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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. I    taught, on a voluntary level, no pay, conversational English to High School students in Nakhon Nowhere for  some time.

    The kids were great, happy and eager to learn. The teachers???   those that didnt turn up  in the  morning who werent  at least a bit alcohol affected, sure were after the  loooong lunch breaks, thats  those who bothered to return after lunch.. The curriculum,,,   Thai history, the Monarchy, Thai History, the Monarchy, Thai History, the Monarchy,   oh, and a little bit of   maths.   Now the wifes granddughter has home work,  I watch her   maths now, as before  she was doing it herself, and always got 100%, till  I checked,,,  on one occasion she was marked as  getting  20 sums correct..  7 were in fact wrong. the teacher, when asked about this, claimed she was absent that day, and a trainee marked  the paper..   Granddaughter     refuted this,,  teacher did, Pop,, she said.    Face.....???

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  2. I wish  you all the best should you be unfortunate enough to decide on a Lenovo.   I  have owned  three computers in my short   life  of   using   these new fangled machines,  and    my present one, a Lenovo, costing just under 19000 baht  some 6 months ago  has aged me considerably ..Three times it has been back for repair,   at a cost, so far,  in excess of  7000 baht. Warranty you ask, whats a warranty in Thailand look like.???      I have a friend who also bought one of these Chinese disasters, and has suffered similar problems.  As he has far  more money then me,  he  has bought  another, different make of course, and uses his Lenovo as a door stop now. Says it works  very good  in that use.

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  3. I  am on my 3rd computer,   and by the way, this Lenovo would have to be the worst of the worst,  as   a friend  has also found out.


    However, my present problem is...   in trying  to   type in my e mail address  to connect with  someone new..


    Each of my  computers have, over time,   broken  down in as much   I cannot type that  strange A letter that   goes into your e mail address, you know  the one

    I mean , where you put   your e mail name.....John smithA gmail.com........(you see I cant  type the actual letter, that is situated in the upper case  of the numeral 2 on the keyboard.

    Twice I have   this fixed, but the problem reappears     Any suggestions please.


  4. Finally, after much effort, managed to register..   First  wouldnt accept my passport number,  said it was invalid???, then  couldnt get  scanned copy of both my passport and  visa page onto the allowed sight, so  just did my passport,  then  when finished and tried to submit,, kept getting failed reply,,,,persisted and  eventually OK.


    Got e m ail confirmation back OK,  states   for those resident outside BKK area  and adjacent,  I will be notified where.when  to attend  for  the jab, probably Sinovac.  Not too thrilled about that, but as  virus cases increasing in our area,.... Nakhonnowhwere, ... I suppose anything is better than nothing.      Keep trying     everyone.   If  you do not acknowledge receipt of  notice  of where/when to attend   in email  , within 24 hours of being sent, you will be cancelled,  so make sure   you keep checking  your  emails...

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  5. You want a Lenovo product?????      My  6  month old  Lenovo laptop has been back 4 times for repair so far,, the costs of which have exceeded the original purchase price..   When I asked the retailer about the warranty, I received the usual blank stare.   I am now collecting empty bottles to cash in to buy myself a nice axe, Im going to make the next  repairs myself.

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