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Everything posted by ThLT

  1. Explanation taken. @lkn Can you explain to LoveThai94 how the scarcity of "there will only be 21 million BTC in existence, buy now!" is false and completely irrelevant, if each BTC can be divided into units of 0.00000001 BTC? And how, for example, theoretically 1 Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) in the future could be worth the same as 1 BTC today, essentially resulting in a new and equivalent supply of 2,100,000,000,000,000 units? If it comes from you, maybe he'll understand.
  2. I never talked about central banks! You're clearly mis-comprehending things. That you think I talked about central banks, when I didn't is tangible proof that you are mis-comprehending. Fact is: since each BTC can be subdivided into units as small as equivalent to 0.00000001 BTC, there is a maximum 2,100,000,000,000,000 possible units of Bitcoin. More than enough for it to be considered essentially unlimited—and for every single citizen out of 8 billion on this planet to each own more than 250,000. So the FOMO tactic that "Bitcoin is limited to only 21 million coins, buy now while there are still some available!" is... just that, a FOMO tactic—propagated by people who barely understand math and economics, to induce FOMO.
  3. Even more, people make lots of money, particularly in a bubble. Sounds like crypto, doesn't it?
  4. "I'm not pumping crypto coins... I only pump crypto coins when people ask for it." ????
  5. That's a decent description of characteristics a bubble. It's ironic that you so eloquently describe characteristics of a bubble, only to then turn around and say: "this is... not a bubble."
  6. Yes, exactly. For every person that made money in crypto, a certain number of idiots had to lose their money. There are always more fools, yes, but how long will there be wealthy fools to get on the crypto train, to then lose their money for those making the earnings. And regulations are just starting. It happens for every new technology (privacy violations with social media companies/advertising, drones that now need permits and have no-fly zones and governmental laws, etc.). ... especially in the long run, maybe 20 will lose money, which in the end will be more money in the crypto pot. The winners of crypto climb hills with megaphones to tell everyone about how crypto will make you rich, while those who lost all of their money (which maybe they couldn't afford to lose, but some guy on an Internet forum told them crypto would make them rich), such people retreat in the shadows. That's how crypto works. More hype, more market cap. Rinse/repeat.
  7. Thanks for your insightful comment. Having someone else who actually understands economics (VS. an OP who essentially swing trades a bubble asset, and thinks inflation rate is at 15%) is much needed fresh air in this thread.
  8. Any criticism of crypto = FUD, in the mind of crypto cultists. FUD is a sin in the crypto cult, and in the world at large, and must be silenced and banished from thy precious cult.
  9. All good. But every single one of those points implies Bitcoin is used as a currency. If you can't use it as currency (or barely), all those points mean nothing.
  10. Those are Thai laws you are describing? If Bitkup requires to provide nationality, or further documents to have an account, then that's that for foreigners trading with Bitkup. Have you ever tried getting a Thai tax number on a tourist visa? The 15% tax will soon be compulsory. How do you do that on a tourist visa?
  11. I'll call BS on that. Just like your 15% inflation claim. ???? 20 minutes ago, you posted about visa agents.
  12. That's because Bitkup/crypto in Thailand is new and unregulated. Should be required more KYC details like work permit soon. Similar to how the 15% is now being implemented in the upcoming months.
  13. Since you say you don't have a work permit, you are working illegally. And if you wouldn't be working, why would you have to pay taxes on your earnings?
  14. 1. That's false. That is work according to the Labour Department. Foreigners have been kicked out of Thailand for trading on non-Thai exchanges. Heck, foreigners have been kicked out of Thailand for volunteering. 2. Correct. 3. Again, trading is considered work according to Thai law. Tell me: if it's isn't considered work, then why would you have to pay taxes on it?
  15. Did you fail high school math? ???? Whatever you want to call it, Bitcoin can be divided into 2,100,000,000,000,000 units. It's not rocket science. A Satoshi can be worth $0.01, $0.10, $1 or $10. There are still 2,100,000,000,000,000 units available to trade.
  16. 1. What visa are you on? Do you have a work permit for trading? 2. Ready to pay 15% taxes, starting in the upcoming year or so? 3. How are you going to pay taxes if you are working illegally in the country?
  17. If that's the case, then that simply removes the possibility of making a stand-alone transaction lower than 0.00000358 BTC. It doesn't change how there are still 189,251,370,000,000 Satoshis in circulation at the moment—of which any one of those individual Satoshis can be worth $0.01, $10 or even $10,000. So there is no "limited supply" of Bitcoin.
  18. "Logic proves itself"? ???? That's your response? ???? If that were the case, all lawyers wouldn't have a job. ???? Still waiting for you to show how what I said is wrong. About the issue with Bitcoin being divided to Satoshis (0.00000001 BTC), meaning there is no "limited supply," and resulting in there being essentially an unlimited amount. You haven't done that yet. It seems you're changing the subject, again, like a coward... exactly like your 10 or so other posts a few pages back, that were refuted but that you mostly didn't reply to the objections raised.
  19. 15% inflation rate? ???? https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/timeseries/l55o/mm23
  20. Yes. Now provide an example of exchange that currently accepts Chinese yuan and Indian rupees:
  21. Also waiting. @Neeranam Me and Pravda are still waiting for you to provide an example of a foreign exchange that accepts Chinese yuan or Indian rupees. About your claim... Apparently it's false: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/27/cryptocurrency-exchanges-stop-chinese-users-signing-up-after-crackdown.html
  22. You said I was wrong. I told you to prove it. To show why I am wrong. Now you just reply with no proof, and empty words. And, contradicting yourself... you even say you "never back down from a debate." ???? You want me to stop asking you to prove how what you say is true? Yes, that would be good for you... It would make you less like a coward every time you ignore posts that refute you. ????
  23. If that's the case... then prove it. ???? It's mathematics. There is nothing easier to prove. Coming from you, who posted so many false things in the past few pages of the thread? Me, lkn and a few members corrected your 10-plus incorrect claims/misunderstandings. Each time you kept silent or didn't address the points raised... Exactly like right now.
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