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Posts posted by Nongwahyay

  1. Hi,I know you may have read something like this alot,but I am seeking full time employment in Bangkok,I have been employed as hotel manager in 4 star hotel and have teached private english lessions.


    I would assume English Teacher could a first step...but not so sure if this is the way you should go.

    I can´t resist asking this tongue-in-cheek question...................."What school did you went at????" :o:D

  2. I´m most disappointed and offended that not a single person has mentioned Hartlepool here - apart from myself during the WC................I´ll have you know that I went to school with John Mclaughlin, played football with him on the school yard and saw him hired by Pools by the then manager Brian Clough........................so there!!! I´m only taking part if Pools are given a vote of support by the members here...................... :o:D

  3. I live in Berlin with my thai wife - we´ve had glorious weather the far side of 30 degrees ever since the beginning of the World Cup - it was a piffling 37 degrees yesterday but we´re now back down to a steady 34 degrees - and it´s supposed to continue well into next week with no change in sight. I think it´s great........ give me thai-style weather any time in preference to long, cold and miserable winters in Europe................

  4. I was circumsized as a baby and have suffered in no way whatsoever - nor do I miss anything - as a result..............the big advantage is that you don´t get your foreskin trapped in your zip after relieving yourself in the gents´.......................................... :o

  5. My congrats and thanks also once again to Chon for organizing this - its been great fun. I knew nothing about football before I came to this thread....thinking that most footballers were foul-mouthed, head-butting and groin-crunching cheats and that football fans were brainless morons..............well this thread has shown me the truth!!!!!!!! :o:D:D (just a little joke, lads........ :D ). I may even join in on the EPL (whatever that is................................ :D )

  6. Chons, this has been a provocative thread. Well done mate.

    .....true......but I would have preferred not to have had to witness the "bovver" which flared up between verious interlocuteurs here ..... and all over a game of football!!!!!!! Perhaps, not being a real football fan myself (I´m only here for the beer...), I´m lacking the passion which real supporters have.....which apparently, though, invariably leads to "bovver" off the pitch (as I´ve witnessed here) as well as on it......nevertheless I´ve had fun here...even if things have quietened down now....... :o

  7. I have a feeling your continued rhetoric will fall on deaf ears, SS (no pun intended), especially from someone who lies near the bottom of the prediction table, defeated and without any nouse of the game whatsoever. :o:D

    If they fall on deaf ears, then why do you respond? Is your mighty hand free to type some nonsense again? If so, then write on j@erk-off, err jackr. :D

    All in the name of god humour, eh? Ah, witty repartee with jackr . . . oh joy, oh joy!

    Come on, you 2 lads......you´ve carried over your animosity to one another from another thread and are continuing it here...... this isn´t the place for it...hammer it out via PMs if you need to... but lets get back to the good, clean fun we were having at the beginning of the competition :D

    It is, after all, only a game!!!!!!!! :D

  8. What a humdinger of a cliff-hanger before the Germans finally pulled it off and earned a well-deserved victory over the cheating, bargie Argies, sending the populaton of Berlin into a frenzy and onto the streets in cavalcades of hooting cars.......gut gemacht, Jungs...... Berlin, Berlin...wir fahren nach Berlin...........but no.....I´m still well behind England and bracing myself for 90 minutes (or more???) of nail-biting........but we England supporters are used to the lads putting us through 90 minutes of hel_l, aren´t we????????? :o

  9. Chon,

    Just to be safe, here's my predictions:





    This is how it pans out chaps.

    Semi Finals:

    GERMANY 1 - 1 ITALY (Krauts on Pens)





    ........and to think I´ll be in Hartlepool (from 5th - 10th July) for this historical final instead of in Berlin. Still I could bring back candy rock for anyone who wants some......................... :o:D

  10. Attention!!!

    I'm at work most of Friday , even though I work in IT I am not always allowed to do my own thing on the net....... :o

    Could you please send your predictions in asap?

    I may not be able to update things tomorrow, I may not be able to publish the predictions, this is best done when thet are all in. If you send the score in before the game it will still stand, but I will not publish the predictions unless they are all in.

    Get it ?

    Got it ?

    Good....................... :D

    Stuff em Chon, you give enough warning and we haven't had a game for 2 days. They had plenty of time to get em in. Set a time limit (for your convenience, say 9:00am uk time) and if theyr'e not in, publish the one's that are and the rest will be void. Even if they get them in before the kick off.

    Bloody h3ll, i bet even Sven gas picked his team by now. :D

    P.S. I am Sep Blatter BoJangles, the governing body who ensures Fair Play for everyone, in this World Cup Prediction Competition 2006 :D

    I quite agree....... kick ´em all out.........or even better - double the points of those who have sent you results and halve the exisitng points of those who haven´t. They might then get their collective fingers out...... you must show the red card at least once before the competition ends..................................:D:D

  11. Sorry mate, it took me hours and much needed brain energy just to do the few near the top. (it probably would have been easier if I'd used some tools such as xl or at least a calculator) I was a little pissed and not very organised at the time. The first half hour was spent just going back a dozen pages or so through all the crap to find the right starting point. :D

    Ok Croc.......grovelling apology accepted :o It would have been a waste of time anyhow as Tytus and Sing-sling would still have been last (.......just joking lads....because you´ve taken away my once-prized wooden spoon position :D:D

  12. if points had been doubled after the qualifying round.....

    Old Croc 176

    Spitthedog 168

    CalibanJr 165

    Vulcan 162

    Scouse 160

    One eyed John 160

    Explorer 159

    Mr Boj 159

    Brit 152

    Chon 151

    Jack 146

    (not audited for correctness)

    Oi mate..........you´ve gone and ignored the stars at the lower end of the table........if there wasn´t a lower end, there wouldn´t be a top end....... if you cut off your arse, you wouldn´t need a head.............(as they say in Hartlepool....................... :o:D )

    We bottomers demand an apology.............

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