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Damual Travesty

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Posts posted by Damual Travesty

  1. 11 minutes ago, bannork said:

    Of couse actions are important but when you are leader of a nation words are important too. And Trump constantly displays such boorish, mean spirited and ignorant behaviour it astonishes me that such a man can be leader of a country such as the US. 

    "boorish" ? Note this one for the record friends. Wink!


    But yes I agree with my earlier post here, actions are important.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Exactly and he's basically spitting on her grave with his scotus replacement rush job.

    Showing up for 5 minutes isn't fooling anyone!

    This is the funniest post I have ever read here and a keeper. So this is what it comes to? Put this with the liberal freakout videos on youtube. So here we have it: For the President of the United States to replace a Supreme Court seat when he is empowered by the Constitution, and with control of the Senate, its like spitting on the former Justices grave.


    Just when you thought you heard it all. We can only laugh. Laugh hardily to the point that it hurts. And the person who wrote this? Deeply cares about RBG right? Sat at home late at night watching compilations of her humour and hours reading her Court decisions. RBG a deep deep mover no doubt in this persons life. A life long RBG fan? I know that all of you people from around the world are deeply troubled by RBG passing, deeply troubled about what ROE V WADE means to you, about the quickness of the replacement. I feel for you all . My heart bleeds. Can I have someone to hug? For humanity? For the Environment? For those deeply troubled.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, steevjee said:

    Under Trump USA is the laughing stock of the world, if you cant see that then you need to start to watch and read neutral media sources, then you may actually realise the truth, the man is completely politically incompetent. If you hate Biden that's fine, just dont vote

    No I don't see that. Nor would I care if you hold that view. There are no neutral news media sources. No such thing exists. Ask the owners of the media outlets you speak of.


    As for Trump being politically incompetent, well he never was a politician and his first national race was to be President of the USA, and it was his first time, so when it comes to Politics, I am not sure what other gauge to use sir, but by that one he seems to have come out very well in terms of competence. Is there another political gauge that you are using?


    As for disliking Biden. Honestly, I always liked Biden. He was always one of my favourite Democrats for decades, what with his working man from Scranton riding the train shtick and  all that - you remember right? But recently, I am turned off by the antics of him and his son, and also feel deeply sorry for him being trotted around in what appears to be a haze. He just looks that way to me. But I don't hate him I don't think, but I will vote. For Trump.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    Exactly and he's basically spitting on her grave with his scotus replacement rush job.

    Showing up for 5 minutes isn't fooling anyone!

    yes that is what people do all the time all over the Country . They go to funerals that perhaps they would rather not attend..... to pay their respects sometimes simply because decorum demands. And when they do a certain respect of letting them peacefully perform that action is given. I am not a RBG fan as far as SOME of her court decisions, but I am someone who respects her position in American history on the Court and a great legal mind.  To reach the Supreme Court of the USA is quite an accomplishment.


    It's not a replacement rush job it is a duty that he has to perform and he will. The truth is that Supreme Court justices of both sides often agree. This argument comes down to ROE V WADE that is about it. One side thinks they can select conservatives that may overturn that decision, the other side thinks they can prevent that decision being overturned. The fact is that both sides are wrong and that most likely the decision will not be overturned nor is it in danger of being overturned. More likely is perhaps a narrowed scope if given the opportunity.


    The reality is both sides are trying to put Justices that are either more liberal or conservative in their outlook on the Court with variable degree of success. The ROE argument is what adds fuel to their fire as a political argument. Life is going to go on with little change after Trump appoints the next Justice. Despite all the panic on the left.


    Just giving my opinion. Hope no one is offended or needs me to post links to someone else's opinion to try and validate my own opinion.

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, Morch said:


    What she actually said (not in the edited version, that is) was that Biden should not immediately concede before votes are counted and it becoming undeniable he lost. There was not all out call as claimed. Roger Stone now, that's another matter:


    Roger Stone to Donald Trump: bring in martial law if you lose election


    Even at snopes they quote it like this:


    Stone: I don’t want to overplay the facts here, but if someone will study the president’s authority in the Insurrection Act and in his ability to apply — impose — martial law if there’s widespread [inaudible, might be “cheating”], he will have the authority to arrest Mark Zuckerberg, to arrest Tim Cook, to arrest the Clintons, to arrest anybody else who can be proven to be involved in illegal activity. 


    Sounds like he is saying that someone should study if the President has Authority under the Insurrection act to impose martial law IF there is widespread [sic] cheating, to arrest anyone PROVED involved in illegal activity.


    From Roger Stone legal expert in a call in show. Are you worried about this seriously???

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    It would take too long to go through all these points. I am from Australia.

    On Covid it is absolutely China's fault and Trump did OK for a month or so. But then he consistently downplayed it, saying it would go away, hindering the CDC. To this day he is holding dangerous rallies with huge crowds close together not wearing masks. Breathtakingly irresponsible.

    On climate change I get that it is hard to find a perfect solution but his view is do nothing or worse ramp up CO2 production. He's comment last week that the world will just get cooler, like the Coronavirus will just go away, is sad and predictable. 

    review US CO2 over say the last 5 years. See latest models. See judithcurry.com for serious debate on this issue. By debate I mean from both sides of the issue. I appreciate your comments on the matter (climate change)  Thank you.


    Regarding COVID Trump has never "hindered" the CDC, it was the CDC that gave mixed signals about this COVID along with the Surgeon general of the USA. Again, I am not sure why you would have concern about this - instead I would focus on your own Country. I am not convinced lockdowns or masks are what stops the spread of COVID, despite currently residing in Thailand where everyone is masked. I am not a believer that the reason for a lack of spread in Thailand is down to that factor alone because it does not make any sense. I suspect genetic differences, other immunities that are local etc. I can't figure it out. In any event right next door it is blowing up. As Thailand had literally achieved zero I am perplexed at how they are going to react now that the only way to go from here is not down but up. Early on the idea of lockdowns was to achieve a situation in which the hospitals were not overwhelmed, somehow eradication of covid entirely is now the goal? What if the vaccine does not achieve a high rate of immunity? Flue vaccines only reach 50% effectiveness in some years. You expect to stay locked down forever. Is this the new normal? I prefer thinking that heard immunity will eventually be achieved. It seems to work elsewhere.

  7. 1 minute ago, Sujo said:

    Trump supporter talking about decency 555.


    Trump also disagrees with the electoral college system.


    Permanent power? Remember trump said he should have a 3rd term, he also said it would be good if he could do what xi did and have that permanent power.


    none so blind..

    Yes, wrong, only in jest, Xi is President for life - a fact. Everyone has a motivation for their posts. Another fact.

    • Like 1
  8. 32 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Wonderful. He rarely ever ventures out into public, and nearly always restricts his visits to staged events with supporters. So, this time he gets a taste of the extent to which he is despised by the majority of Americans. Respect must be earned, and never freely given.


    Those that say this is not right, that the office of the presidency should always be respected, are drinking too much toxic Koolaid. This is the way a democracy is supposed to work. Kudos to the protestors!

    At the showing of a casket? Buddy, the moral compass. We all have one. Just saying.  As for Trump rarely going out into public. He is the most open to the Public President in decades and "Come on man" even before Covid Joe Biden could not beg people to show up at his events. We both know that.


    I do not ask you to respect the President of the United States but respect the fact that there is a time and a place for staged protests. In front of a casket is not one of them. Be respectful have common decency - common decency.


    And can you and your Democrat friends just calm down and let the President do the ROUTINE? Which is to fill a vacancy on the Court? And because the Senate is likewise controlled by his Party they have the pick to confirm.  Enough already. This is nothing new in our system its been going on for 250 years. Can you and your friends stop threatening to pack the court, do away with the electoral college, lower the age to vote, etc etc etc all as means to obtain permanent power?! Doing away with our foundations will not help our Country.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    What is absolutely vile, is equating peaceful protestors, with people who burn buildings and kill policemen. Tar the 99.9%, with the 00.01%. Real smart. Real objective. That is despicable, and deplorable nonsense. Nothing wrong with some jeering at a funeral.


    He deserves it, and RBG would be having a chuckle, watching democracy at work. Only the closest and most ardent devotees feel otherwise. 

    How many police officers have been murdered in the last 6 months? Do you know? How many maimed for life? How many minority owned businesses burned to the ground? How much property damage done? Go look up these statistics and come back and tell me about the .01 percent.

    • Like 2
  10. 15 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Dems policy is on bidens website. Trump has no policy, for anything.


    What is the dodgy history of biden and harris, compared to the bankrupt pussy grabber 20,000 lies impeached president.

    Another hateful comment of insult directed at the President of the USA,  an attempt at Propaganda for the unschooled, and not succeeding very well due the lack of nuance. It is very sad to see this here. I like to think that we are above simply posting to hurl insults.


    A person has motivation always remember that. I have motivation for my view. I am an American Conservative who agrees with the policy of the US President because his actions effect me personally because I am an American Citizen and his actions effect my future directly. What is this person's motivation? He is a ------ who disagrees with the American President, because ------ which effects his life personally because he is a ------ what exactly is going on here?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    More vile insinuation out of a Trump supporter, trying to paint anyone not seeing thing his way as 'rioters, looters and business burners'. Of course, no actual attempt to support this wild claim, but to be expected.


    For a Trump supporter to go on about 'civility, reverence and politeness' is rather disingenuous at this point. Considering how many of you revel at each low the President exhibit, justify it or saying it doesn't matter, complaining now is two-faced, at best.

    I think he was referring to people who show up shouting at a funeral. You don't agree? And people who burn buildings and kill police officers not vile?

    • Like 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    It would take too long to go through all these points. I am from Australia.

    On Covid it is absolutely China's fault and Trump did OK for a month or so. But then he consistently downplayed it, saying it would go away, hindering the CDC. To this day he is holding dangerous rallies with huge crowds close together not wearing masks. Breathtakingly irresponsible.

    On climate change I get that it is hard to find a perfect solution but his view is do nothing or worse ramp up CO2 production. He's comment last week that the world will just get cooler, like the Coronavirus will just go away, is sad and predictable. 

    Dangerous in your view. In my view they are not. Further let's take Thailand as a case in point. They had literally zero cases of covid. Now where do you go from there? Once upon a time, Governments were saying they wanted to hold the cases down to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed until a vaccine or heard immunity could be achieved. Now what? How long? I am starting to think that the USA is going to be in a good position when round 2 or 3 starts coming around because I think a heard immunity is developing. Further a vaccine is coming, but let's talk about that. Vaccine for flue typically have a 50 percent effective rate at best. We wont know about this until they go into mass usage.  I have not been paying attention to the numbers in Australia so I can't say. But I do not believe lock downs have done any good. I cannot explain the low cases in Certain SouthEast Asia countries but I think it has to do with far more then wearing of masks. I do not agree with any negative assessment of Donald Trump on this. Where are you getting your news? All outlets of the USA are hostile to Trump short of Fox news and even they are becoming more and more neoconservative influenced because of board and ownership changes. I watch sky news from Australia. They seem to have a far different view from yours on COVID and on Donald Trump.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    What issues? Like climate change and covid and the subsequent deaths and the effect on the economy. Is not concerning that a leader says he may not accept the outcome of the election.  

    I am not sure if you are an American or not therefore I am not sure of the specifics of how you think Donald Trump affects you on Covid. Are you saying that Donald Trump is responsible for the global spread of COVID? Donald Trump clearly is aware that an attempt is going to be made to steal the election by the left, as they have already indicated violence is coming, and have already begun performing acts of violence in America's cities as well as begun pressing for a changing of the norms of American voting. Nor have the Democrats accepted the results of the 2016 election.


    As for climate change. You would have to be more specific. The Paris accords deal with giving economic concessions to Countries, and perhaps that money that would leave the USA could be better spent. There is also tremendous debate about the degree of climate change that is taking place, especially with the models. Which seem to be getting more off as we speak. I stopped worrying about climate change when I stopped believing the frantic move on dot org emails and instead began to do my own research. I am not worried, and to the extent that I am, my concern is more with mitigating the results of any climate change and preparing to face those changes, then with attempting to prevent their occurrence. I do not believe the Chinese Government statements on Climate mitigation, nor do I trust a nation which has a President for life. I believe it was a good idea for the USA to withdraw from the Paris Accord. I believe a strong economically sound and defended USA is our best defence against any change of climate. Again, I doubt strongly any suggestion that we are heading to our deaths inside the next 12 years. This is hysterical nonsense.

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  14. 21 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    My Aunt Marge has opinions too but she isn't Joe Biden.

    Most of what Hillary says make sense but I agree that one sentence is not good. You have to pick out one sentence from Hillary, possibly out of context as it is not fully explained,  as against many clear direct statements from Trump.

    I was a Hillary fan. Still don't get why Americans hated her.

    There is a difference though between someone  outside the current process making a one off comment and the president himself continually saying it. Joe Biden is the leader. Compare the leaders. 

    I must say the latest Fox News polls are looking good for Biden. Here's hoping.

    Where is your Aunt Marge from?

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    I think it just astounds so many foreigners that you have such a deplorable, vain, narcissistic, ignorant,

    serial liar as a president.

    We have a buffoon in the UK too, bumbling u-turn Johnson, but he can't hold a candle to the crass Trump.

    Honestly, I am more concerned with the actual policy that develops from my own Country and to lessor degree that of the UK then I am of personality. Action is what concerns me, as defined by result, which comes from policy decisions that come from the administration. Nothing else really concerns me short of criminal behaviour and I do not see that from Trump despite all the claims otherwise that come from the left.


    Likewise I see no criminal behaviour to my knowledge anyway from Boris Johnson. Further even if I thought Boris Johnson was a big idiot, I would not spend my time here posting that he is a big idiot because - what kind of reason would I have to do such a thing? Unless I detested Boris Johnson because I don't know maybe if I hated English people in general, or he had some sort of obscure policy that affected my family somehow. I mean it would be rather silly of me to spend my time denigrating Boris Johnson. I would have to be a moron to spend all my time creating posts about every word out of Boris Johnson's mouth or his hairstyle or what he eats, etc or the mechanics of English Parliamentary Government, or something said in Question time. Seriously, I would have to be a complete lunatic to obsess about a foreign leader who has pretty much nothing to do with me.

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  16. 3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Trump supporter suddenly thinks decency is an issue.

    The entire argument about the Supreme Court seems to come down to one issue alone: The potential that a Supreme Court leaning conservative may overturn ROE V WADE. I am of the belief that even a very conservative court would not do that, but that they may limit the scope of ROE. But that is not what the Democrats or even some Republicans believe.


    Either way I do suppose it comes down to decency as the issue. Some believe that it is not decent to abort children. The reality of which are primarily black and brown children. While others believe this is a decent thing to do. All a matter of ones view of morality I suppose I am not going to attempt to debate one side or the other but the poster is correct. It does come down to decency in that regard.


    As for the mechanics of it all, the Constitution of the USA is quite clear the President submits his nominee and the Senate can consent or not consent. Lucky for Donald J Trump the party that holds the Senate at this time - happens to be his own.  The decent thing for them to do is to approve the President's pick as they are holding their office because their conservative constituents put them there to do precisely that. To do otherwise would be a violation of the trust of the voters who put them in office and definitely not a decent thing to do.

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