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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 40 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

    Wow, just wow! It is not hard to imagine what change would arise were a Thai immigration policy specialist to read this thread. The majority of you seem to think Thai people should not run their own country. Why? Well, they can't do polls, don't value your money or contribution, only spout government propaganda and consider the safety of the Thai population more important than the needs of a minority screaming 'accept my privilege!'


    1. Few of you understand statistics and the mathematics of polling. This link was posted by someone else and should be read before ranting about your failure to understand. It is OK to not understand, it is not cool to broadcast your ignorance and consider it gospel. You can also read this for a second opinion.
    2. The survey was deployed online - you can read it yourself. The questions are not contrived or leading, they are bog-standard poll questions with overlapping fields of enquiry. Respondents were people who wanted to participate, not those approached in the street by a pollster. If you can't read Thai like me, have Google Translate read it to you.
    3. The questions were presented individually as is best practice.
    4. The respondents were from all over Thailand. Of the 1,459, some 520 were in Bangkok and the remainder elsewhere. They did not track location to any more detail than that.
    5. The respondents were not all students at Suan Dusit who are removed from the tourism industry.

    Let's be perfectly clear, Covid-19 is an external problem for Thailand. It originated outside, was dealt with internally, and now only exists outside of Thailand, again. The initial mistake of letting people in during the initial outbreak is understood as a mistake - they are trying not to repeat that mistake. 


    Thai people are pretty resilient and they are signaling they prefer hardship to infection. They prefer no tourists to a second lockdown. It's not complicated; two months of restrictions weren't fun - can't you remember that far back? If holding back on tourism until so-called advanced economies can take charge of their runaway Covid problems make Thailand more safe for the average Thai, why not?


    Thailand produces more food than it can eat - no need to eat soi dog as suggested by the ugliest comment in the thread so far. Get over yourselves - the accumulated budget of all expats in Thailand is not enough to register. They quite correctly don't care about such a trivial amount of money. It only seems like a lot to each individual spending it. These decisions are not about us or any individual - how hard is that to fathom?

    Well said. +1

    • Like 2
  2. 56 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

    Interesting you should say that!

    I work in the tourism industry, I am not a prostitute and I am in danger of loosing my job pretty soon!

    Also my girlfriend is working in the tourism industry and sheis also not a prostitute!

    As aren't many of our friends,who work in the tourism industry!

    And many of the people I know (most of them Thais) absolutely pitty EVERYBODY, including the prostitutes, who lost their job and are now facing super - hard times!


    Do you have a farang sending you money?


    As that was what my post was about. Nothing to do with the tourism industry. :wacko:

  3. 10 minutes ago, newatthis said:

     All the factories around here have not stopped. Even my step-daughter, employed by CP group, has only had the usual Sunday and public holidays off work and I'm sure many other companies are operating in a similar fashion.. Companies have thrived here since the 1990's through industrialization. Do not assume that we foreigners are needed to sustain life and limb here.

    Correct. It's business as usual in Laem Chabang and my factories in Chonburi.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, woogoo said:

    It's amazing how they tax cars in this country. That same car sells for around 9 million in the states.


    The reason for the taxes is to keep the domestic sales of locally built, bottom of the range cars up.


    BMW and (I think) MB assemble locally but they cannot source enough quality local parts and materials to qualify for the lower tax brackets so their cars are still 3-4 times the price that they sell for in the UK.

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