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Posts posted by Richb2004v2

  1. When the King of Thailand said, Red Fanta is his preferred drink,

    Red Fanta has been officially endorsed by the King of Thailand


    Oh, that explains everything. :rolleyes:

    I guess it's a little like children leaving mince pies out for Santa isn't it. I'd be a bit worried though if people continued leaving mince pies out for him well into adulthood though, even when they never seemed to get consumed.

  2. I think it's to keep the soi dogs away. :rolleyes:

    I actually wondered about that, and thought someone might tell me that was their purpose. But then I don't think the straws would be needed. The other strange thing is that these offerings are not even by a shrine, but just on the garden wall, sometimes with a smoking josh stick.

  3. My Lenovo T43p laptop recently died. Apparently the main board was the problem. I did not have it repaired because it had two main board failures in five years.

    I bought an Acer laptop from Tesco and it came with Linux. Linux may be a good operating system but my wife uses the laptop for learning English. Non of her programs work with Linux. Fortunately I had a legal Windows 7 PRO on the Lenovo so I installed it on the Acer.

    If you have no favorite programs, Linux is fine for the Internet and Open Office is a great free office suite.

    That's true. Linux is more than adequate for general use like internet and word processing but if you have any Windows specific software you have to go back. That's the reason I keep my machine dual booted. Linux does work incredibly well though otherwise. Generally everything just works and if you need software for something to work it downloads it for you.

  4. Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

    Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

    And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!


  5. We have recently moved onto an estate. I noticed bottles of red Fanta on the wall outside quite a number of the houses. They are full and have a straw in them. I think they are Buddhist offerings, and are often accompanied by other things. I just wonder why red Fanta?

    I'm also perplexed at what must be going through the mind of a person to do this. It seems to be an extreme case of suspending ones belief or thought process, since obviously the drink never gets consumed and must eventually be removed and put in the bin. Also, why the straw?

  6. And the other 1 million comments made by her which had no meaning?? yet as is human nature "we" want top believe this freak incident is somehow supernatural. sad really.

    That's the intelligent unbiased answer.

    Humes Maxim states that before you believe the miraculous/paranormal you must first discount all other rational possibilities. There are many many more earthly explanations before we accept that of reincarnation. However people that want to believe the supernatural over the more down to earth explanation will do so.

  7. For the first time even I find myslef needing to do a visa run to Cambodia in the next week. I've never been to Cambodia and since we are in Pattaya the wife has decided we can drive there, as she wants to do some shopping in the markets at the border. I have suggested we make a short holiday of it since we've not been anywhere since my kids were born over two years ago. I just wonder how viable it will be. Are hotels or guesthouses easy to come by and is there very much to do? Everything is difficult with 2 year old kids but I'm thinking if we have our car and can book straight into a hotel it might be ok. Is there any problem driving my Thai registered car in Cambodia? I think we are going to cross at Jantaburi.

    Or will I be better just getting my Visa and coming back?

  8. It is a Samsung NB28 Plus. I think it may be specific to Thailand. Searching the net I found many people with the same issue, but no real answers. Looking for drivers took me only to Pay sites which I didn't want to get into. The only site that actually helped was from a Thai site. I couldn't read the text but negotiated to download drivers. It seemed to work but then when I restarted I was in the same position.

    This was the site:


    I bought it with an XP copy installed and all worked well. However I then played around making it dual boot Linux, after which I ended up having to reinstall XP. I have Linux running on it on a dual boot and even that has one or two minor issues, but not as many as Windows.

    I have tried the Windows automatic update with bootleg copies before and ended up with a permanent message telling me I have an unvalidated copy on the screen, so I'm not keen to try that.

    I do have an external disc drive yes.

    I was certainly working on a shoestring yes. This may have taught me why some machines are more expensive than others. Maybe the hardware in this cheap machine is not as good as I would have got in a more expensive one. I guess there has to be a reason why a particular model is cheap in all the shops even though the spec seems on the face of it to be comparable to other more expensive models.

    Yes, the NB 28 looks to be specific to Thailand. It is a very low end netbook using the Intel Atom 450N cpu, which explains why you are having problems locating drivers and why Windows setup is having problems resolving drivers to install. 'Windows XP 64' will not work on your netbook. There is no 64 bit support.

    The NB28 plus is not covered on the Samsung website to download drivers. It appears to have been shipped with DOS only. Which makes it even more difficult to find drivers.

    The link you provided appears not to have the full set of Windows XP drivers. But I did find this page which appears to have the full set of Windows XP and Windows 7 drivers:


    Make sure you download the complete set of drivers (13 for Windows XP or 18 for Windows 7). If you don't install all of them, you will have problems with your netbook.

    If these drivers do not work, then I can only suggest you contact Samsung Customer care in Bangkok (since this netbook specific for Thailand).. The number should be in the documentation that came with the netbook, or check with Samsung dealers in TukCom to get the Samsung Customer Care number. The Samsung Customer Care center in Bangkok should be able to give you a link to download the correct drivers.

    Since it appears there are Windows 7 drivers are available for your netbook and your Windows XP is not original. Rather than searching for an original Windows XP disk, I think you would be better off obtaining an original 'Windows 7 Starter Edition' or 'Windows 7 Home Premium South East Asia (SEA) Edition' since you are working with a shoestring budget. They would be quite easy to find in Pattaya at TukCom. The Windows 7 Home Premium South East Asia (SEA) Edition' can only be activated in South East Asia. Windows 7 should be able to install correct or compatible drivers for your netbook as Windows 7 is supports many low end netbooks, Where Windows XP there would be no support.

    If you purchase an original Windows 7 at TukCom they should also install Windows 7 with correct drivers at no extra charge. Thus eliminating your problem. However in addition to providing the Windows package, make sure they give you the drivers. So you won't have problems in the future in case you need to reinstall Windows for some reason.

    The major differences between 'Windows 7 Starter' and 'Windows 7 Home Premium' editions that would affect you, is that with 'Windows 7 Starter' edition you would not be able to customize your Windows (wallpapers, colors, etc...) or have Windows Media Player installed.

    Yes, whenever you do an automatic update, WGA (Windows XP) or WAT (Windows 7) updates do put that permanent message on the screen and limit functionality. By having an Genuine version of Windows, you would be able to perform automatic updates to your insure you receive important security updates and fixes with out worrying about the WGA or WAT updates. Therefore giving you 'peace of mind' and protecting you from security risks. Windows 7 also provides much more security than Windows XP.

    I also think you would appreciate Windows 7 over Windows XP. I also think you're beginning to understand that going the absolute cheapest route is not necessarily the best route. You pay one way or another. However I do understand your need to work on a shoestring budget. You are not a power user (just the basics), but you do want the best value for your money.

    Thanks for that very informative and helpful post. I'm glad it wasn't just me as the machine is a bit of an anomaly. In hindsight I should have paid the extra money and bought one of the other machines. I now have an idea why some machines are more expensive than others. Anyway I will try each of your recommendations and if I make no progress will take a trip to Tuk and try an original Windows 7 install. However the machine was less than 10k so the OS might end up costing half the price of the hardware. As you say, you end up paying one way or the other.

  9. It is a Samsung NB28 Plus. I think it may be specific to Thailand. Searching the net I found many people with the same issue, but no real answers. Looking for drivers took me only to Pay sites which I didn't want to get into. The only site that actually helped was from a Thai site. I couldn't read the text but negotiated to download drivers. It seemed to work but then when I restarted I was in the same position.

    This was the site:


    I bought it with an XP copy installed and all worked well. However I then played around making it dual boot Linux, after which I ended up having to reinstall XP. I have Linux running on it on a dual boot and even that has one or two minor issues, but not as many as Windows.

    I have tried the Windows automatic update with bootleg copies before and ended up with a permanent message telling me I have an unvalidated copy on the screen, so I'm not keen to try that.

    I do have an external disc drive yes.

    I was certainly working on a shoestring yes. This may have taught me why some machines are more expensive than others. Maybe the hardware in this cheap machine is not as good as I would have got in a more expensive one. I guess there has to be a reason why a particular model is cheap in all the shops even though the spec seems on the face of it to be comparable to other more expensive models.

  10. A while ago I bought a Samsung netbook here in Thailand. It was pretty much the cheapest one I could get that had fairly good spec. It worked fine when I got it but since I have messed around a little and had to reinstall XP. I now find that much of the hardware does not have drivers. I found some after a lot of searching online but it is still not right. My XP is not original. I am wondering if I have an original will I be able to easily download the drivers from Microsoft? If so how much is an original version of Xp and is it easy to find here in Thailand, particularly Pattaya? Also do I need to buy an original copy for each machine?


  11. We recently moved to the east side of Pattaya and don't have a washing machine. What are the options and can someone recommend a cheap laundry service. There is one near our house but it seems to work out quite expensive for wash and iron. It's three times as much as we paid where we came from.


  12. It's not as bad as those people who are unable to read the number and letter on their flight ticket to find their seats. This crosses many nationalities though.

    I have complained many times about the ATM delays to my wife. She informs me that there are many options available to them including paying bills etc, so I shouldn't moan. They do still seem to take a long long time though.

  13. Yes, it is a good beach, but you are always better to go when the tide is fairly full. See link below.


    Why is that? Is it to do with the deposits left on the beach, or is it just better for bathing?

    Sorry, I missed your query --- 2 reasons

    1) getting some depth for swimming is not so easy at low tide

    2) in my view they only clean the beach between the low and high waterlines. Below low waterline, who knows what you are walking on.

    That's why I sent the link. I will not go to the beach unless the tide is fairly full.

    Quite right. We have been using the beach very regularly now for a couple of months. The conditions are very variable depending on tide and number of users. The other day the tide was vary low (far out). There was a lot of garbage floating about the first twenty feet from shore. It seemed ok once past that, but when I returned to the beach one of my feet was covered in some sort of heavy oil that I could not wash off. It was like heavy crude oil and didn't wash off after several attempts at home in the shower. It's still a good beach by Thai standards but it is loosing it's appeal a little for me.

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