 gram 65 / 10 grams 525 / 100 grams 3700 / 1 kilogram 31,500 baht
    - KD 1 gram 55 / 10 grams 450 / 100 grams 3200 / 1kg 27,000 baht

    Thai species bouquet
    Green bouquet 1 gram 50 baht excluded shipping.
    10 grams 300 baht including delivery
    50 grams 1000 baht
     100 grams 1800 baht
    1 kg 15000 baht

     Phu Phan bouquet price
     1 gram 30 baht excluded shipping.
    10 grams 200 baht including delivery
    50 grams 800 baht
    100 grams 1,500 baht
     500 grams 6000 baht
    1 kg. 12,000 baht

     Gering Krawea species
     1 gram 40 baht excluded shipping.
     10 grams 250 baht including delivery
    50 grams 900 baht
    100 grams 1,650 baht
     500 grams 7500 baht
    1 kg. 13,000 baht


    Can anybody parse this for me? What is Cherry White? Green Bouquet? Does brickweed have names or is it alway just brickweed?


    Please, enlighten my ignorance.

    At those prices it will be standard Thai weed with fancy names

  9. On 8/2/2022 at 2:07 PM, Don Chance said:

    I think in the future scientists will invent a recreational drug with less side effects and leaves the body completely in hours.


    When they say that there is marijuana still in your body this increase the addiction potential. If the drugs is completely passed through there will be no reminder of it.

    Irrelevant of the future. Length of time in your body doesn't equate to addiction potential.

    Cocaine and heroin passes through your body in a few days but are much more addictive 

    • Like 1
  10. I took paracetamol for the headache. Had chills and felt weak. Only had a fever for a couple of hours.... nothing serious.

    No running nose and the cough and mucus never materialised which was strange as my greenlab order came just before testing positive and I continued to smoke it throughout.

  11. My worry is that almost every Thai house after a few years has rising damp of some kind wether it comes through the walls near a bathroom or from just the fact there is no damp course or polyurethane sheet under the oversite.

    My friend is currently having a house built  and they have just filled the ring beam up with soil and poured a concrete slab over it. 

    The builder told him there is waterproofer in the concrete but im dubious. Even if there is its probably not suffecient!

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