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mr mr

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Posts posted by mr mr

  1. 7 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Agree with your Statements completely Walker.  However, some kids want to cry over spilled milk when it happens, instead of just getting the rags out and cleaning it up, then going forward like our generation has done.  This generation just wants it handed to them on a silver plate, and some have been lucky to find a product to become rich (Bitcoin etc...) instead of busting there backsides putting in 50 hours a week and more in order to raise a family and save for the future while still working 40 or so years until retirement.  I was lucky to retire after 36 years, but not after having taken bullets from downrange, and having dirt bags trying to kill me while trying to protect the rights of these whining sniveling snowflakes....@mr mr



     can't wait until we don't have to hear this kind of thing anymore. did you also walk 10 miles uphill to school in 6 feet of snow ? 


    just because you worked your life away doesn't mean others have to follow the same way. what is the saying work smart not hard ?


    we all chose what we do with our time on this planet. you chose to serve and spend most of your free time working. good for you. i am happy it worked out for you. 


    let's try to ease off the name calling and talk about these things as adults ? 

  2. 1 hour ago, frantick said:

    So what's your problem with rich companies? Distribution of wealth? To whom? We're all self motivated; human nature. If we weren't, you'd have worked 30 more years and given your money to the poor instead of hoarding your earnings and retiring early.

    good you know my story then eh ? 


    i got lucky on 2 deals that set me up. that's it. bought a house at the right time in the right location. then took a huge gamble after that which paid off.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    Everybody made, and will make, a mess of things during their time. Nothing new under the sun.


    Of course, I am always reminded of the great Oscar Wilde:


    "I'm not young enough to know everything".


    Your generation, plus those above and below you, will make a mess of things. The job of upcoming generations is to point that out, then get their comeuppance as they screw up, too.


    When you admit you're human, you'll understand.

    most of my life all i did was make mistakes. did a few things right too but more mistakes by far. 


    heck. scroll back and read some of my comments. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, frantick said:

    So you worked 20 years post-grad and you're complaining about the generation that put in 50. Retired already? Sounds like you're the one hoarding all the money.

    i am not complaining about them putting in 50. i am pointing out the mess they made doing during that time. 

    i have managed to save enough from work and investing to have a simple life. spare me with that. the top 100 companies on earth have more money than god. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Man, the world has seriously changed hasn't it, and this is in a country now reporting single digit or zero daily cases, that's cases not deaths.


    This is all just freaking me out now and finding it really hard to see any positives anywhere. It's also clear that gov's are now using this situation to gain more control over people. Awful, awful times. 

    may i offer a soothing melody to help you through this. 



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  6. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    Total nonsense, so what is your opinion of farang military chaps that spend time away, do they all do it for the money.....?

    You are 43 and retired, so you claim, with an "I'm all right jack" attitude...????

    ya ? 


    i spent a year separated from my wife and son. so anyone crying here after a couple months come back after a year and we will talk. 


    i was specifically talking about oil workers for the most part. as for military guys. they know full well the structure of their life being in the military before starting a family.




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  7. 9 minutes ago, RangerP703 said:


    Not what I would call making "HUGE BANK".


    Think I'll stick to my land based job that pays more and allows me to be with my family every day.





    dude thats over 2mil baht a year. now someone living in thailand converting that to thai baht. roughly 180k baht a month.


    id say that's some bank living here. 

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  8. 17 minutes ago, frantick said:

    So, two English teachers in the family?

    a mechanical engineer i'm afraid. mom was a school teacher though so you are close. good try sport. 


    i assume you were saying that i am an english teacher ya ? i am 43 and retired. 

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