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Posts posted by twizzian

  1. 5 hours ago, Hellfire said:

    Not an easy thing to be a foreigner in Thailand these days. I am even afraid of picking on my nose in public. Don’t want to see my photos or video with a thousand condemning comments from the outraged Thai citizens and my visa being revoked within 24 hours by the governor himself.



    Normally the young ladies sitting bored at Mobile phone stalls waiting for customers are the main nose pickers & zit squeezers, so your alright to carry on with your outdoor habit

  2. 5 hours ago, Hellfire said:

    Not an easy thing to be a foreigner in Thailand these days. I am even afraid of picking on my nose in public. Don’t want to see my photos or video with a thousand condemning comments from the outraged Thai citizens and my visa being revoked within 24 hours by the governor himself.



    Normally the young ladies sitting bored at Mobile phone stalls waiting for customers are the main nose pickers & zit squeezers, so your alright to carry on with your outdoor habit

  3. 3 hours ago, rwill said:

    My neighbor gets paid 500 baht per cow to stick his hand inside of them for artificial insemination.  He took me with him one time to see what he does.  First he would stick his hand inside the bung hole to clean it out.  Would get to about elbow depth.  I'm not sure why he had to do that but it said it made the insemination work better.

    ahh thanks for that now we know how much that sicko enjoys fisting a horse.


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