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Harry Black

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Posts posted by Harry Black

  1. 32 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I've already seen the rules for those, a couple of weeks ago my daughters school was sent this, needless to say 85% of parents turned down the offer, if your going to open then open with reasonable measures not these.


    If a school was to open under the Phuket Schools Sandbox Pilot (Only from Preschool to Year 4) the following would need to apply:

    • All people above 18 years old, in the household of the child would need to be fully vaccinated. This would include maids and nannies. Proof of the vaccinations would have to be submitted to the school prior to 1st September.
    • Children would need to be tested for Covid before they enter the school for the first time, and once every two-weeks after. Parents would need to pay for the costs of these tests.
    • If a child in a class tested positive for Covid, that child would need to be taken to hospital (field hospital which is free of charge or a private hospital at parents cost), where they would need to stay for 14 days.
    • All class members in that childs homeroom, parents and all family members in the household would need to spend 14 days in local quarantine (free of charge), or 14 days in an ALQ venue at the cost of the parents. This would include siblings in other classes.
    • If a case is found in any class, that class must close for 14 days.


    From the conditions above, this is not something that we think parents should consider without due process and thought, and I know that there are many parents who are not yet vaccinated. I will therefore send out a survey to Preschool to Year 4 parents to gather your thoughts.

    My mates kid goes to Rugby school in Pattaya. They are going to try a sandbox boarding bubble where the kids live on campus. Catch is you have to pay an extra 80,000 baht for a term !!!! He is not happy, already paying a full terms fees for online learning, and cant afford the extra on top.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Your post seemed to indicate they are at school now, however maybe I'm mistaken in your meaning and you meant thats how the school before it closed?


    Anyway we all know how important education is for the kids, its the same here in Phuket all teachers are double dosed and the measures in place at schools are good. However they are all closed and will remain so I guess till numbers are down.


    Its a fact we all just have to wait. Same as we have to wait for lockdowns to end.

    Ah, sorry. Now I get you.


    Yes, you are correct with your first sentence in that this was prior to the current closures. But the teachers being double jabbed is obviously recent.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    Yep. Children can spread this to each other playing together and take it home. Just needs 1 kid to be positive. No better place for this to happen than schools. Temperature checks and alcohol washes just aren't effective. The major form of transmission for Delta is inhalation of an infected person's breath. Kids will not keep masks on all day and many will not wear them properly to start with. Australia is now talking about 80% vaccination of the populatoin including children whereas currently it's 70-80% adults. 

    My children go to a school that have used very stringent covid protocols and policed/enforced by the staff. Couple that with small class sizes that ensure good social distancing and rigorous cleaning then I would be happy to send my kids to school. All teachers have been double jabbed.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I'm sure they would also be worried and in poorer mental health if they brought the virus back home to infect their own family. Its a catch 22 until we have vaccination rates up, we all have to wait unfortunately. More than 5,000 children have lost parents in Thailand so far.

    Fair point, but these children are still interacting with other kids, I'm just looking out my window and can see a group of 5 or 6 playing on their bikes together. Can still infect their family, better to have them learning IMHO.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Harry Black said:

    Seven in 10 children and young people reported poorer mental health due to the impact of COVID-19 on their lives in a 2020 UNICEF-led survey in Thailand. Following school closures, more than half said they were worried about their studies, and future education and employment.




    @ Salerno, I saw you posted a laughing emoji on this post about children's mental health.  I'm sorry, whats funny about it?

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