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Posts posted by Mel52

  1. You don’t know, because there is probably nothing that can be done legislatively that will treat the root problem.

    You can gather up all the guns, and that will likely reduce gun deaths (at least the suicides) but it does not really address the problem.

    Semi-automatics have been around for well over 100 years. The percentage of homes with guns has not really gone up, in the last 50 years, and the overall murder rate has gone down in the last 40 years, so while it’s easy to focus on guns, it’s probably not going to help much. Of course if it gets one leftist elected, all the rhetoric and grandstanding will have been worthwhile.

    I know it’s extremely complicated so in the short term we have no choice but to beef up security heavily as much as we can without creating a police state that will make it worse.
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  2. Obviously we shouldn’t arm teachers that’s stupid they need police guarding schools and other crowded public places more security. That’s what I meant by more security in the short term because that’s all we can do at the moment. The real tough question is what do we do in the long term? That’s where it gets political and very complicated because of the gun control stuff.




  3. Okay, what would you have them do?

    Damn it dude that’s my whole point I don’t know and neither does anyone else on this chat room! Including you and me. It’s just a real tragedy and this stuff needs to stop somehow right now the most common sense answer looks like more security especially in crowded places right now in the short term. Long term is going to get very political and very complicated! I’m just being realistic in my thinking I’m not on any side politically I’m really not. Everyone always wants to use these tragedies to further an agenda or make a point and I just think it’s all sick I really honestly do and I’m just as sick of it happening as anyone else.
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  4. They being who?
    Top-down solutions generally don’t work for bottom-up problems.

    Eliminating guns will not reduce the number of nut-sacks wanting to kill people.

    Who, the government law enforcement who do you think? And yes I get what you’re saying but I’m thinking it would be better if the government and law enforcement would actually do something realistic to try and stop the gun violence. I really mean something realistic I’m not even getting into the politics of it.

  5. Point is that the diversity in America is the root of all the violence and it always has been since the beginning of time throughout the world. Different people have been killing each other simply because they are different people throughout the world for centuries and America is extremely diverse and extremely divided currently. We’re more divided now than we’ve ever been since the civil war so that’s the cause of the violence now we just have to figure out realistically what do we do about it. If they tried to confiscate all guns now and if they stopped selling all guns now for a while you would be seeing A HELL OF A LOT more violence for years to come and possibly another civil war for real. The point is that we have to stop the violence not make it worse by imposing our will on everyone.

    This is the same argument by the way that people made against our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan don’t make it worse by imposing our will on the world.
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  6. How many people would die while you're trying to take away the guns?
    I'm thinking more than are killed in the random shootings.
    Or do you think everyone will peacefully hand over their guns, if you ask them nicely?

    See now someone finally brings up a smart point. And this is why I don’t like discussing the politics of it because it’s EXTREMELY COMPLICATED and no one has all the answers to it.
  7. and europe isn,t?

    Point is that the diversity in America is the root of all the violence and it always has been since the beginning of time throughout the world. Different people have been killing each other simply because they are different people throughout the world for centuries and America is extremely diverse and extremely divided currently. We’re more divided now than we’ve ever been since the civil war so that’s the cause of the violence now we just have to figure out realistically what do we do about it. If they tried to confiscate all guns now and if they stopped selling all guns now for a while you would be seeing A HELL OF A LOT more violence for years to come and possibly another civil war for real. The point is that we have to stop the violence not make it worse by imposing our will on everyone.
  8. Even I agree that if we could get rid of all the guns there would be a lot fewer tragedies like this but how? How is it possible to get rid of all the guns out there now? You can’t at least not in this generation anyway it would probably take at least a century to get rid of all the guns so if we’re going to discuss it let’s at least get real about it. But I’m done discussing the politics of a national tragedy like I said.



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  9. Right now at the moment the fastest things we can do is beef up security and focus harder on mental health throughout the world
    Fastest things.........beef up security and focus on mental health. If those are the fastest things we can do then there is absolutely no hope!!!
    Gun control is a quick way and far faster than your suggestions, but the Repubs and NRA veto it!! Go figure!

    Thank you so much for making my point which is that you don’t have all the answers and guess what neither do I that’s why I don’t like to discuss the politics of it. But the why and how is an important question.
  10. So the obvious answer is let’s ban all guns right now right? Sure ok fine if that would actually work right now but it won’t because what about the billions of guns that are already out there and have been for years? What do we do about it right now? Right now at the moment the fastest things we can do is beef up security and focus harder on mental health throughout the world especially in some people on this forum. Then as time goes on and yes sooner the better we have the gun control debate but while they are still picking up dead bodies off the ground we can at least wait till we mourn first jeez.

    And this is exactly why I don’t like discussing the politics of a national tragedy. So I am done reading all this nonsense because now I’m doing it to I’m feeding into this bs. This is exactly what the ass holes who do these things want us to do and we do and it continues on an endless cycle of these nuts who just want people talking about what they did.

  11. Then don't. 
    The old thoughts and prayers, don't talk about the issues right away noise, is totally PASSE.
    That happened after Parkland.
    The friends of the student victims clearly said -- let's talk about it and do something about it -- RIGHT NOW. 
    That was some kind of progress but so far very little in results. 

    So the obvious answer is let’s ban all guns right now right? Sure ok fine if that would actually work right now but it won’t because what about the billions of guns that are already out there and have been for years? What do we do about it right now? Right now at the moment the fastest things we can do is beef up security and focus harder on mental health throughout the world especially in some people on this forum. Then as time goes on and yes sooner the better we have the gun control debate but while they are still picking up dead bodies off the ground we can at least wait till we mourn first jeez.
    • Sad 2
  12. Then don't. 
    The old thoughts and prayers, don't talk about the issues right away noise, is totally PASSE.
    That happened after Parkland.
    The friends of the student victims clearly said -- let's talk about it and do something about it -- RIGHT NOW. 
    That was some kind of progress but so far very little in results. 

    And yet another one of those bull sh;I posts that have nothing to do with anything that make me think “oh God here we go again with more nonsense”.
    • Sad 1
  13. Jeez.....that has to be the most laughable yet screwed up post on the thread!!!
    Improving border security won't help those immigrants already in the US, and the racist rhetoric from the orange clown will ensure more deaths occur. Border security has nothing to do with the nationalist/racist element that this clown appeals to.
    This clown has said he will veto any move to improve the gun laws to make the US safer.......and you say the left are sabotaging what this clown is trying to do???? He is the problem because he is in the pocket of the NRA.
    As for dividing the country..........he is the most divisive president you have had by far, polls and feedback show it and as if that wasn't enough he is just plain dumb:-
    A few Trump memorable quotes: (And you voted this clown in????).........
    In his speech Trump claimed, “the 1775 revolutionary army 'took over airports'. Dumb or no functioning brain?
    Inventing a new word…….CORFEFE.
    We could do with some ‘global warming” when the weather became cold in a few US states. Yeah right. Absolutely no understanding of that whatsoever.
    “I even thought of Ivanka for the World Bank,” he added. “She would’ve been great at that because she’s very good with numbers. Now how dumb is that?
    Then there's his reference to the Prince of Whales. And many more.
    You have got a dumb, racist idiot as a leader and it is plain for all to see (apart from those who are so blind that they will not see). 

    You see you all this is exactly what kind of bull BS I’m talking about is posts like this and then I just kind of eventually stop reading them.
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