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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 1 minute ago, KannikaP said:

    But it would cost you at your 'foreign' bank to do the transfer via SWIFT, plus the Bht 500 at Bkk Bank.

    That charge varies greatly from one bank to another.


    I didn't add that as I don't know which bank her will use or even which country. Though I should have added that as an item the OP needs to check. In fact I will edit and add it so that the OP doesn't miss it.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:


    Seems odd that menu items 3 & 4 are Baht 158 for a double (which I assume means only the 2 tacos, not including the other combo items) bu individual tacos are Baht 69.


    69 x 2 = ???


    Clearly you don't understand the concept. Every addition costs more. Normal Taco; 69 baht. Normal Taco with reduced fat(and flavour) sour cream and diced tomatoes = Taco Supreme....more baht.


    I would rather make my own.

  3. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    Oooh, I am so upset at being accused of being a coward, NOT.


    I give loads of "free" advice on TVF and before that on Lonely Planet, but I don't expect any payoff for doing so. After all the point of a forum like this is to give and receive advice.


    That is exactly my point. If you are giving "free" advice, then you are getting involved. 

    You are only confirming what I have written in the first place. 

    So why criticise when other people are doing exactly the same thing? Community. 

    This forum is also a community of sorts. We help and advise total strangers for no apparent benefit other than showing community spirit. Share information that may be of use. It's not much different from everyone piling in to make sure that no one gets seriously hurt. They were reticent individually, but strong together.  Community.




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  4. 9 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    There are just too much racial prejudice for Sinovac and the amount of misinformation is clouding the Thai government and people in making sensible decision making. We in a vaccines deficit world and all vaccine can contribute to reducing the risk of symptomatic and severe cases of Delta. 

    Researchers analysed the Delta infections in Guangzhou and results based on blood samples showed a threefold reduction in neutralizing effect against Delta. Malaysia and Singapore have approved Sinovac in their fight against the pandemic. 

    The misinformation for Sinovac is no different from the antivaxer misinformation in red states USA..




    Racial prejudice?



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  5. 8 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Sorry to sink you racial boat Isaan Sailor but it has been announced that even your modern western vaccine Pfizer is "significantly less" efficient against the Delta variant the same as Sinovac.



    Do you have any idea of what you write?? 64% against...



    What makes them the same? Try to check your facts before pressing the Submit button.

    • Like 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Well, the mental health of many around the world has suffered, to varying degrees.  


    We look at this video clip and see an a**hole, but how many of us have had dealings with multinational companies where the simplest things just can't get done, which leads to frustration, and possibly phone abuse, and even violence, as in this case.  


    I'm not condoning this guy's actions, just wondering if the DTAC company could have handled him, being the account holder / customer, better. 


    As it turns out, this video clip is probably going to reflect more badly on DTAC than it will this guy.  


    I have to say that I have dealt with all of the networks; having many of their SIM cards over the years. Thai mobile phone customer service is usually exemplary. They have fully refunded packages that didn't achieve ample speeds etc They don't keep you waiting that long to pick the call up.

    So it might have something to do with how you approach people in the first place.



    • Like 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    A situation like that is NOTHING TO DO WITH ME ( or any non employee ). If a huge corporation can't provide proper security and PO people at a very stressful time, it's THEIR problem if one of the angry dissatisfied customers breaks their products.

    If the guy attacked the employees that would be a different situation.


    It's good to hear that you are giving to the charities helping starving people all over the world. They need all the help they can get in these troubled times.


    Note that no one got involved until the security guard was in danger. Then everyone jumped in to make sure the security guard wasn't hurt.


    So they were protecting a person. 

    That's ok, there are always heroes and zeroes.  Some will contribute to society in their everyday lives and others think only of themselves.

    We see it every day on these forums.


    What about the people here who give their advice for free? Should they mind their own business too?

    Sounds like an excuse for being a coward. Never mind, hopefully someone will stand up for you when the time comes and you are too weak to stand up for yourself....even if you are not worth it.

  8. 7 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    That's what the security guard signs up for ( the clue's in his job title ).


    I've seen first hand people that try to help up and end up beaten...or worse.


    If people want to play the hero they should expect what may come their way.


    I have not lost sense of community, i mind my own business and don't get involved with issues that are not mine.




    Self described loss of all sense of community....


    I get involved every single day.

  9. 6 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    i'm always surprised why people want to get involved with something that has nothing to do with them.....


    Why would you risk your own safety?


    Because the lone security guard was a bit nervous, but finally had to do something; so he grabbed the guy. But the guy looked as if he was going to overpower the guard, so people joined in en masse to assist. 

    Starving people have nothing to do with me either, but I still try to make sure they have something to eat. 

    You have lost all sense of community?


    • Like 1
  10. Worth mentioning that the minimum size unit in VT6 is likely 48 sq.m. The Base a ridiculos 29 sq. m.

    Grand Avenue a bit better from 36 sq. m.

    My choice of those three would be VT6 seaview. After all, if there is another lockdown, you aren't going to want to be cooped up in a tiny room with no view and the facilities may be closed anyway.

    A spacious living  area with a good airflow and decent in-room facilities seems appropriate.

    • Like 1
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  11. 4 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

    I will post a feedback whatever the outcome will be. The speakers will come quickly from within Thailand. The Dolby digital to analog converter comes from China and it will take more time to get it. Total cost about 1500 Baht. People for sure will be envy when they will see this installation ????


    Not worth spending more unless it is for a dedicated Home Cinema. By that I mean a room dedicated to just that. 

    The main issue I foresee is with the positioning. Are the leads long enough. Of course you can extend the speaker leads.

    Many of the pictures of people's setups show all of the speakers in front of them. A bit pointless.

    The other thing is where you sit. Of course if you are sitting closer to the rear speakers behind you and further away from the front speakers, there is perhaps no option to balance the sound by adjusting the volume of the rear speakers.


    But all in all, I doubt if you'll be seriously bothered by that.



  12. 6 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    will be waiting for your feed back before placing my order  555


    Don't wait. Your system is different. It will be good. I know, because I am using one right now; a 2:1 system.

    It's the 5:1 system I haven't used before. But the sound and quality is more than acceptable.

    No need for you to wait.


  13. 24 minutes ago, Mickeymaus said:

    Because this is how I used them and I have enough disk space. Win XP I use for some old games (I used XP for many years). Then I switched to Win 7 64 because I installed 8 GB memory. Then I switched to Win 7 32 because better for older 16 Bit software (when I was younger I programmed a lot with 16 Bit). I have a kernel batch and therefore Win 7 32 can handle 8 GB memory. So Win 7 64 got somehow useless. Out of interest I installed 8.1. When Win 10 came out you could install it for free and so I did it.


    My main system is still Win 7 32. Security - I have been using computers for decades and was on the Internet from the beginning. Never had any problems. Of course I was always careful. Firewall is installed and every program that is started is checked if it still has the same checksum. Also antivirus is running. Some not so clean software... runs always in its own virtual environment. I also have a backup history. That means if two backups get a virus I still have one more. In respect of the OS partitions I have a very long backup history. They are on different discs that are only connected at backup times. 



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