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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. When I was in a charity which provided assistance to foreigners in jail, we had the usual flow of pedos. Most, over 90% were released on the same day - for "mistaken arrest". I recall one complaining bitterly that he had to pay over 100,000 baht (ten years ago). This was not bail. The charge was "taken care of " by the local Gay association and the police said it was the norm.

    In gathering the reports of the 82 volunteers, some permanent and some temporary who gave of their time to do this work, we calculated that over 95% of pedos were homosexual men looking for boys. I note in this report that the child was 14 years old - most are between 10 and 13.

    The parents - absent, stage 3 druggies (terminal) or stage 4 alcoholics. Some knew their children were doing this - a very few sold their children - usually to pay for drugs.

    Child prostitution is a multi-million dollar business in Pattaya. Only about 10% are girls.

    It is evil. It is a deep and slimy recess of human nature. Now I see in some countries the pedos have organisations who support their cause. They claim to be in the same category as homosexuals were before the law was changed. In England the organisation Liberty a Labour funded front pushes the case for a 4th sex - pedos.

  2. `Pol Maj Gen Supisarn Phakdinaruenart, chief of the Crime Suppression Division (CSD), Thursday indicated he might decline to take action against those who sheltered Somchai or doctors who treated him.

    `He said doctors are duty-bound to treat patients while efforts by relatives or children to shelter their father are considered an act of gratitude in the Thai context.'- From today's BP front page.

    So, harboring convicted murderers is an act of gratitude, according to our crime suppression chief.... Carry on.

    One should remember, that support and nurture for family related criminals who are also fugitives - is a national sport - reaching to the highest levels of political life.

  3. It would be interesting to see the tourist figures over the last 5yrs to see if he is right to worry. But I'm sure I read recently that the TAT announced record figures for last year and if so he has nothing to worry about! Five years ago one pound got you about 73-74 baht compared to 46 today and one Euro got about 55 compared to 39 today. People will still come regardless.

    I am not certain that the "tourist figures" report "tourists" at all. Nor can I be certain that they are accurate.

    My family have visited Thailand three times a year for nearly 8 years. Now due to the mismanaged euro having fallen catastrophically (which means higher airfares) and the high baht - we can only afford ONE visit - for about 35- 40 days. That's down from a previous annual average of 70+ days.

    It is also clear that inflation has raised prices in hotels and restaurants - we reckon- +-10%. Here in Belgium the "Official Rate of Inflation" is around 2% - but that is a political "adjustment". To the people who live here it is about 12-15%.

    I think all Governments - but especially in the EU - "adjust - massage -" things like Tourist figures or Inflation or GDP. It is the way of the political animal.

    Comparing Thailand for a family holiday - to say the Mediterranean countries (euro) - though the fares are higher to get to Bangkok - the overall cost is about 60% of a comparable holiday on EU shores. Plus - and it is a BIG plus - Thailand is more fun, MUCH nicer people and it is a LOT safer.

  4. Let's forget the quality of Assumption's try to do a research project.

    The moaners and whiners - yes - you lot - if you think Thailand is such a terrible place - just try booking 3 seats on a plane in say April, July or August from Europe. OK Air France is pretty empty - but so it should be. Most of the airlines are chock a block - day after day, flight after flight. To Thailand.

    Haven't you seen the collapse in Hotel prices because the foreigners are so appalled at what they find they stay away? No of course you didn't.

    Our family used to spend 3 holidays a year in Thailand - Christmas, Easter and Summer - usually around 70-75 days. We've only cut that to half BECAUSE the idiots managing the euro have wrecked our currency - which makes EVERYTHING go up - including airfares.

    We spent hours - many - trying to find a decent place on the Med. But that is the eurozone and it is half the price to fly there (from Belgium) and triple the price to stay in a third grade hotel which claims 4 or 5 stars.

    Thailand is a Bloody Great place to be - come and try Europe - any country (except Italy which is excellent - but too pricey). Miserable people in the EU. So they should be.

    A month here would change the Cheap Charlie - endless moaners.

    Come on now - all together - "Thailand is a great place to live and visit."

    • Like 2
  5. It is all rather skilled really.

    For hotels, as many of you know, there is just "Suddenly" a LOT of Russian tourists.

    The hotel apologises to non-Russian guests and tell them that NEXT year - they will reduce the percentage of Russians in the guest mix.

    But eventually the percent gets to the 70% level.

    Now - the hotel is Totally Dependent on the Russian tour company. The normal, 'civilised' guests are long since gone.

    Russian Guest Relations Officers (GROs) are given usually two bedroom suites with choice of meals in any of the hotel's restaurants. Of course they are charged for by the "Tour Operator."

    Thai Tour Operators.

    Take a look at the Tour Operators usually in the Lobby. Suddenly (there's that word again) ALL the tour brochures for day or 3 day trips are all in Russian. Tui, Fox, Suntours, Neckermans - leave cards saying they can be found in the Lobby of the XYZ hotel. It is cheaper to change location and abandon the business than pay the hospital bills.

    It is at this time, that the hotel or hotel group, are told that they must provide rates at half the already tour operator discounted rates.

    The hotel explains how this will ensure losses and it is impossible.

    The Russian Tour Company informs the hotel that they will not be in their next season's brochure.

    Real guests have taken flight. The choice to the hotel is to close its doors or accept the mafia offer.

    The next stage or indeed it may be pari passu with the first - is a "Transport concession".

    This usually starts with the hotel's limos, in the case of the (many) 5 star mafia taken over hotels. Or a deal is done with a local crook who organises taxis. Of course the Russian guests are told how shifty and dishonest Thais are by their mafia hosts, and they take the cheaper option.

    The local taxi drivers are out of business - it doesn't take long - 2 - 3 months - and - yes - you guessed it - the prices to the tourists go up further.

    The word "Locusts" comes to mind on these themes. In Samui, on the main road, on the way to Chaweng Noi - you will see more than one hotel with prominent boards at the entrance to their hotel which reads, "No Russians".

    When we book with a new hotel on say Agoda or the wonderful Thai Visa hotel hook-up - we deeply check with other travellers using Trip Advisor or Agoda's "Reviews". If we see a lot of Cyrillic sounding names or if guests mention there are a lot of Russians - we move on to the next offering.

    For the many of you who are getting weary of Russian dominated hotels, where poolside, in the bar or the restaurant is an assault course on the senses - there is a growing number of hotels in all resorts who have taken the Russian groups off their lists. The few Russian tourists who do travel in singles or family groups are not nearly so much of a problem.

    But when you see two 44 seater coaches disgorging 8 tonnes of Russian tourists at the Reception of the hotel - don't get out your taxi.

    • Like 1
  6. High currency values is the same two sides of a good opportunity and bad opportunity coin.

    Normally, and for the past 8 years, three of us would travel to enjoy the three school holidays in Thailand.

    That is now cut to one. Not because our income has gone up - but due ONLY to a horrific fall in the mismanaged euro, a significant rise in airlines, partly due to tax, and the accordingly higher baht.

    We DID do a cost comparison with all the attractive Mediterranean countries and though the airfares can be very competitive and a lot cheaper than to Thailand from Brussels - the hotel, meal and transport costs - ridiculously - make it that 5 weeks holiday in the summer in Thailand, with car rental, 4 star equivalent hotels, diving (30 dives) all meals - (without having to have the typical European holiday daily buffet in the hotel) and shopping - is STILL CHEAPER than a lesser quality holiday of 20 nights at a resort which charges in euro on the Mediterranean.

    Thailand - whether its detractors like it or not is bloody good value for money. Yes Burma is opening up, Vietnam is semi-established and Cambodia offers plenty. But few people go back there two or three times. Thailand enjoys the highest "Returning Visitors" per cent in the World. Must be something being done right.

    However, corrupt euro management over here, greedy as in GREEDY taxation (we pay 67% income tax on 46% of income) on us and services - AND - the high value of the Thai baht means that this family can only spend 35 nights holiday per annum - compared to the 71 nights before. Simple arithmetic.

    Another horror of the low euro/high baht is when we send money to a Children's Charity. 5,000 euro used to buy 270,000 baht. Now last September 5,000 euro bought 187,000 baht. That difference of 83,000 baht is critical.

    • Like 2
  7. I see one post trying to justify or "understand" the man's horrific behaviour because of experiences when he was a child. It is a well worn argument which is intellectually interesting but facile.

    If we commit a crime now - we are responsible for it NOW.

    I was drunk, I lost my temper, when I was kid I was abused - SO WHAT!

    For this man, following castration, he should be made to work in a prison for the whole of the rest of his life and give his meager earnings to the family of the victim.

    • Like 1
  8. Koh Phangan - beautiful island, nice beaches, not too crowded.

    Full Moon or Half-Moon Parties are to be avoided. It is these events which should have very strong "DO not go there it is dangerous - it can be lethal - you will be lucky not be to be robbed at best." advisories.

    The place is brimming with pot, coke, ice, ecstasy - mostly toxic cut. All sanctioned by the "owners of the island" and supporters by enforcement.

    If you really are looking for a good chance at real trouble - go to one of these druggies parties.

    If you want to visit a lovely island in a beautiful sea in a great country - go to Koh Phangan.

  9. In many Thai resort cities beginning with the letter P - there is a regular trade in "instant" driving licences. The normal going rate is 4,000 baht and if you have passport with valid visa, driver licence size photographs - your new licence - with international date and all legit stamps - properly laminated - will appear the same afternoon.

    However, you can go to the Pattaya Expats Club and they will arrange for you to travel with 3 or 4 or 10 members to the Test Centre and ACTUALLY do your Testing - this costs - including the round trip - under 1500 baht - and you receive exactly the same driver's licence as above - but heck - you sleep very well and never worry about "extra problems" at a road block.

    For those who are nervous of taking exams - you will notice that very often the "Clerks" at the Test Centre will give you a "pencil copy" of the writtten test. This costs anywhere from 500 baht to 1,000 baht. The examination paper you receive is correctly marked faintly in pencil - which is why they will also give you a pencil - you then complete the paper in ink - and hand it back. 3 of your exam questions are incorrect. Why? Because no one is perfect and a perfect paper may be scrutinised more carefully.

    This last "route" is nothing to do with the Pattaya City Ex-Pat Club. But it does illustrate how very helpful Thai officials and administrators can be.

  10. Silvio Berlusconi. Showman, bon vivant, not a bad tenor, loves beautiful young girls - elected by a majority of Italian people.


    Mario Monti - aka- "Rigour Montis". Technocrat. A grey man. Appointed to run Italy by Angela Merkel.

    Now Monti is "feeling his Italian side" and doesn't want to play Germany's games any more. Closing German car dealerships in Italy are only outmatched by those in Greece.

    Democracy is the principal enemy of the EU and its corrupt Commission.

    Berlusconi vs Monti? Better an elected clown than a traitor.

    • Like 1
  11. We live in Belgium and travel to Thailand 3 times a year. Wife and daughter are passionate scuba divers and also love Thailand.

    We use Etihad for a number of reasons.

    1. The Flights leave Brussels late morning and arrive BKK just before 07:00. Departures are at 02:55 - so arrival and departure give us two good days "on the ground".

    2. Prices: Yes, I agree with Ricardo above - the Etihad prices are up by about 30% - though it feels like more - but then other airlines have also increased fares.

    3. Aeroflot is not an option, nor is Jet Air as they have financial problems. Qatar's flight times are too long and again - SAS are in trouble financially.

    4. Etihad's flights are a pleasure. Seats are good, business class is truly first class at a discount, the meals are good and the cabin staff are fantastic.

    5. Etihad did downgrade their Frequent Flyer / Guest flyer points system - which was a bit mean and tawdry - so now it means 7 return flights (BRU-BKK-BRU) to pay for 1 free ticket instead of 5. - Sniff.

    6. Gifts for points. Not many airlines do offer such a fantastic selection of "Gifts for purchase".

    7. Checked Luggage: The Free Allowance is now set at a minimum of 30kgs. Add a further 5 if you are just a Guest member and a further 10 if you are a Silver Guest member. This means a Silver member flying Economy can take 40 kilos and in Business 50 kilos. Now compare that with the other airlines with 20 or 23 kgs - Etihad are pretty good.

    Happy Landings.

    • Like 1
  12. In Rhodesia,when we received the amazing upgrade to African rule in 1980, one of the first big "Improvements" were power cuts.(electrical)

    The average of 2 hours went to 2 days then it was likely a 4 - 7 days until power (electrical) was restored.

    We didn't lose any tourists - they just never came - but if you had food in your deep freeze or the local supermarket didn't have a power gennie - then yes - over a billion baht becomes feasible when taken into account with loss of business.

    At home we set up an improvised generator. First off it was the cook and the garden boy taking turns cranking it with a bicycle - then we invested in one of the last Volvo Marine diesel gennies.

    That was great - until those periods when the Government had sent all the forex out of the country into their Swiss accounts - and there was no diesel for weeks.

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  13. We travel to Thailand twice a year.

    This year it will be once.

    Our budget in euro remains the same, but because of the incredible mismanagement of the crisis by the so called experts of the EU, our salaries and savings have dropped by nearly 30% in the past year. From 45 baht to 1 euro we are now looking at 37 baht per euro.

    Thus, this family will bring in less, spend less and stay for a shorter time.

    This is not a planned 'devaluation' style reduction - it is quite simply because the main economies of the World do not wish to risk exposure to euros. Why risk a 180 day letter of credit in euro - when in 180 days there may be no euro? The Mandarins and High Princes of the EU are grotesquely corrupt and nobody believes them any more.

    As a family, our breaks in Thailand are the only bright spots in the grey, grim world of Belgium's drear.

    Now, like those ghastly fluorescent (and more toxic) lamps we are forced to use by the EU, it all got a bit gloomier.

  14. Hi there, we are a family of 3 who will be staying at Lipa Noi and would seek the use of a small or family compact car, automatic gearbox if possible.

    Period: 08 August to 17 August. - 10 days.

    We have rented a car previously and paid 1,000 baht per day. Toyota Vios.

    Any ideas please?

  15. Thanks for the tips ref snorkelling in / around Thong Krut - wilco.

    I just spoke with the Dive Shop we use in Antwerp. If one has the prescription information at the time of ordering- it takes about 7 working days. (and Belgium is normally VERY slow for service. The lady in the shop said it would cost around 120 euro to 200 euro depending on the quality of mask purchased. The lens is reinforced plastic and is guaranteed for 5 years - but not against scratching. It comes in a special container to keep it free of scratches. The cost included the charge for return despatch to the optical company in Holland.

    Thanks all,


  16. Thanks for the tips ref snorkelling in / around Thong Krut - wilco.

    I just spoke with the Dive Shop we use in Antwerp. If one has the prescription information at the time of ordering- it takes about 7 working days. (and Belgium is normally VERY slow for service. The lady in the shop said it would cost around 120 euro to 200 euro depending on the quality of mask purchased. The lens is reinforced plastic and is guaranteed for 5 years - but not against scratching. It comes in a special container to keep it free of scratches. The cost included the charge for return despatch to the optical company in Holland.

    Thanks all,


  17. Hi Virt.

    Masks with lenses. These are normal. If you have prescription lenses for your spectacles then copy that (or get it done again and get a copy from the optician). Take that to a reputable dive supply shop and they will make up the mask - perfectly suited to YOUR eyesight. It takes about 10 days in Belgium. My wife is a keen scuba diver and she wears glasses like Coke bottle bottoms and we get her lensed masks done here.

    We will be in Samui (Lipa Noi) from 28th July until 17 August. (with a break for scuba in K. Tao in this period.)

    If you like we could source the lensed mask here in Antwerp and get it made for you. You could either send the cost after we find out what it is or pay COD.

    Best of course is if you can find a Samui or Bangkok place to do it for you - but let me know. email to [email protected]

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  18. Phuket. In February we booked 7 nights in Phuket in August.

    The last load of assaults told us loud and clear that under no circumstances is it a safe place for two adults and their 12 year old daughter so last week - we cancelled.

    Yes Phuket has beautiful beaches and great scuba diving. We were looking forward to some great golf too. The Thai people are as nice as anywhere.

    But it is clear to this little family that the Phuket Police and the local gangsters have "an arrangement."

    Tourists are not safe.

    When we spoke to our Travel Agent he said there were some problems, but it was not as bad as the papers say it is.

    I asked about the Embassy travel advisories. Well it is OK if you stick to the good parts, avoid jet ski and motor boat hire and stay clear of the Bar areas. And what about taxis and tuk tuks? Well you can have some problems with them.

    You can keep Phuket now. We have changed to a Samui and Koh Tao mix. The loss of nearly 260 euro in re-arranging our travel is worth the avoidance of such a mafia haven.

  19. We are a family of 3. My wife and daughter are keen horse folks.

    Does anyone know of a functioning Stables / Riding Establishment / Horses for Hire / in Samui.

    If you have an current email and or Telephone number for us - we would be VERY grateful .

    Thanking you in anticipation,

    Chris Hill

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