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Posts posted by Mel52

  1. Has anyone ever heard of a Thai landlord - house/condo owner getting fined for not filing a TM.30?

    I haven’t heard of that only hotels apparently and that was no where near as strict as this site would like you to believe. I still have stayed in a few hotels that never even ask to see my passport on a lot of road trips around Thailand, mostly just the little beach hotel and cabins out in the country the major hotels will definitely always ask to see passports as they do in most of the world if you’re a foreigner. But honestly who’s gonna report their landlord? I know I’m not that’s why I just went ahead and did my own TM-30 a long time ago it’s really no big deal it’s just a quick and simple one page form just like the TM-47. I truly don’t understand all the hype about this issue. And of course members of the group are saying things like “if you’re not with us you’re against us” and stuff like “grow some b**** and just sign our little petition” [emoji38]. I’m like hell no I’m not signing it nor will I associate myself with their little teeny tiny group because they are just rocking the boat that we all have to sail on and it’s stupid it really is because the TM-30 form is not a problem it’s not much different than the TM-47 which we do every 90 days when we report that’s why I always keep several copies of it pre-filled out.

    If they’re going to have their little expat club fine but don’t try to speak for all of us who are retired here as I am in Thailand and if they are going to do this little show of force kind of thing that they are doing which they really shouldn’t be doing because they are just making immigration mad and it’s a waste of time and money at least do it when there is a REAL ISSUE to speak up about. I definitely do not just except everything thrown at me I never have that’s why I never made Command Sergeant Major (CSM) in the Army but at the same time there is absolutely nothing wrong with abiding by reasonable laws we have laws for good reasons. Additionally this isn’t my home country if I really don’t like it here I can always go home where my voice can be heard sometimes at least or somewhere else but I honestly love living here in Thailand and I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon if ever. I actually do enjoy Thailand and I really do not have any problems with their rules here I think their immigration rules are perfectly reasonable and people do agree with me. They can call the rest of us who don’t support their little expat group all the names they want but I truly don’t care.
    • Sad 2
  2. Very different for Brits. We just provided evidence of our income IN THE UK, to the British embassy, by post and recieved an income verification letter in return.  

    Although I did normally bring in more than 65k every month, I used a far more convenient and cheaper method of bringing cash in. Also if I returned for a visit to the UK, no need to send money to Thailand that month.


    Far cheaper and easier before. I do miss the British Embassy's income letters.


    If you guys were able to do it by mail then ok. But I prefer the current method better. And I use the international direct deposit program for my pension payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs to my SCB account because I’m retired US military which is totally free, I pay absolutely no transfer fees at all anymore except for the 200 baht receiving fee at SCB which I hardly ever even notice. If the British Embassy actually was verifying your income before giving you the letter then I wonder why the British Embassy was the first country to stop providing the letters in the first place, but I don’t care about those letters anymore I prefer just showing them my bank account records for me that’s easier. As long as you make at least the minimum monthly income requirement for your marriage or retirement extension you should be fine under the current system.


  3. They really need to be careful about angering immigration because immigration is providing a good service at least from my experience anyway and they need to STOP RIGHT NOW creating a potential us against them type of scenario. I always get along really good with my local immigration office and I’d like to keep it that way thank you. I hope this expat group isn’t claiming that they are the voice of all foreigners living in Thailand because they ARE NOT!



    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1

  4. The insurgency in southern Thailand is probably one of the reasons why they have had an address reporting system for God knows how long definitely longer than I’ve lived in Thailand and I’ve only been here for 5 years. Thailand has honestly been trying to get rid of all the foreign criminals as well and it really looks like they have been making a good legitimate effort on that as well.

    I really don’t want some expat group talking to immigration on my behalf and demanding that they stop doing things because they definitely do not represent me. They can hire all the lawyers they want but they are not going to change anything at immigration or anything at all in the Thai government. In case they haven’t noticed this isn’t exactly a Democracy at the moment and even if it was we foreigners here don’t get a vote because we aren’t citizens no matter how long you’ve lived here and I’m honestly surprised that immigration even took this group seriously enough to even have a formal meeting with them.

    If I was in charge of Thai immigration I probably would have just told them to go fill out a comment card or something. I’m surprised immigration even gave this group the time of day.

    If anything they are just drawing to much attention to the rest of us who just want to live our lives, follow the rules and go with the program because they really are not asking us to do very much to live here legally and it really isn’t that hard at all reporting your address and neither is the rest of the paperwork we have to do most of which is just once a year. They should be happy that Thailand has a good immigration system in place because if they didn’t then anyone would be able to just come here and just stay which I think is probably what some of these people want is no rules at all just anarchy I guess. This is one of those things where I would like to tell immigration “hey those guys don’t represent me and I’m not in their little club” but I seriously doubt that my local immigration office here in Korat even knows about that petition they filed at their headquarters because it’s probably no where near as significant as they think it is, people can huff and puff about it on Thai Visas all they want but it doesn’t change a thing. They think immigration is listening to them just because they had a formal meeting with immigration in Bangkok or wherever but if anything they’re just creating a scenario where it’s immigration against us which is definitely not the case but they are creating that appearance and this group needs to stop that because it could potentially cause some REAL problems. The attorneys they apparently hired they know that and they know that they are never gonna change anything but they don’t care as long as they’re getting paid.

    They really need to be careful about angering immigration because immigration is providing a good service at least from my experience anyway and they need to STOP RIGHT NOW creating a potential us against them type of scenario. I always get along really good with my local immigration office and I’d like to keep it that way thank you. I hope this expat group isn’t claiming that they are the voice of all foreigners living in Thailand because they ARE NOT!
    • Haha 1
    Unfortunately not all of the offices offer such a "service".

    Mental health? No actually reading this made me realize that I’ve been doing things right apparently anyway. Luckily I don’t have to do my next extension until January and I started abiding by the current rules in December last year so the timing was perfect. Now I use the international direct deposit program to my Thai bank account at SCB for my VA pension of over 100,000 baht a month. I like this system better than the old I like it A LOT BETTER THAN THE OLD SYSTEM!

    Because getting documentation from my local SCB branch is A LOT easier than driving 5 hours to Bangkok once a year just to get that stupid income affidavit from the US embassy. Good riddance to the income affidavits if I had known last year how things were going to change I never would have worried about it for a second, I really do prefer the new immigration procedures better for income verification. Although it sounds like the OP was in an unusual situation because of where the OP lives the OP had to go out of his or her way to get the information that immigration needed.
    • Thanks 1
  6. You staying up in the hills is very different to most of us. The thread is not for you is it..?

    I’ve been living in Korat for the last 5 years we were traveling around Chiangmai for most of last week. If we ever move or buy a house though I’ll be sure and do another TM-30 in the last 5 years I’ve only had to do one and it’s only a one page document. If they ever want me to do another one for whatever reason ok it just takes a few minutes.
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. LMAO [emoji38] I knew it now even immigration is getting fed up with all the whining and complaining and now even immigration is saying “jeez it’s not that hard to do” and it’s really not this has been a rule for years. Immigration didn’t start enforcing the rules very strictly till this year. In fact I just did my most recent 90 day report this morning and again it still wasn’t a problem and last week we spent almost a week traveling up north. Although I never had to show my passport to anyone for hotel or lodging the people who ran the cabin up in the Hill Tribes Villages didn’t ask and obviously our family didn’t ask either when we stayed at their house up in the mountains. But that was not my first road trip around here. It’s just business as usual with immigration right now I don’t understand all the hype about the TM-30.


    • Like 1
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  8. It’s just crazy because I read more about this case and it turns out that the shooter wasn’t even arrested inside the Walmart he was arrested driving away apparently. So that means he not only had 20 minutes to pop off several rounds enough to shoot 46 people and kill 26 I think it was and he had time to reload at least twice but no that’s not even the worst part he also actually had time to get back in his car and drive away before he surrendered. Something is wrong with that picture it’s time to start hiring more armed security guards for crowded public places like that, at least that’s a start anyway for the short term.



  9. What will probably happen eventually is the federal government will charge him with federal domestic terrorism charges but there’s still a whole long process they have to go through first of coordinating between the state of Texas and the United States Department of Justice as far as who’s gonna charge him with what on state or federal charges as well as the whole investigation that I’m sure is still pending in fact the investigators both state and federal are probably extremely busy right now. Before he’s arraigned in court they have to produce the extremely long list of capital charges and it’s probably going to take a little time before he’s officially formerly charged with federal charges. But the case has already been designated as domestic terrorism that’s a fact. The criminal charges on this level are going to take a little time because they have to get it right.




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