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Posts posted by spiekerjozef

  1. 9 minutes ago, KarlosInBKK said:

    Hi guys,


    Just reporting back. I'm back in BKK with my new ED visa. One immigration officer seemed to be quite strict and was asking an ED visa applicant a lot of questions in Thai. I got the other officer. I spoke in Thai when I gave her my documents and she didn't ask me any questions. I went back at 4pm the next day to collect my passport and was out of there at 4.10pm. All in all, it was easy and straightforward. 

    Thank you so much for your report. gives me some hope for my 2nd

  2. 16 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

    If the police catch you on overstay you go straight to immigration detention center for couple days/weeks and get automatic 5 years ban. Getting out of Thailand and paying the fine at the airport is not the same procedure and doesn't involve detention with 150 peoples in a Thai jail. 


    So if I was on overstay, I would avoid contact with police at all cost even if my passport is stolen. 

    To fly out you need a passport. To get a new passport in the OP's case he needs a police report.

  3. 4 minutes ago, The Farang said:

    The problem is not the high baht.  If you come from a western country its still way cheaper then where you live.  It's a few main reasons why  (I have lived in Thailand and come back and forth since 2016):

    1.)  They don't do enough to get big businesses to come to Thailand.   If you bring businesses that brings jobs and more farangs will come thus spend money. 

    2.) The way foreigner's are treated here is not that great.  Starting from the moment you come to the border and deal with immigration, to when you get to your hotel,  drive down the street and get stopped by police daily being extorted for money.  They are aways gaming you when the conversation starts off with "where you from?  How long you on holiday?  What hotel you stay?"  Thats them qualifying you.  They want to know what country you come from to see if you have money, how long you stay so I know how much time i have to get money out of you, what hotel you stay will also tell me how much money you have

    3.) Taxis overcharging and businesses overcharging foreigner's trying to get as much money out of us quickly before we leave from our holiday.  Short term thinking.

    4.) It's just not safe there.  So many people die either on the road in a accident because the roads are lawless, or the tourist activities like jet skies.  Every week someone dies.  I remember the group of Chinese tourists about 40 people diednot to long ago because of poor safety.  I get it if people get drunk and dont follow the rules but they have to do a better job at enhancing safety.

    I travel frequently and this is one of the only countries in southeast Asia that I have seen this level of greed.  If I am a tourist and come here and those 4 things happen to me, I wouldn't come back and tell everyone about my bad experience and then they won't come.

    try the US and the risk of being shot by a trigger happy nation

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