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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Wow all this talk about degrees and education.

    Whilst the holders of such qualifications have nice pretty pieces of paper to show family and friends out in the real world a roll of 2 ply paper that one wipes the ass with has more actual value and cred.

    Good luck getting a work permit without one.

    I dont have a degree.

    There is always an exception.

  2. Nope.

    The four neanderthals who couldn't handle their booze and assaulted a senior citizen lady, among others, "damaged the country".

    Trying to hide the incident "damaged the country".

    Saving face after the fact instead of conducting oneself in a manner in which face doesn't have to be saved "damages the


    Yeah, and what is sad that travel agents world wide keep on selling thailand as the land of smiles, pretending or denying none of this ever happens.

    same same as thailand trying to save the tourist industry.

    People still use travel agencies?

  3. let just state the fact that Thailand and that includes Issan too is just not as cheap anymore than it used to be!

    while 25k is not a small amount of money, it doesn't go as long as it used to for sure.

    and particular congrats for those who has finances with kid(s) living on 6k a month.

    my family of 3 surely cant....or even if could survive on 3 cups noodle soup each I just don't want to have that life for me or them.

    not a rich guy myself, but if that would be the best I could offer them, I would not feel good about myself, and would question why to have a family in the first place?!

    one need to think what barely existence or living a life means. here just like in the west. and what you want for your "loved"? one...

    Of course it's not,Thai immigration stipulate that an expat father supporting a Thai child need 400,000 baht for a one year extension of stay.

    That equates to 33,333 baht per month.

    But answer me this,does an average Thai earn or require 33,333 baht per month if not and it is a NOT regarding their earnings,then surely they are being discriminated against buy their own people are they not.

    Not forgetting single expat retirees need double that for a 1 year extension of stay how can it be that one person needs more than a family ?

    Both situations and people are exposed to the same issues,health care,housing,bills and numerous other expenses are they not.

    The assumption is that a retiree is here entirely on his own dime, while a man here on a marriage extension of stay has some income from the wife to rely on as well.

    Until a few years back, the combined income of husband and wife could be used for the income qualification on an extension of stay based on marriage, if one was using the income method.

  4. Thais can't really win in the TV environment. If they stick their necks out and make an authoritative statement, they are howled down by the Thai-bashers. If they say nothing, they are castigated as bludgers.

    The doctor making the assertion may have a truckload of clinical studies to support his assertion. The fact Thai Visa does not provide meaningful data is not his fault.

    Many years ago, a doctor in Perth, Australia linked mesothelioma with asbestos exposure. His findings were ignored for 20 years.

    The tobacco industry for decades has made an art form of ignoring the statistical link between lung cancer and smoking.

    Not quite...the tobacco selectively used statistics to claim that no positive link has been proven between lung cancer and smoking.

    And they were not "wrong", even though "everyone knows better".

    If you have a statistic which shows on the basis of a huge cohort that a smoker is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker, who gives a flying f##k about a "positive link"?

    The real problem there was high-paid lawyers obfuscating correlation and causation.

    The real problem was the tobacco companies paying the lawyers to obfusticate correlation and causation.

  5. Neither have I seen such lately. I suspect that the fact that you need to have your passport registered to your SIM card before it even activates now makes this kind of freebie offer not practical.

    What makes it not practical, when everyone - EVERYONE - needs to have their passport (or ID card for locals) at the airport and it can be used there and then for activation. i can't think of anywhere more practical.

    It would still need someone actually entering that information, as opposed to just giving you a SIM and a smile.

  6. Thais can't really win in the TV environment. If they stick their necks out and make an authoritative statement, they are howled down by the Thai-bashers. If they say nothing, they are castigated as bludgers.

    The doctor making the assertion may have a truckload of clinical studies to support his assertion. The fact Thai Visa does not provide meaningful data is not his fault.

    Many years ago, a doctor in Perth, Australia linked mesothelioma with asbestos exposure. His findings were ignored for 20 years.

    The tobacco industry for decades has made an art form of ignoring the statistical link between lung cancer and smoking.

    Not quite...the tobacco selectively used statistics to claim that no positive link has been proven between lung cancer and smoking.

    And they were not "wrong", even though "everyone knows better".

  7. Hi if your girlfriend is happy hairdressing why pull her away Im know she goes with you happy why not build her a shop and do hair and sell goods less chance of failure. But good luck

    Ill do a crituqe.

    Anyone who knows Thailand and its girls will attest to this. Hairdressers are a EUPHEMISM for bargirl....................

    5 million registered Hairdressers , 300k actually make a living do hair.

    PS failure rate for Salons built for girl is the same opening a bar for same girl. BIG FAT 100%.

    I wonder where those stats were pulled from? whistling.gif

  8. The ones who should have been jailed instead was his parents for failing their job as parents. This spoiled kid should've been sent to boot camp and taken a long attitude course. What will he learn in prison? Absolutely nothing other than learning he is weak and will complain and cry his way out for an early release, just to get even worse when he gets out. A 20,000 baht fine? Who's going to pay that? His parents obviously, along with the 500,000 that they eventually will give him for the bike, and the house, sports cars, iphone 7, 8, 9 and 10, and everything else he wants...

    What are you talking about? The whole thing only happened cos his mum wouldn't give him the money, she obviously reported him to the police aswell.....doesn't sound that spoiled.

    It is funny how everyone complains on here about people getting treated with leniency cos of their parents and here we have a mother going in the opposite direction and still getting grief.

    Why would she pay his fine and give him everything else after she basically sent him to jail in the first place?

    And why was this spoiled kid spoiled in the first place? Was it because the parents didn't spoil him? No obviously not. They spoiled him, then got tired of his begging and sold him off as a goat to the media and in the local community so they wouldn't lose face for any wrongdoing. Instead of protecting their own kid, and admitting their fault, he now has to pay the price alone for his parents parental mistakes, which isn't just jail time and a fine but also public humiliation which will most likely do more psychological damage unless he get some help, giving him the opportunity to show everyone that he has changed. I think these parents are selfish, irresponsible and immoral, and are the ones that should've been punished.

    Mom should have said "no" when he was 2 years old, rather than waiting until he was 20.

  9. Was in Chamchuree today. Form was there. Also required a picture attached.

    First desk (where they check if all your documents are ready) lied to our face saying this form is nothing new and has been needed for years (!!!) and ignored us when we remarked that it's mentionned nowhere on immigration website and that the form itself says it was created on 22 March.

    Then the officer insisted I fill some places I left blank like social media, bank account and places frequented. Kept saying things vague enough to make it feel like the info was mandatory, then when pushing against it she suggested that just need to 'put something' like a mall you go often or some stupidity like this.

    For the bank account (which is definitely on the form) I said I don't have it with me (which is true) and anyway don't want to give it so I wrote N/A. She said ok, but sign next to that line. Well, ok then.

    Interesting- and you have to sign that draft?? Hmm..

    May I ask you, what was the purpose for the visit there -extension?

    Extension of business visa.

    Saw someone filling bank info from a foreign bank and that was ok for them. Seems they just want to see some ink on the dotted lines.

    Thanks, but I guess you have to fill the TM7 as well??

    I would be a bit cautious with the signing of the draft, as basically it would make it "somewhat" legal. In the current status it is not finally approved (trial basis). The draft contains also no confidential statement to protect your private data.

    signing an unofficial document will not add any legitimacy to it.

  10. Hindsight being what it is, I wonder why the OP did not take that "fair inheritance" and make some sort of low-risk, low-maintenance investment in his home country, and live from the proceeds, doing F.A. here in The Kingdom.

    I'm young and stupid. My Mum always wanted me to go travel so I used some of the money to do that. I still have the house in the UK.

    I didn't really have much guidance when my Mum died. Not looking for sympathy by the way.

    Thanks for the normal reply though smile.png

    "Young" is not necessarily a negative, you have time to go make more money.

    Had I gotten a "fair inheritance" at a young age I might have very well done the same sort of thing.

    I like to think that now, when I am a lot closer to the end of my working years than the beginning (I started working and paying taxes at age 13), I would take an inheritance and put it away for my "golden years"...but I might be tempted to throw a bit of it around, even now.

    I would never discourage anyone out of hand for trying anything. Hopefully you have gleaned a few bits of useful information from this thread.

  11. Have money... buy iPhone.

    No have money... borrow money... buy iPhone

    Around here is seems like people believe "borrowing" is like getting a free gift; no intention or means to re-pay anything to anybody. ?????????

    If/when asked how/when they intend to pay back a loan I've seen puzzlement on their faces followed by "never mind."

    I would attribute much of that mindset to the fact that most people's exposure to "finance and borrowing" is with family...and there is seldom any formal agreement, and even if there is, nobody is ever held to it.

  12. When someone is handing out free SIMs on arrival, once in a while I will take one, to help the young lady meet her "quota" so to speak.

    I have one SIM that I use here, the same one (ok, the same number, I think I am on the third physical SIM) since 2004.

    Sometimes I will use the freebies, or give them to one of the nieces/nephews to use.

  13. There; all done and dusted.

    1. Photo shots of important top brass police

    2. Pathetic and insincere apology by cowardly youth

    3. Bail payments received from rich parents of other cowardly attackers

    4. Flowers at the hospital bedside of aged victim

    Safe for tourists to return now.

    Your level of optimism, supported by your defeatist signature, I feel is misplaced.

    I think the Thai guys will get disproportionately hammered, in a vain attempt to restore confidence.

    This little boy, Khun Drop Kick, should have the book thrown at him, for sticking his jamook into events that didn't concern him. But I think the first 2 guys should not be charged, unless the farang are jointly charged for their initial assaults.

    You, and people of similar opinions are as bad as the morons that carried out this attack. Possibly worse, because your support just encourages them.

    That an elderly lady kicked senseless should be charged with assault,in your opinion, is sickening. You need help.

    If the "elderly lady" started things by assaulting someone, then she should be charged if anyone else is.

    The fact that she got her ass kicked in retaliation does not absolve her of any culpability.

  14. Incorrect - all extensions are dated from the day the current visa or extension expires. No days are ever lost ... period

    Of course, my passport must be lying.


    The top photo is for an extension based on "Thai wife".

    When those extensions are made, you are given a "free" stay in the Kingdom for 30 days after your extension expires. Your "return visit" to Immigration is always 30 days after the current extension expires, regardless of when you make the first visit.

    When you get the extension, it is good for 11 months from the date of your second visit.

    I would guess the bottom photo is for an extension based upon retirement.

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