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Posts posted by Stevon

  1. Hi Sheryl, many thanks for your reply. Yes I do still get numbness in my bum and feet if I walk more than 50/100 metres. So the doctor in Phitsonaluk put me on Gabapentin but then all of a sudden this pain on top of my foot cropped up and this of course limits how far I can walk....nightmare.....it would be nice if this goes away then I could concentrate on the numbness....do you agree plus what with this blooming Covid about I’m not happy traveling to BKK or KK....?

  2. Good morning Sheryl, you very kindly helped me a few months ago with my numbness in my legs as advised by you I went for the MRI scan the doctor advised me that my spine is not too bad a gave me Gabapentin tablets then on the same day as the MRI scan I had a terrible pain on top of my foot which I have had now for 5 weeks. It’s obviously stopped me from walking and without rest swells up.

    i have been for an ABI scan in Phitsonaluk advised not too bad more tablets and 15,000 Baht still pain on top of foot went back 7 hour round trip given more tablets 13,000 Baht today still the same not one painkiller I take helps.....any ideas. I’m going insane, today up Phetchabun private hospital but not holding my breath.



  3. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    P.S. OP - please do not delay.


    With buttocks and both legs being numb, spinal cord lesion or compression needs to be ruled out. Very different situation from typical lower back problem with pain & radiating down one side only.

    Thank you Sheryl I certainly will not delay i promise my wife tomorrow will contact the people in Phitsonaluk re the MRI scan you recommended 

    thank you for your concern I really appreciate it


  4. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    I advise getting a clear diagnosis first before considering chiropracty. Could make matters worse.


    He does not have sciatica. He has no pain. He has numbness on buttocks and legs on both sides.

    Many many thanks to all who have replied you are all very kind and I really appreciate all your comments 

    Sheryl I will take your advice and arrange a MRI scan and come back to you if you don’t mind


  5. 1 hour ago, jonwilly said:

    See a Dr do not take non professional advice on what could be a life threatening matter.


    Hi john I have been to see many doctors in Thailand all say not life threatening just old age.....?.... whilst back in the UK went to see doctors who all were pretty clueless but still charged £90 ...I was just hoping someone on the forum would say...oh I’ve had that and what to do I have googled just cannot seem to get anywhere and life is hell cannot go shopping or do anything basically housebound 

    thanks anyway Stevon

  6. 13 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Likely either a spinal problem or a vascular one.  As you mention numbness and not pain I would worry re spine.

    Where in Thailand are you?

    Phetchabun and yes numbness no pain sit down less than 5 minutes bum and feet start to tingle then I’m all back to normal then another 50 yards just happens all over again 

    thank you for replying Stevon 

  7. Hi all, can anybody help I’m 64 years of age always been very fit and healthy but now if I walk more than 50 yards my bum goes completely numb then my feet. I then sit down for only 5 minutes and every thing is fine, then start walking again and just happens all over again I have been to many doctors in Thailand but no one can seem to help me. I was wondering if Sheryl has any ideas.

    All ideas and thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I am at an all time low.


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