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Posts posted by Richb2004v2

  1. Today I saw a dog get exectricuted by a cable on the pavement. It managed to eventually get to its feet but then walked onto the road and got clicked by a pickup. It then died. There were kids playing in a broken phone box ten feet away. A stall keeper did give the cable a bit of a nudge with his foot but then went back to work. I dare say all will be ok and no one else will be hurt. Or maybe they will. Who knows, or cares. TiT. It just shows though that accidents actually do happen here.

    RIP to the dog and his family, as they say on Thaivisa :D

  2. In preperation did they kick a dozen bins over, smash the pavements up and drape power cables between the lamp posts, and get the white helmets in Thai garb to recreate the Thai auomotive ambience.

    you forgot the fuc_king massive speakers and really annoying MCs.

    I forgot about that. :D No real Thai festival is complete without a selection of terrible noise blasting from speakers from every direction. I wonder if they got a pack of particularly mankie dogs to wander around by the food stalls too. :lol:

  3. Lets modifiy this question slightly for our more senior citizens...If you take the cheap availble young subservient women out the equation...would you still live in Thailand ?

    I think that 99% of elderly men would not be here. Without the availablilty of young women it may be more difficult to find the old women crapping at the end of the drive to colourful.

  4. Add this to the fact that you will be downgrading the standard of your environment a great deal and it does not really make sense.

    Depends on where you come from and where you intend to live, really.

    I guess so. If you come from an Indian slum you will have a good chance of being in a better location here. However if you are from western Europe I think that you will certainly be in a less clean, quite, safe, organized and generally more chaotic environment. There are exceptions, but they are in the minority. You can be in a ghetto castle here but there will always be a slum, miles of broken pavements, and five people riding their scooter in the wrong direction without lights on, all within a stones throw. It's hardly paradise.

  5. I don't think it is really any cheaper if you live a similar lifestyle to that you already have. Almost everything that isn't Thai is more expensive that back home. If you try to keep your house at a comfortable temperature throughout it will be expensive. Add this to the fact that you will be downgrading the standard of your environment a great deal and it does not really make sense.

    I advise you not to make a move here based on a few visits.

    I didn't answer the question did I.

    No, even if it was cheaper than I thought it would be I would still be leaving.

  6. Saw a strange thing the other day.

    I was dropping my rubbish off by the estate bins when a women walks along with a black bin bag in one hand and a small cage in the other. The cage had a live rat in it. I was curious and asked where it was from, to which she said it was caught near her house. When asked if she would kill it she said yes. I couldn't see how she was going to do it without it escaping, plus I didn't think it would be easy to kill a rat in cold blood, if you know what I mean. After 20 or 30 seconds wait she hadn't done anything so I jumped back in my car and watched her from there. She didn't kill it. She just opened the cage and tipped it up by the side of the bin. The rat of course dropped out and scampered away. I think the women was from a house on a Soi only a hundren meters away. I thought it was quite weird, but at least in keeping with Buddhist sentiment. :D It's kind of the exact opposite to the story in the Uk a while ago about a women putting a live cat in the bin.

  7. There was actually an article on TV last night about this. It seems that there is a big problem with government staff putting those without residence on the books of others illegally, for a fee of course. The program was also highlighting the problem faced for those without homes, family or anyone to help.

  8. Has your wife made any inquires ? It would seem that if she goes to local government office with her old ID card, it is all in their computers, just tell them the problem and they will sort it out. :rolleyes:

    I take it you just arrived here. I actually thought the same thing, but then remembered this it Thailand and things don't always follow logical paths.

  9. Just coming at this topic from a different perspective, a few years back my wife, very much against my better judgement, put her son and daughter (now both in 30s and living in Bangkok)on our Tabien Baan. It was explained to me pretty much as Richb has stated, that the relatives at whose address they were registered had moved on, so these 2 had to find somewhere else to register. Having accepted that there was never any intention that they would be moving in with us (which would trigger my immediate departure), I went along with it.

    Still, I'm a little uneasy. The son is just a dimwit motorcycle gofer and I've no evidence that he's into anything illegal, but if, for example, he were caught with drugs on him I wonder if the police would turn up on our doorstep in provincial Rayong.

    I mentioned the same thing to my wife yesterday. She said that it could happen. We still haven't come up with a solution. No friends or family members that she wants to use. Never mind, we are planning to leave in a couple of months anyway.

  10. My question is: how were they able to "move out" of an old premises with out "moving in" to a new one? Usually, when you move out of one tabien baan, you are moving directly onto another one. Right?

    I'm not sure about that. We just moved out and into a rented house. My wife should have got the new ID before they signed over but she didn't think they would change the blue book so quickly. I'm leaving it to her now anyway. It's beyond me to sort out.

    Thanks for the advice though.

  11. I have no idea what "re brain" usage is. One thing I am sure of is that my connection with the world is my own. Labels put limits on ideas. An intellectual discussion on this topis is useless because it confines it. What does it matter to me what people want to believe? It dosen't. Why would I want to confine myself to someone else's idea of beauty?

    Yesterday I found beauty in cariing for my wifes fish and saying a little prayer for the dead ones.

    Right now I'm jammin on Eminem and Rihanna. It speaks to me. Why would that be anyone elses business? What are you afraid of?

    That should have been "re:"

    I was referring to this comment from you:

    Many scientist believe that we are born with far greator brain capacity than what most of us are accustomed to using.

    And my response

    Myth. Please feel free to list these many sicentists. or even show me a source for one. (I'd like to now if I'm wrong because personally it bugs me a lot when peole just make casual assertions of fact that are actually nothing of the sort -- and I believe you've been know to do that on this forum).

    The rest of your post may sound groovy and profound to your own ears but in all honesty I'm sure you must recognize you aren't really saying anything much.

    -- Yes, your connection with the world (whatever that means to you) is by definition your own. Not sure what that has to do with me or my post.

    -- Labels are labels. They label things. They don't put limits on ideas. Ideas may or may not have "limits" but labels aren't putting them there, labels are giving things names which without them it would often be difficult to discuss them. But again, not sure what that has to do with anything I posted either.

    -- An intellectual discussion of a topic confines a topic? What an...odd idea. (Especially from someone who so typically likes to denigrate the intellectual capacities of TV members and imply that their intellectual powers are far superior).

    -- I don't think it should matter to you what people believe. Never suggested it should. Certainly doesn't matter to me. Confine yourself to someone else's idea of beauty?! Say what? Where have I stated or implied that you should? (I don't even know what that means).

    -- It's not my business what you are listening to. In fact, I didn't ask you, did I? (I suspect I know the track you are listening to and I can understand why you might feel it speaks to you, given the personal history you've not been reluctant to share).

    -- What am I afraid of? Certainly not your musical taste or anything else on this thread. An extremely odd question.

    Unless you can prescribe stronger meds I think you're onto a loser there. :D

  12. I agree.

    My wife livs in the UK so has no home to speak of in Thailand. She is registered at her mums house and whenever she needs to renew her ID sho goes to the relevant office in her home town. Never a problem and you shouldn't have a problem either.

    You wife must surely know this? is she winding you up????!

    Normally in cases like this, where the land lord doesn't allow registering, a person is registered at the household registration of a family member. It is very normal that a person lives in a completely other province than where registered. Talk with the land lord, if he doesn't like it registering far up North is the only solution.

    You will see it again with the coming elections, where people have to vote where they are officially registered.

    Like I already said, her mother rents a house too and is on the register of a fairly distant relation who lives far away in a shed in the jungle (slight exaggeration). The family is very small. We have just moved to a new area on a short term rental contract. We don't know anyone here to ask and don't know anyone else who's book she could go on. We don't have the advantages of a large extended family.

  13. That's terrible news.

    Changing things like this is just going to make LOS like the dreary old west though, with it's nanny state mentality. It's these unnecessary dangers that make the place so colourful isn't it.

    ..are you for real, colourful, electrocuted in the shower you call that colourful <deleted>.

    No, I wasn't being real. I was being sarcastic in order to highlight the reverse of what I said, if you see what I mean. I much prefer to live in a nannie state and not get electrocuted in the shower. Some may feel otherwise though.

  14. That's terrible news.

    Changing things like this is just going to make LOS like the dreary old west though, with it's nanny state mentality. It's these unnecessary dangers that make the place so colourful isn't it.

  15. Thanks for advice. I couldn't believe it when my wife told me. It seems a little strange that people are often registered in houses that they have nothing to do with. My wife's mother also rents and is registered with the cousin up north. There must be instances when no one in a family owns a home. I wonder what happens then. I thought that surely a passport or birth certificate would be enough to get a new ID but apparently not. Nothing ever seems easy here sometimes.

  16. This is a strange one that is relevant only to Thai citizens, but someone may be able to help.

    It seems that all Thais have to be registered at an address in Thailand in order to get ID and open bank accounts etc. Until we recently sold our house my wife and kids were registered there, so all was well. Now we have sold it so no are longer registered there. The problem is that now we are renting and have nowhere to register. My wife's family is very small and the nearest person owning a house is far up north. My wife is very upset as she does not know now what to do. Her ID need renewing and she now can not do it. I can't imagine that this is a big deal as it must surely happen all the time here. I've pointed this out but she said that they must be registered somewhere but have nowhere to register. Anyway since she is not coming up with a solution I thought that I would try for help here. We also have baking that required the home residence certificate thing which is another problem.

    If any of you are renting I wonder where your other half is registered?


    Please move this to the relevant forum.

  17. If you take part in any organized runs here they normally have a fair selection of decent running shoes for sale on the stals on the day of the run, and sometimes the day before at the sign up location.

  18. The only possible logical answer has to be that she is a medium contacting the dead, right. It couldn't possibly be anything else, right?

    And you say the ghost of the dead grandfather lives in a bird box in the garden?

    One case of mild mental illness, and one of more serious mental illness I'd say.

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