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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 9 hours ago, NightSky said:


    At least the UK have a testing system - the reason it is at maximum capacity is becasue they test so many people. It requires some adjustment to accommodate the symptomatic first. Easily implemented.


    How is your head in the sand testing system going in Thailand? 


    Oh I forgot they don't have one!



    Yes, and look how well they have been doing with that, according to you, great system. On the other side we have Thailand that, according to you, have no system. Much better results, though. Wait a minute, where was that head in the sand now again? 

    • Confused 1
  2. 9 hours ago, paulikens said:

    @Matzzon  all it proves is thailand have got their numbers down but they obviously were lying before otherwise why would the uk have em on the list?


    What? Got their numbers down. Recently they had suspicions of cases. One domestic case, One new death. They just put them on the list because Thailand had them on same such list, which they still have. However, the UK finally got a grip and understood that their action was unwarranted. In other words, acting like children. If you do this to me, I do this to you. Like they always react looking at history.

    • Sad 1
  3. Anything from Vivo, Realme or Oppo. They have several models, and in our family that´s the price and brands that goes for a phone. It have been working perfect so far.

    Just see to that you get one of the models with 3-4 GB ram and about 64-128Gb storage.


    Redme phones are a total waste of money. Probably why Android 10 have problem.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Dene16 said:

    Let me explain the confusion

    The reason i state i was forced into a OA visa is simply because if you have too many tourist visa's its common knowledge that many people have been turned away at the airport. rightly or wrongly is irrelevant,  i was merely trying to emphasise they were ensuring/forcing everyone  onto the correct visa, as they saw it

    In regards to the non O visa, i myself could be in error this is because when the OA visa was first announced i am of the belief it was the only option open to me at that time. An Australian living  near me was doing doing border runs every 3 months  and stated that's what all his friends were doing

    If you google a non immigrant O visa it always mentions via marriage or dependency but never retirement. Having looked since your comments i have now found evidence in regards to your statement but only after actually putting in the word retirement and not just Non O visa 

    When the OA visa was first introduced i am of the belief that the Non O was not an option (i was only 50 and not retired) have the rules since then changed? could you still get a Non O at age 50 then?

    Maybe just the fact that i could do it in my own country but i don't think so

    Yes, you can get Non-O and make an extension based on retirement when you are 50 and up. That´s Thailands rules.

  5. 11 minutes ago, polpott said:

    The vaccine being trialled by Oxford University/Astra Zenica will have completed the standard clinical trials and have been extensively peer reviewed before being released to the public. I will be the first in the queue to get my free shot when it becomes available.

    Great! It´s the best news I´ve heard today. Good Luck!

    • Like 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, polpott said:

    No it isn't. Never comes out of my pocket in Dubai. Sorry that your continuous attempts to wander round the forum baiting people haven't succeeded on this occasion.

    So, you are actually trying to tell me and the rest of the members on this forum that no country or person more than yourself knows that you have been in Dubai and when you were?? Really??? Welcome to reality, whenever you chose to wake up. If so, that means there is no longer any means of possibility to know where people go in the world?

    How can you even consider it baiting, to just tell you that you are wrong, have the wrong information? That´s not baiting, that falls under educational information.

    As you can see there is another broader explanation in post #44

    • Like 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Possibly not, although I am English and I am sure that England will survive, with or without the other countries which currently make up the United Kingdom.


    The enthusiasm within certain "EU circles" for dismembering the UK, to curb England always rather amused me in a wry way. As I said, I am English, and although I like Wales and the Welsh, I could live without it. I am more ambivalent about Scotland, I just wish they would make their minds up  - despite all the blue and white frothing at the mouth they do seem remarkably reluctant to take the first step, As for Northern Ireland, it is an anomaly, it always was an anomaly, and it probably always will be an anomaly. It should be up to the people there to decide whether they want to be an anomaly within the UK or The Republic of Ireland.

    Ok, Thank you! You have just proved my point. As you see it England is right in everything. You can live without Welsh, which makes then insignificant, right? Then we have Scotland that can´t make their minds up??? (Should probably read, won´t do like they are told by England, right?) After that it´s Northern Ireland that is an anomaly, just because England and the English people decide they are not normal, right?

    Do you see where this is going? I think further discussion is not necessary. You know the way you and the english population is thinking, is exactly why the countries in your own union, no longer want to stand straight and fall in line with what you say and think. 

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