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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    No, it can not happen to me. I have something called control and a good down to earth ground foundation.

    I don't believe you ????

  2. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Yes, it has. Not got so crazy so I advertized my stupidity online, though. I just searcjed Internet for the answer like a normally intelligent person. And no, it was not about STD.

    So, you are saying that the OP can´t control his bodily functions? Good on you! That was my opinion too.

    I say, you are commenting on a guy on a forum where you hang around and read and respond ... he just wanted info, maybe just an exchange/other experience talk. You can't Google a dialog. That's why it's a discussion forum.


    Why should you be so judgmental about it? 


    You know what they say, if you have nothing good or helpful to tell, better say nothing and move on.


    Re can't control bodily functions, well, that's just how it all happens to many. Drunk & Horny, it's a dangerous combination.

    But can happen to you tomorrow, next week or next year as well ... we are all just humans you know, and there are weak moments can happen, to you too. Maybe just after you had a break up or whatever. You are not superman, a monk or excluded from these situations to happen in future. Be careful about your judgements. ????








  3. 49 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    THey used to do that at the testing centers - a bike rider bent at the spine in the wrong direction in the rear of a truck is the photo I remember most. It makes no difference. It all depends on karma and if you have the right amulets. It's really only the educated here that understands that is BS.

    Other than that ... there is one more, very big thing behind it. Law enforcement!


    It took me a lot of discussion with my teenage boy to put a helmet on and make a driver license. Hours of discussion.

    He never cared, he tells me, police never stop me, I have school uniform on!


    Fair enough, school uniform, no money, no stop. Why bother for the police to do anything. There is the next Farang no helmet/license, ha roi baht, better. Always follow the money


    Then the boy makes his driver license, but being 17, you only get a 110cc ... not good enough, can't pimp it up, look like a loser at school. 

    Fair enough, I understand. But I don't give in. 


    If this boy crashes into a car, no insurance for 125cc, only up to 110cc registered on the license. Everybody in big trouble. Me foremost. (Farang think too mutt)


    There is zero education at school to support my case to talk sense into a boy, there is zero education and enforcement from police, there is zero common sense from government around me. 


    I wanted to buy a 110cc for him, he didn't want it. Now he bought a 125cc behind my back, with a bank loan, on friends Thai guys name. 


    Police never stop them ... why should he bother?


    I made my decision, I'm out of this ... not my problem anymore.


    I'm really pi$$ed off about the system here ... it looks fun to look at people wearing helmets in a classroom doing an exam, but is so very shallow. It's a very poor attitude, all of it.


    Until the next Farang comes and tells me, hey ... this is Thai culture, you don't understand.













  4. 28 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    Another example of why things are the way they are!

    I've sent this today to a Thai girl who lived with me together abroad for a couple of years.

    She knows life outside of Thailand, she can compare, she can relate, with her I can talk common sense.

    (much more than with some Farangs on here, still living behind rose tinted glasses).


    For fun I tell her: Hey, look ... they now included helmets in motorbike exams.


    She was just shaking her head  ... only in Thailand, her only comment. She knows what's going on.


    It's not about the Thai people .. they are ok! It's about every time the government get's involved, it's getting a muppet show.


    It's all fun for a few years, but come on, at one point in time you have to agree.

    Give the people some proper education, from the beginning, when they are young. 


    Don't force them to put helmets on during an motorbike exam ????


    What about the 17 year plan ... where all are getting wealthy together later?





    • Like 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Why would you be irresponsible in the first place.

    But also good question. I have theory, not sure if it's true entirely.


    I think in most cases, you are either too horny or too drunk .. worst case scenario, both together



  6. 2 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    That´s equal to: Why would you be irresponsible in the first place.

    OP explained: "Went full on noob last night with a girl"


    He said it was not wise, but there are times when people do silly things ...


    ....  never happened to you before? 

    • Like 1
  7. Everyday again, when you think you have seen it all ???? 


    The last one was this one ... underaged boys, no license, pot on the head. No mirrors, no license, no insurance, 3 on a bike.

    Everybody laughing.


    Getting a helmet for free to pick up next day from the cops 5555


    This really all can crack you up, no doubt ???? And now a picture with 25+ guys with helmet on, during an exam 5555

    How serious can one all take it?


  8. 19 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    So you think having sex with someone like you isn't working your <deleted> off???????

    lol ... you missed the "overall" message. 


    Pls scroll back up and take a look to what specific post , and type of girls described, did I reply this quote to?


    I didn't say all girls, but the ones mentioned in this post. 


    It's not good to defend these kind of girls and argue against other guys over them ????

  9. 1 hour ago, 4737 Carlin said:

    Never understood hiring a prostitute to hang out with and pretend she's your partner. 15K "spending money" ? Expensive hotels ? Taking her to dinner like she's your wife ? 

    This must be a troll - nobody can be this dumb/naive/sad.


    That's the thing in Thailand. You don't go purposely and go out to look to hire a prostitute

    ... you go out for a beer, and bump into a girl. You start to like her .... she doesn't immediately act like a prostitute, but she is one. 


    Giving her 15k upfront for the trip is ridiculous. I bet he learned.


    I had a 'real girlfriend' for 2 years ... on her birthday I bought her a present and a weekend trip to an island. 

    On the boat, I gave her 1k baht, a little bit of cash, so she can buy some drinks for us or something in a shop sometimes, without

    the need to ask me all time.


    I still had to pay everything over that weekend. That 1k in cash never came back out of her pocket again ????


    Lol, women, so full of opportunistic money thinking only, it's horrible. Even if they are not hookers.







  10. 14 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

    So does it mean that those African women who stand every night in the same places in Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket and... in clear view of the police and immigration.... and who grab the arms of passers-by as they walk along the street and say "hey, you want some business"... are not really tourists?


    You mean they are taking money out of Thailand instead of putting it in like tourists are supposed to do??


    I am as shocked as the immigration officers that uncovered this would have been. Those people are working on tourist visas! This is certainly a story that should make news.


    Next you will be saying that all those African guys who stand every night in the same places in Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket and... in clear view of the police and immigration.... and who ask passers-by if they want to buy some drugs are not really tourists either. That really would be news. 

    What's the answer you want to put in public? ???? 


    For now, they are gone, 7 of them ????


  11. 10 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Can you name a bar in any country that women visit where they are not looking to sell themselves? 

    Believe it or not - sex is for sale everywhere in the world.  


    Man to woman: Would you sleep with me for one million dollars?
    Woman: Sure.
    Man: How about for ten dollars?
    Woman: What do you think I am?
    Man: We’ve already established what you are. All we’re doing is bargaining about price.


    Yes, good joke, as you know, that was not the point ????


    The point was ... can't find prostitution in Pattaya. No where to find. 


    Unless there are a few foreigners, then suddenly it's there.


    Who takes the pi$$ with whom ???? And for how long do we have to read these kind of nonsense?


  12. 38 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    In part I agree with you. But only in part.

    Do that in the wrong place, i.e. a gogo bar and you don't have to worry that their lawyer will call your lawyer. That is likely settled on the spot. ????

    But I don't think this is how the situation would be handled in expensive restaurants, maybe in 5 star hotels. They won't send the bouncers. But possibly they will call the cops.

    Ok, let's give this a spin. Legal aspects in Thailand. 


    I understand, I discuss from a 'Farang involved', 'Farang pay' ... kind of view.


    For the past 10 years, all guys around me tell me ... don't get an accident on the road, Farang always wrong and have to pay.


    True or not? You also heard that?


    I only had 1 accident, a truck crashed into my parked motorbike. The Thai guy waited for me, we went together to Honda and he paid the bill upfront. Very nice guy, so I can't really personally confirm this statement I always hear, by my own experience.


    But overall, do you have the feeling, that Thai law does not go as far as to protect you when it comes to pay a dinner with your Thai girl and you run away without paying? If you don't know her, I think it's a lost case. You are in big trouble, if she's up for it.


    If it's your wife, you will not have that problem, she will pay and kick your a$$ later coming back home ????


    I mean, how many times have you heard or seen a guy ran away from a bill in a restaurant?

    That's not a common every day case. Unless there is some drama involved between 2 people, knowing or not knowing each other. 

    Which is the deciding factor.






    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    But I don't think this is how the situation would be handled in expensive restaurants, maybe in 5 star hotels. They won't send the bouncers. But possibly they will call the cops.

    Yes, and you know how that get's settled between cops and a farang not paying the bill. 


    Let's take this case by case. If your company has a longer relationship with you, they would not do anything stupid, they pay up and talk to you later. But if they don't know you, and they want to make trouble, you have a lot of trouble.


    With whom are you together, and where you are ... even a small sea food restaurant on beach road, I think it's the big elephant in the room.


    Other than that, I also don't know, I admit ????





  14. 7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I started this thread about the payment in a restaurant and it seems until now nobody knows the legal situation.


    Yes ????


    But the thing is, where are you, who are you, with whom are you together & what's your relationship?

    ... I don't think you will get much time to work out the legal aspect of it, if it comes fast and hard.


    That was my point. You know how this works in Thailand.


    For all other cases in general, I don't know ... maybe we have to ask a lawyer ????



  15. 3 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

    i think he extricated himself with quite a bit of class.

    I don't think so. He get's the beer over his face .. he asks for the bill, he pays it.


    And then he leaves. 


    We don't have to agree ???? But I think that's the better and smarter solution in Pattaya, when together with a hooker he doesn't know, which he was. Nothing classy about that. 


    Better be safe than sorry and keep your calm!

  16. 5 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

    explain what?

    it never happened.

    5555 explain why he ran away not paying the bill. 


    If it would had happened, the question in the topic of the thread.


    You have no chance to say ... hey, the girl is last on the table, by law, she has to pay. 


    Come on, get real ???? Not in Pattaya ok!


  17. 1 minute ago, metempsychotic said:

    in the exact situation you are referring to, no one is responsible for the non-existent bill because it never happened.

    Sure thing, but try to explain to all the people later you didn't pay the bill for the girl ... no one will support you.


    If she would have been really bad, it could have been worse for him before he even was out of the restaurant.


  18. 12 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

    Cant belive this has turned into such an anal thread dont you guys have anything better to do than police a hopeless romantic and his wench?

    There is nothing anal about it. 


    There is a lesson to be learned to not run away from your bill in Pattaya as a Farang! This can backfire on you very badly!


    It once happened to me 6 years ago, without being my fault.


    I went out with a first time visitor friend, who was having so much fun and didn't know what he was doing.

    I also didn't pay too much attention to what he did at the time, busy doing my own things. 


    When the bill came for me, and I was surprised where it all came from and started to argue, I had 5 bouncers on me in a split second.

    The guy later I brought to the hospital for a check.


    Nothing is anal here. People share experiences ... you don't get out of a restaurant without paying and leave a hooker behind you don't know.

    She could do anything to you later. Same thing can happen to you. It's a funny city that Pattaya.


    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, AlexRRR said:

    Very clearly he stated he went back to the hotel got his stuff and left called a mate to pick him up when he got to BKK...the room would have been paid for you know, you do give your credit card details when you check in so said brat had a roof over her head at least for a night...


    Cant belive this has turned into such an anal thread dont you guys have anything better to do than police a hopeless romantic and his wench?

    Ok, I did not read this post, thanks for that update.


    Still doesn't take away that he was at big risk for a bigger drama. You have been to Pattaya before and left somewhere without paying a bill?

    You know what can happen. Not a fun place to try that.



    • Thanks 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I wouldn't bet that this story is over.


    Next week: I saw her again. She slapped me in my face and told me what an idiot I am. [...at least 3 paragraphs ...] but then she forgave me my bad behavior. She told me if I invite her to the most expensive hotel in Buriram and invite all her family then we can be happy together. I need advice, which is the most exensive hotel in Buriram?  ???? 

    Yep, sounds like a good outcome and happy end for everyone ???? 


    Everybody Buriram United ????


  21. 15 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

    i would say the gentleman in question was so distrught by such disgusting behavior over a period of time that that one last alleged attack pretty much pushed him off the cliff, i dout he was in a clear state of mind when he stormed out of the said restaurant, no dout in time he will get his mind around to the bill and feel oh such remorse that he didnt pick up the tab... 

    What about the fact he ran away from the restaurant, but they are still checked in together in the same Hotel room?


    Did he also ran away from the Hotel without paying? Or did they both had keys and/or he paid/checked out the room earlier and put her stuff behind the reception?


    Don't know, the guy was playing with fire ... not sure how he got out of it at the end. He didn't tell. Sounds like a lot of drama for sure. Pattaya style ????


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